Our Agency Team of Experts



Our Agency Expert:


Email Address: Daniel@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18
Favorite Adoption Story: Each year Nightlight brings a group of kids from orphanages overseas. I wonder how these kids feel as they get off the plane in a strange country, and head off with a stranger (host family) for a couple weeks. I spoke with Luba, a young woman who came several years ago on one of these tours. She was later adopted by her host family. I asked her, “Were you scared to walk off with a woman you didn’t know?” She said, “No, because I knew she was my mom. I got off the plane and pointed at her.” There is a divine appointment set between these waiting children and their loving parents. We at Nightlight are privileged to be there when it happens.
Education: Daniel Nehrbass has a Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling from Fuller Seminary and holds three masters degrees: in theology, divinity, and ministry. His B.A. is from U.C. Irvine. Prior to coming to Nightlight, Daniel was an ordained Baptist pastor, professor of biblical studies, and professional Christian counselor.
Responsibilities: As President, Dan plans for the future goals and direction of Nightlight, oversees the Nightlight offices and manages our capable and experienced team. Dan also focuses on fundraising for the agency.

Daniel is the President of Nightlight Christian Adoptions, home of the Snowflakes® Embryo Adoption program. He has worked as a pastor, professional counselor, and adjunct professor of biblical studies at Biola University. He is also a published author of four books and numerous articles in adoption and religious magazines. Dan is a board member of Every Child Has a Name, the National Christian Adoption Fellowship, A Helping Hand, and on the organizing committee of Adopted for Good.

Lisa P

Executive Vice President
oklahomaexecutive, international

Our Agency Expert:

Lisa P

Executive Vice President
Email Address: Lisa@Nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 17:20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Favorite Adoption Story: Suubi’s story is Lisa’s favorite. You can read more about Suubi’s story through the link below..
Education: Lisa has a BSW from the University of Oklahoma and an MSW from the University of Kansas. Lisa is a licensed social worker in the state of Oklahoma and has previous work experience in child protective services and therapeutic foster care.
Responsibilities: In her role as Executive Vice President, Lisa helps in writing policies and maintaining Quality improvement within Nightlight. Lisa is involved in program development and maintenance for our all Nightlight programs. Lisa is an LMSW and assists each team member in clinical decisions and crisis management.


Accounting Manager

Our Agency Expert:


Accounting Manager


Home Study Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Coordinator
Email Address: alice@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: My darling, everything about you is beautiful, and there is nothing at all wrong with you. Song of Songs 4:7 (NCV)
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is of my friends who have adopted three of their six children. I admire their family and how their love continues to grow with each child who enters their family. After observing this family I have a picture of how vast God’s love is for His children and the rejoicing that happens when someone joins the family.
Education: Bachelors of Arts in Behavioral Science with an emphasis in Sociology from Concordia University Irvine
Responsibilities: My responsibilities are to assist families through the Home Study process.


Vice President - Social Services

Our Agency Expert:


Vice President - Social Services
Email Address: alicia@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: I lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from? My help come from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2
Education: Alicia earned her Master of Social Work degree from the University of Kentucky and her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Sweet Briar College. She is a certified social worker with the state of Kentucky. She has prior experience with child, adolescent, and family therapy, as well as providing social services to low income families through several community agencies.
Responsibilities: In her role as the Vice President of Social Services, Alicia is responsible for the training, supervision and support of Social Services Staff across all offices of Nightlight. She also oversees home study process and procedure across the agency, interagency partnerships for international adoptions, staff and parent education, and COA accreditation maintenance. Alicia joined the Nightlight team in January 2012 and previously held roles as a Social Services Manager, Home Study Coordinator/Provider, and Inquiry Specialist. Alicia lives with her husband and dogs in Lexington, Kentucky. She enjoys nature, running, reading, and providing health and wellness coaching.

Alison C

Home Study/SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:

Alison C

Home Study/SFE Provider
Email Address: ali@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Favorite Adoption Story: Our adoption story is my favorite adoption story. Only through the power of the Lord and the faithfulness of his people were the doors open to bring my son home.
Education: Bachelors of Social Work, Minor in Phycology from Liberty University
Responsibilities: Conducting home visits to provide home study assessments and post adoption reports; providing education to adoptive families during the adoption process

Alison L

Social Services Manager

Our Agency Expert:

Alison L

Social Services Manager
Email Address: alison.lamsma@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 46:10 "He says, be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth."
Education: Masters of Arts in Social Service Administration with Clinical Focus. Bachelor's of Social Work. Trained in Trust Based Relational Intervention
Responsibilities: I am currently the Colorado Social Services Manager and International Program Coordinator for India Program. My responsibilities include international program supervision in Colorado office, India program management from matching to travel, and supervision of home study providers.

Allison C

Domestic Family Services Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:

Allison C

Domestic Family Services Coordinator
Email Address: allison@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 68:5 “Father to the fatherless, defender of widows–this is God, whose dwelling is holy.”
Favorite Adoption Story: I was adopted and never knew my biological father. My adoptive father passed away when I was 25 years old. My children’s father has chosen not to be in their lives. So I believe and I teach my children that our Father is in Heaven and He can love us like no other earthly father can.
Education: I am a graduate of Northeastern State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Prior to working in the adoption field, I was a Child Welfare Investigator for Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
Responsibilities: I am privileged to be a part of Nightlight Christian Adoptions as an adoption caseworker in the Oklahoma office. I provide services to adoptive families as well as birth parents.

Alyssa M (FL)

Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate

Our Agency Expert:

Alyssa M (FL)

Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate
Email Address: alyssa.m@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:16 – “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story (so far) has been the first adoption I was able to assist with for the entire process! I was grateful to experience the birth mom’s love for her child, which guided her to place him with a gracious and supportive family. I’m blessed to have been a minor part in that child’s adoption journey and have been motivated ever since to continue this amazing work!
Education: Psychology B.A. with Double Minor in Counseling and Health & Wellness (University at Buffalo); Masters of Social Work - in progress (University of Central Florida)
Responsibilities: Pregnancy Counselor, Adoption Advocate, and Anchored in Hope Liaison

Alyssa M (SC)

Foster Family Recruitment and Retention Specialist

Our Agency Expert:

Alyssa M (SC)

Foster Family Recruitment and Retention Specialist
Email Address: alyssa.morgan@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths.”
Education: Finishing BA in Human Development and Family Studies (May, 2023) with a minor in Psychology from Anderson University
Responsibilities: I work with potential and current foster families and walk with them through the licensing process, providing education and support. I also work to recruit foster families and expand the foster care program.

Amanda A

Social Services Manager

Our Agency Expert:

Amanda A

Social Services Manager
Email Address: Amanda@nightlight.org
Favorite Adoption Story: I don’t have just one favorite adoption story! Each adoption that I have been involved in becomes my favorite and leaves an impression on my heart. My most impactful adoption story is my grandmothers. She was adopted domestically as an infant into a wonderfully loving and supportive family. Even though her adoption was closed and she never learned who her birthparents parents were, her parents always spoke positively and respectfully of her birthparent’s decision. Through my grandmother’s story, I grew a passion for adoption and pursued a career in the adoption field.
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Biola University; Master of Social Work, California State University, Long Beach
Responsibilities: As a social services manager, I review home studies and post adoption reports, conduct international referral reviews, support families in post adoption, and supervise local social services employees

Amanda G

Social Services Manager

Our Agency Expert:

Amanda G

Social Services Manager
Email Address: amanda.gibbs@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Peter 4:8 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”
Favorite Adoption Story: I worked with a family who has adopted a total of 8 children and I had the joy of working with them for their 7th and 8th adoptions. For their 6th adoption, they were blessed to adopt a toddler who was terminal. After her passing, they felt a calling to adopt more children with special needs. For their 7th and 8th adoptions, they were blessed to adopt two children diagnosed with down’s syndrome and other medical needs. They are incredible parents to those children and provide them with amazing love and care. I so enjoyed witnessing their heart for children with special needs and their desire to “start over” when they would otherwise be empty nesters.
Education: BSW and MSW, both from University of South Carolina
Responsibilities: As Social Services Manager, I will be supervising our foster care program and home studies.

Amber C

Domestic Family Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:

Amber C

Domestic Family Coordinator
Email Address: amber.cook@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Ephesians 3:14-21: For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Favorite Adoption Story: I would have to say my current favorite adoption story is my Husband’s adoption story. My mother in law was faced with health complications at a young age that caused her to have a medically necessary hysterectomy. She faced this procedure with bravery and grace, saying the Lord assured her no matter the outcome she would have another child. Several months after her procedure my father in law’s office secretary approached him stating she was facing an unplanned pregnancy and she felt the Lord was encouraging her to share this with him and his wife. My father in law shared their story and the Lord’s promise to them and she immediately shared she knew the Lord was fulfilling His promise to them through her. She shared she was blessed and honored to be the vessel through which the Lord blessed them and was humbled to be the one He chose. My Husband and his family still refer to his Birth Mom as his Angel and we thank the Lord for her bravery and sacrifice every day.
Education: Amber is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Science in Education. Prior to working with Nightlight, Amber was a Resource Coordinator for a therapeutic foster care agency. She is excited to be working with our expectant parents and adoptive parents in Georgia.
Responsibilities: Amber is the Domestic Program Coordinator for the Georgia office. She counsels and supports expectant parents who are making an adoption plan. She also assists families throughout the state by taking them through the domestic adoption process. She is responsible for meeting with birth parents and families as they take the journey toward adoption. She does outreach throughout Georgia to different hospitals, pregnancy resource centers, and medical facilities.

Amber P

Foster Care Advocate

Our Agency Expert:

Amber P

Foster Care Advocate
Email Address: amber.pittman@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalms 82:3 or 1 Corinthians 10:31
Favorite Adoption Story: I have had the privilege to be a part of 4 adoptions from foster care during my time at DSS. My favorite would be my 13 year old that found her adoptive parents after several stays in foster care, after 2+ years in the system.
Education: I have an associates of Criminal Justice and then a bachelors in interdisciplinary studies. I concentrated in psychology and have a minor in child advocacy.
Responsibilities: Recruitment of foster parents; case management and service coordination for children in foster/foster adoptive homes.

Amber U

Foster Care Advocate

Our Agency Expert:

Amber U

Foster Care Advocate
Email Address: amber@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Education: Masters in Human Services, emphasis in Counseling & Family Advocacy
Responsibilities: Responsible for the recruitment of foster parents as well as case management and service coordination for children in foster/foster adoptive homes.


Home Study Coordinator | Home Study Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Coordinator | Home Study Provider
Email Address: Amy.Eudy@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.”
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story would have to be my own. God changed our lives completely ten years ago when he brought our two sweet boys home. I am still in awe that I am able to be a mom. Our children are now 13 and 10 and have brought us more joy than we knew possible. It is because I have experienced the miracle of adoption that I am so thankful to work for Nightlight and witness other families’ lives be changed as ours was.
Education: Bachelors of Social Work, East Carolina University
Responsibilities: Amy is responsible for the training, supervision, and support of Nightlight’s home study providers in South Carolina. She is also responsible for coordinating all of the post placement services for our families. Amy enjoys working with families in the home study process, and providing education and support during their adoption journey.


Home Study Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Coordinator
Email Address: angela@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 40:31 “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is my family’s. My daughter, Annabel, joined our family through adoption in 2015. She was seven years old when we first met her, and those early years of her life were full of trauma. She and our family continue to feel the impact of what she endured when she was younger. We learned very quickly that the road to healing from childhood trauma is long and full of ups and downs. It’s been through our own adoption journey that we’ve witnessed God at work, through stages of Annabel’s healing and also by shaping and molding us into His image. This is the beauty of adoption, that my daughter and her story would teach me so much about God’s love for His people. Professionally, I’ve also had the opportunity to share my personal experiences with adoptive families and remind them that they’re not alone in the many struggles that adoption brings.
Education: Bachelors of Social Work from Anderson University
Responsibilities: Angela is responsible for the on-going home study assignments and support of the Home Study Coordinators in the Indiana office. She completes Indiana home studies and Post Adoption reports. Angela also supports families in various stages of their adoption journey.

Ashley B

Home Study Provider

Our Agency Expert:

Ashley B

Home Study Provider
Email Address: ashley.baldwin@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
Favorite Adoption Story: While interning at the Methodist Home for Children, we had an emergency placement of two young boys under the age of 3, just three days before Christmas. They were scared, neglected, and in dire need of affection. My heart was breaking for these boys and the staff and I did everything possible to make their Christmas a joyful one. By the grace of God through many prayers, both boys were placed with a family wanting to adopt them on Christmas Eve! It truly was a magical Christmas for everyone involved.
Education: Obtained a Bachelors of Science in Psychology and a Bachelors in Early Childhood Education from the University of Georgia, along with a Masters in Education from Mercer University
Responsibilities: Helps families prepare for adoption by completing their home study and post adoption reports

Becca D

Home Study Provider

Our Agency Expert:

Becca D

Home Study Provider
Email Address: becca@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
Favorite Adoption Story: One of the very first families that I worked with adopted a sweet little three-year-old girl from Russia with special needs. It has been so special to watch this little girl grow up in a family perfectly chosen for her. She has defied all odds, and is flourishing in all areas of life, despite her handicaps. It is really amazing to see the power of love played out through adoption (1 Corinthians 13:13)!
Education: I attended Colorado Christian University and received my bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I have worked in adoption and other non-profit orphan care ministries since 2009.
Responsibilities: Adoption Case Worker and Home Study Provider

Becca T

International Program Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:

Becca T

International Program Coordinator
Email Address: rebecca@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassion never fails. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” Lamentations 3:22-23
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is of a family who originally came to Nightlight desiring to adopt a young girl, under 3 with minor special needs. They had been waiting in our China program for a couple of months and they saw a child we were advocating for who had down syndrome. They initially asked about her and said they weren't sure about adopting a child with that special need but were considering it. After taking time to pray and consider her file, they decided to move forward with her adoption. She is now happily home with the family and they have been thrilled with this joyous child in their home. I love that God opened their heart to adopting their daughter and they listened to that call. Sometimes we can miss out on so much when we aren't open to what God has in store for us.

Beth B

Executive Director
kentuckyexecutive-directors, snowflakes

Our Agency Expert:

Beth B

Executive Director
Email Address: bethb@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Mark 10:13-16
Favorite Adoption Story: My family has been touched by adoption in many ways, but my new favorite story is the adoption of our son, Bryan, who we adopted from Colombia in 2018. We had no intention of becoming adoptive parents, so it was definitely something God put on our hearts and in the hearts of our other children. It became clear after hosting Bryan during one of Nightlight’s hosting opportunities that he was meant to be part of our family. There have been plenty of struggles and ups and downs, but also much joy and love. We are so grateful to have him as part of our family.
Education: Bachelor of Science in Family Science, Brigham Young University
Responsibilities: Executive Director of the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program.


Foster Care Advocate

Our Agency Expert:


Foster Care Advocate
Email Address: brynna@nightlight.org


Domestic Family Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


Domestic Family Coordinator
Email Address: cameron@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Timothy 4:12 "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."
Favorite Adoption Story: Mine! My brother and I were both adopted, seven years apart, and I couldn’t be more thankful to God for that.
Education: BA in Theater from Anderson University, South Carolina
Responsibilities: Recruiting and serving prospective domestic adoptive parents; coordinating the orientation, education, and initial matching processes for these families.


Family Resources Specialist

Our Agency Expert:


Family Resources Specialist
Email Address: camie@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Ephesians 3:20-21 being proven as truth over and over – “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever, Amen.”
Favorite Adoption Story: Our newest and youngest daughter, adopted from Ukraine, came to us through a hosting program. We received a call from MLJ Adoptions asking us to consider hosting a 7-year old for three weeks as her initial family was unable to fulfill the hosting agreement. Having a mere two week notice was not a problem for us as we had experienced this once before by hosting a 12-year old on short notice. Yuliia quickly stole our hearts. One month after she returned to Ukraine, my entire family was relieved to hear we had decided to start the official adoption process to bring her home forever. God completely orchestrated her entrance into our home, and once again He provided all the funding. We thought we were done adopting; however, God had a wonderful surprise for us! Within ten months, we journeyed to Kiev for our first trip to bring her home. I am now the blessed mama of 6 children, 3 through adoption.
Education: Camie holds an education degree from Indiana Wesleyan University and a double master’s degree from Ball State University in elementary education and early childhood. In the adoption world, she has completed “Trust-Based Relational Intervention” from Texas Christian University and is an affiliate trainer for “Trauma Competent Care” from Back2Back Ministries.
Responsibilities: Camie works with adoptive families in adoption funding. She keeps updated on grants and fundraising opportunities for all types of adoptions. She teaches seminars on “Affording Adoption” and speaks at conferences and church events on working with vulnerable children using best practices through TBRI and Trauma Competent Care.


Home Study Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Coordinator
Email Address: carley@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.” Psalm 23: 1-3
Education: Bachelors in Social Work from Colorado State University
Responsibilities: Assist families through the entire Home Study Process


Home Study/SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study/SFE Provider
Email Address: caroline.ano@nightlight.org


Pregnancy Counselor

Our Agency Expert:


Pregnancy Counselor
Email Address: cathy@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Education: Bachelor's Degree in Psychology; Master's Degree in Counseling
Responsibilities: Recruiting and serving expectant parents for the eventual placement of their child with an adoptive family of their choosing.


International Program Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


International Program Coordinator
Email Address: celeste.rupp@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: My favorite Scriptures are the chapter of Psalm 23 and the verse John 14:27
Education: Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Marketing and Management
Responsibilities: I work in the Nigeria program alongside families from the inquiry phase until they submit their dossier to Nigeria. I work in the Colombia program advocating for waiting children, and alongside families in that program when they are in the home study and dossier phase through submitting their dossiers to Colombia.


Vice President of Foster Care
georgiaexecutive, foster-care

Our Agency Expert:


Vice President of Foster Care
Email Address: ctippins@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Zephaniah 3:17: “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in His love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
Favorite Adoption Story: Less than a year after starting with Nightlight, I received a phone call from an expectant mom who wanted to make an adoption plan for her unborn child. On my way to meet with her for the first time, she called to notify me she was in labor and heading to the hospital. I am not typically in the delivery room, but this sweet expectant mom asked for my support and she was a trooper throughout her entire delivery. Each hospital experience is unique and special, but this one is especially dear to my heart as I watched this little one enter the world! It is an experience that is rare for me, and I have a special relationship with everyone involved with this precious adoption story!
Education: Chelsea holds a Master of Social Work from the University of Georgia, in addition to a B.S. in Family and Consumer Sciences with a major in Human Development and Family Science.
Responsibilities: Chelsea ensures compliance with state laws and regulations, and overseas the home study program, domestic adoption program, and foster care program in the Georgia office


Foster Care Advocate

Our Agency Expert:


Foster Care Advocate
Email Address: chloe@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 27:13-14 “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.”
Education: Masters in Social Work from Baylor University
Responsibilities: Assisting in the development of the foster care program for Nightlight Christian Adoptions. Responsible for recruitment of foster parents as well as case management and service coordination for children in foster/foster adoptive homes.


Director of Domestic Family Services

Our Agency Expert:


Director of Domestic Family Services
Email Address: cindy@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11-13
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is my #1 granddaughter, Mikaila. We welcomed her into our family when she was 2 years old. When my son married Mikaila’s mom, I have to say, we got a sweet package deal! After a year of marriage, my son adopted Mikaila, making her an official member of our family. She already had our hearts, she now has our name. Mikaila is 15 years old and a true delight! She has a younger brother and two cousins that adore her. I don’t know what our family would be like without her.
Education: BS, Interdisciplinary Studies; I have been a Licensed Child-Placing Agency Administrator since 2009.
Responsibilities: As the Director of Domestic Family Services, my duties are two fold: working with adoptive families, by coordinating the Orientation, Education, through the Initial Matching Process; and supervising Nightlight’s Domestic Family Coordinators.

Dan Gomez

Board Member

Our Agency Expert:

Dan Gomez

Board Member

Dan and his wife Denise adopted from Russia through Nightlight.  Dan's career is in management in the medical field.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: dana@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:6-9
Favorite Adoption Story: I now have two! I began working at A Helping Hand Adoption Agency (which later became Nightlight Christian Adoptions) the first week of May, 2007. That very same week, in Guatemala, a precious little boy was born. Four months later, our Guatemalan caseworker walked through the office holding two files in the air, one in each hand, praying “Dear God, we lift the files of these two boys up to you. We know that you know where their families are and we pray, dear Lord, that You will send them our way. Do not keep them waiting!” I asked to see the files and immediately fell in love with the most beautiful baby boy I had ever seen. One month later, we began the process of adoption. One year later, this little boy became my son! In November, 2020, my cousin was hospitalized due to Covid-19. She had custody of a child through the state foster care system she was planning to adopt. She was looking for someone to keep her while she recovered. I asked my husband if we could step in as “fictive kin” and he said “Sure! We can take care of a baby for 3 or 4 weeks!” My cousin went on a ventilator the following day and took months to recover from the virus. In the meantime, my husband and I had fallen head over heels in love with the happiest, most joyful little girl and were praying individually for what we later learned was the same thing. Neither of us wanted to ask my cousin, we wanted her to ask us to adopt her! She called a few days later after learning from her doctors that she would never recover to the ability to chase after a toddler and care for a child on her own and asked if we would like to make her our little girl. Our 3 to 4 weeks turned into forever in August, 2021!
Education: Dana holds an Associate of Arts in Paralegal Studies and a Bachelor of Science in Child & Family Studies from Eastern Kentucky University. Her Master’s Degree in Child & Family Studies was earned from Western Kentucky University. Dana is a member of the National Council on Family Relations and is certified as a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE).
Responsibilities: As Executive Director, Dana oversees the programs of the Kentucky office, supervises its employees and runs the day to day functioning of the office.

David Littlewood

Board Member

Our Agency Expert:

David Littlewood

Board Member

David was drawn to the pro-life work of Generations Adoptions and served on the board there before the agency merged with Nightlight.  David is the president of TNFB Your Bank for Life in Texas.


Home Study Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Provider
Email Address: debbien@nightlight.org

Debbie has worked with hundreds of adoptive families in all phases of the adoption process since 1975 through both agency and private practice. She served as Coordinator of the Baptist Maternity Home, where she counseled many birth mothers and helped them through the difficult emotional ups and downs of the adoption experience. Debbie is an experienced therapist and counselor who relates to all her clients with empathetic concern and understanding.


Home Study/SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study/SFE Provider
Email Address: elizabeth.jones@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13
Education: Bachelor's in General Studies with Human Services emphasis - Texas Woman's University
Responsibilities: Conduct home visits; write home studies and Snowflakes family evaluations


Pregnancy Counselor

Our Agency Expert:


Pregnancy Counselor
Email Address: emma@nightlight.org


SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:


SFE Provider
Email Address: erin.cerone@nightlight.org
Education: Bachelor of science in family and consumer sciences with a major in child and family studies
Responsibilities: Bachelor of science in family and consumer sciences with a major in child and family studies

Frank Block

Board Member

Our Agency Expert:

Frank Block

Board Member

Frank Block entered the field of adoption in the 1980's when he became the executive director of Love Basket.  The agency primarily did adoptions from India, but also had other international programs and a thriving domestic program centered in Missouri.  Frank and his wife Kitty are parents by adoption.


Foster Care Advocate

Our Agency Expert:


Foster Care Advocate
Email Address: gabbi@nightlight.org


International Program Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


International Program Coordinator
Email Address: gracie@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.” Isaiah 43:2
Favorite Adoption Story: When I was an intern with Nightlight in 2020 my favorite memory was the discharge of a newborn baby from the hospital and driving the baby to meet their forever. Witnessing and taking part in this first meeting was absolutely breathtaking!
Education: I attended Colorado State University and graduated in May 2020 with a Bachelors in Social Work.
Responsibilities: Managing the day to day operations of the Hong Kong and China Adoption Programs. Responsible from the delivery of services to the coordination of services.


Domestic Family Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


Domestic Family Coordinator
Email Address: halle@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 40:31: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Favorite Adoption Story: When my family adopted my little sister from the Democratic Republic of Congo
Education: BS in Child and Family Development with emphasis in Family Services, Georgia Southern University
Responsibilities: Recruiting and servicing prospective adoptive parents, assisting with document submission and providing with additional education and support as needed

Hannah T

Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate
kentuckydomestic, home-studies

Our Agency Expert:

Hannah T

Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate
Email Address: hannah.tatman@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vein conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking at your own interests but to the interests of others.”
Education: I received my Bachelor’s in social work from Asbury University, graduating in December of 2020. I am currently getting my MSW through Campbellsville University and will be completing the program this August!
Responsibilities: I am the primary person responsible for application intake for all programs, collection of documents, as well as coordinating with social workers and clients.


Director - Post Adoption Connection Center

Our Agency Expert:


Director - Post Adoption Connection Center
Email Address: heather@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 116:7 – Be at rest once again, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.
Favorite Adoption Story: I worked for many years in our international programs and I am filled with joy at each child brought into a family. There was one case where we had difficulty with getting paperwork completed by a foreign country and had been praying for months for everything to come through and be approved for a family to adopt their child. When we finally got news of the approval, I remember running down the hallway toward my supervisor as we hugged, cried, and rejoiced that this family would be bringing their child home. Even as agency staff, we carry each of these children and families heavy on our hearts and thank God for each family that He creates.
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Baylor University
Responsibilities: I focus on providing support and connection with our adopted children, adoptive families, and birth parents after placement through Nightlight’s Post Adoption Connection Center. We offer services for mentoring, coaching and counseling, support groups, referrals to resources, and other forms of support. I also manage our post adoption tracking coordinators and processes for our international adoption programs.


Home Study Provider, PPR/PAR Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Provider, PPR/PAR Provider
Email Address: jan@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Ecclesiates #:1 “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the Heaven.”
Education: I have taken many training courses for adoption having had my social work license since 1993. However, I feel more importantly is my experience as I was employed for 27 years at Gateway Woods Family Services until my retirement in 2020 as a residential houseparent for troubled teens, foster care manager and adoption program manager. My husband and I were also foster parents for a teen-age boy who is still a part of our family.
Responsibilities: My job responsibilities include domestic and international home studies, home study updates, post adoption reports, snowflakes evaluation, birth parent background reports and working with birth parents in northern Indiana.


Social Services Manager

Our Agency Expert:


Social Services Manager
Email Address: janna@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Fear not, for I have called you by your name. When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and through the rivers they shall not overflow you; when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned. For I am the Lord your God. Isaiah 43:1-2
Favorite Adoption Story: I enjoy when I get to work with a family on their home study and then their post adoption report. It is a blessing to see their journey from the beginning of their adoption story until their adoption is finalized. One of my favorite stories is a family who had chosen a child and were pursuing adoption. When I completed their home study update there had been some challenges with the adoption. They decided to change countries and ended up adopting a sibling group from another country. They also adopted a child from foster care who they knew through their community. This family touched my heart and it was amazing to see their challenges and then the additions to their family that were meant to be.
Education: BSW, MSW
Responsibilities: Supervise Social Services staff; review and approve home studies and post adoption reports; conduct referral reviews with adoptive families; oversee foster care program


Foster Care Advocate

Our Agency Expert:


Foster Care Advocate
Email Address: jeanette@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story, is one that recently occurred in 2020, while I worked as an adoption specialist with SCDSS. I was advocating for a little girl on my case load since 2014, when she was 9 months old. After six years, several failed biological family placements, adoption presentations, and adoptive transitions, an adoptive family came forward, accepting all her medical needs. Once she was in the adoptive family’s home, this child made strides in all developmental areas, which was said to not be possible due to her trauma.
Education: Bachelors of Science in Experimental Psychology with a minor in Child Advocacy from the University of South Carolina- Upstate
Responsibilities: As the Renewed Hope Program Coordinator, I provide services to families looking to dissolve their adoption as well as advocating for and educating the second adoptive families for children within the Renewed Hope Program. Being a Foster Care Advocate, I am responsible for growing the South Carolina Healing Homes Foster Care program by recruiting new foster parents as well as case managing families that are currently licensed foster parents through our program.


Home Study Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Provider
Email Address: jeanie@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Colossians 3:23- Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is my own 3 adoptions! My husband and I have 3 children (ages 19, 8, and 4) who we adopted through foster care. I am very passionate about working with other adoptive families and helping them prepare for the blessings and challenges ahead!
Education: I have a BA in Biblical Counseling and MA in Marriage and Family Counseling.
Responsibilities: Writing home studies and helping prepare families to adopt.


Snowflakes Placing Parent Inquiry Specialist

Our Agency Expert:


Snowflakes Placing Parent Inquiry Specialist
Email Address: jen@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” Psalm 37:4, NLT
Favorite Adoption Story: Adoption is an incredible blessing! It is an opportunity to give of ourselves and to live a life of intentionality, looking beyond our own concerns to the needs of another, providing love and support. Every adoption is a gift! It is a blessing, realized or unrealized, to both those who give and those who receive. When you get to see the love and true delight in a person’s eyes as they welcome a life into their small part of the universe, there is nothing like it! Their joy overflows, even the little ones, the babies, they know they are loved! Although I’m asked what my favorite adoption story is, and several come to mind, the truth is that there is nothing like your own.
Education: Jen has a BS in Organizational Management in Human Resources, with a minor in Psychology and has an MA in Curriculum and Instruction, specializing in Corporate Education. Yet despite her education and experience in both HR and Training, her most valued management experience was spent working in a communications company and serving on three continents. “Working with cultures, from all around the world, gave me a deeper understanding of people, their values, and how we all want to make a difference in life.”
Responsibilities: For families, and individuals, who want to give their remaining embryos a chance to be born, I am here to help anyway I can. Therefore, if you are one of those amazing people who is considering Embryo Donation, you probably have a number of questions that you would like answered, that is where I come in. I am here to answer your questions, put your mind at ease, and should you decide to move forward, provide you with the support you need as you make the best choices for you and your remaining embryos.


Director of Snowflakes Family Evaluation Services
floridasnowflakes, home-studies

Our Agency Expert:


Director of Snowflakes Family Evaluation Services
Email Address: jenna@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is the adoption journey of close family friends. They felt the Lord leading them to adopt a child with special needs from South Korea, and although they had two biological children and did not necessarily have the finances to afford an international adoption, they knew God would provide if it was part of His plan. To make a long story short, they were able to bring their son home from South Korea when he was about one and a half years old. A few years later, they received a call from their adoption agency saying that their son's birth mother had another child and asked if they would be interested in adopting her. Although adopting another child was not part of their plan, it was part of God's plan, and they knew they couldn't say no. So, they trusted the Lord's plan and provision and were able to adopt their son's half-sister and brought her home when she was about two years old. I have been this family's babysitter for years, since their biological children were little, so I have had the joy of welcoming both of these children into the family and seeing how they fit into this family so well, like they were always meant to be a part of this family. I have been able to love on these children and grow my relationship with them, so it is a very personal and amazing adoption story that I am blessed to have a small part in!
Education: MSW, University of Central Florida; Certificate in Child Services
Responsibilities: Overall responsibility and management of the Snowflakes Family Evaluation program. Works with social services managers and qualified SFE providers to provide, assign, and review SFEs.

Jere Vandewalle

Secretary and Treasurer

Our Agency Expert:

Jere Vandewalle

Secretary and Treasurer

Jere and his wife Robyn have six children, two sons-in-law and three grandchildren and are drawn to the biblical mission of Nightlight. Jere is Director of Operations for Christian Educators, a professional organization designed to encourage, equip, and empower Christian educators to effectively walk out their calling in their schools.


Home Study/SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study/SFE Provider
Email Address: jerry@nightlight.org

Jessica D

Foster Care Advocate

Our Agency Expert:

Jessica D

Foster Care Advocate
Email Address: jessica@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.” Zephaniah 3:17
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Family and Community Services from Oklahoma Baptist University
Responsibilities: I am responsible for working with individuals who are interested in Foster Care. I assist families through the initial foster care certification process and then provide continued support once a child has been placed in a foster home. I will also be working to recruit new Foster families.

Jessica W

Home Study/SFE Provider, Post-Adoption Report Provider

Our Agency Expert:

Jessica W

Home Study/SFE Provider, Post-Adoption Report Provider
Email Address: jessica.wagner@nightlight.org
Education: MSW, University of Kentucky


Home Study/SFE/PPR/PAR Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study/SFE/PPR/PAR Provider
Email Address: helen@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus Philippians 4:6-7
Favorite Adoption Story: I was notified that a mother was near death and did not have a plan for her 5 young children. Having been hospitalized for several weeks; her children were known to the nursing staff. One of the mother’s nurses happened to be in the room while I was meeting with the mother to develop a plan for her children as no family members were able to take the children long term. Locating a family for a sibling group of 5 and to do it in the limited time the mother had left to live was going to be a daunting task. The following day, the nurse who was in the room contacted me stating that she went home and discussed the situation with her husband, and they decided that they wanted to provide a forever home for these children. The mother, children, nurse, and her husband were able to develop a plan for the children to immediately transition into the nurse’s family home. The nurse and her husband finalized the adoption after the mother’s passing. All five of the children successfully completed high school and the girls completed college while the boys chose a career in the military. I met with the family a few years after the children were adopted and the children stated that they were thankful that their mother was able to be involved in the selection and transition to their new family.
Education: I earned my Master of Social Work degree from the University of Georgia, in addition to a B.S. in Political Science. Prior to working with Nightlight, I worked with a social services agency which provided foster care and adoption programs.
Responsibilities: I help families prepare for adoption by completing their home studies, and follow up with post adoption reports.

Jim Light

Chairman of the Board

Our Agency Expert:

Jim Light

Chairman of the Board

Jim and his wife Carol adopted from Russia through Nightlight.  Jim is a CPA and the president of an architectural firm.

Julie C

Payroll Specialist/HR Liaison

Our Agency Expert:

Julie C

Payroll Specialist/HR Liaison
Email Address: julie@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 25:40 "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
Favorite Adoption Story: Favorite adoption story: About six months into my career in adoption, in September, 2013, the Democratic Republic of Congo stopped issuing exit letters which allowed the adopted children to leave the country. Many of the adoptions were already complete in-country, so they were legally members of these U.S. families, but they were stuck there, a world away from their new homes. Parents who had received the wonderful news that their adoption was complete and had flown there to bring their children home had to return without them. Over the next two years, they would occasionally allow a child to leave, often because of a medical condition. Then in early 2016, the Congolese government began producing lists of children approved for exit letters. There was a flurry of parents and escorts traveling for a few months, then such relief when the last child finally made it home!
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business majoring in Accounting from Indiana University
Responsibilities: Payroll, human resources, and general office duties for the Indiana office

Julie E

International Program Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:

Julie E

International Program Coordinator
Email Address: julie.eagleson@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do. (Isaiah 46:11)
Favorite Adoption Story: A family I was working with was adopting a sibling group of 3 in Colombia. They were in Colombia with the children and the judge was ready to sign the adoption decree when the birthfather showed up at ICBF and said he'd like to have the children. He brought with him not an attorney but a member of the press. This was a number of years ago, just after there had been very damaging press on TV about ICBF's programs over the years. The judge made the decision to stop the process and have ICBF investigate whether the birth father was willing and able to parent the children. The children said they thought they might have seen this man a time or two but did not identify him as their father and had no relationship with him. No one knew how long it would take for this to be resolved, but the adoptive family, a very strong Christian family, made the decision that the mom and their bio son would remain in Colombia with the 3 siblings, where she homeschooled them all, and dad would go home and work to earn money to provide for everyone. They contacted all of their church friends and relatives and so did I and we all began to pray and pray and pray. In the end, it took 7 months for ICBF to determine that the birthfather had neither the means nor the interest in parenting the children, and that he had been encouraged to carry out his actions by members of the press. Finally, the family came home with the children. I asked them to send me a photo of the moment when they stepped off the plane in the US, which they did. What a moment! It was a very long 7 months for everyone, but the family never gave up and the children got to come be with their forever family!
Education: I have a BA in Spanish and a BA in Psychology from Linfield College
Responsibilities: Coordinate Mexico Program

Julie H

Snowflakes Adopting Parent Inquiry Specialist

Our Agency Expert:

Julie H

Snowflakes Adopting Parent Inquiry Specialist
Email Address: julie.harvey@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30)
Education: BA in Counseling Psychology with a minor in Business Administration from Northwest University
Responsibilities: The Snowflakes AP Inquiry Specialist shares responsibility for managing all incoming adopting parent inquiries for the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program, moving them from inquiry to application.


Home Study Provider, PAR Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Provider, PAR Coordinator
Email Address: kaitlyn.howard@nightlight.org


Home Study Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Coordinator
Email Address: kara.long@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11: 28-30)
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is the one that has impacted me the most personally. My little sister joined our family thirteen years ago after our family traveled to Guatemala to bring her home to Kentucky. I can remember seeing her for the first time and immediately feeling a strong sense of certainty that she belonged with us. It has been a joy watching her grow and develop into a kind-hearted, curious, beautiful young lady who keeps our family laughing and focused on the most important things in life. Although the journey has not always been easy, I am constantly reminded of the Lord's provision and goodness when I think about how He blessed our family through the gift of adoption. I am now beyond excited to begin a new role in the adoption field as a homestudy provider!
Education: Kara joined the Nightlight team in April 2018. She received a Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Kentucky University and a Master of Social Work degree from Asbury University. Kara is a certified social worker in the state of Kentucky. She has experience working with adoptive families, as well as providing community based services for children and families.
Responsibilities: Kara is the Domestic Program Coordinator for the KY office. She counsels and supports expectant parents who are making an adoption plan. She also assists families throughout the U.S by taking them through the domestic adoption process. She is responsible for meeting with birth parents and families as they take the journey toward adoption. She does outreach throughout Kentucky to different hospitals, pregnancy resource centers, and medical facilities.


Snowflakes Post-Adoption Coordinator | Family Communications Specialist

Our Agency Expert:


Snowflakes Post-Adoption Coordinator | Family Communications Specialist
Email Address: karli@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11
Education: Graduated from The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts with my Associates Degree in Occupational Studies in Film and Television Performance
Responsibilities: I am the point of contact for families after the embryos arrive at the adopted family's clinic. I act as the liaison between families in facilitated communication, and am the post-birth point of contact once Snowflakes have been born.


International Program Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


International Program Coordinator
Favorite Adoption Story: I have been blessed to have worked in this field for several years now under amazing mentors. I enjoy being a part of our families’ adoption journeys. I would say my favorite adoption story would be the succession of a Haiti adoption where we had so many obstacles in our path, but after 2 years of dedication and perseverance, we were able to bring this child home. I say we because it took everyone, myself, the family, our attorney in country. We never gave up!
Education: Bachelors of Art in Psychology, Master in Social Work
Responsibilities: My responsibilities are managing the Bulgaria and Haiti programs out of the Indiana office. My duties include dossier assembly, immigration filing assistance, documentation tracking and update, receiving referrals from the country’s Central Authority and providing assistance with court and travel for families bringing home their children.


Vice President Domestic Adoption Services

Our Agency Expert:


Vice President Domestic Adoption Services
Email Address: katie@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
Favorite Adoption Story: I have been honored to have been a part of so many adoption journeys and it is hard to choose just one, but here is one of my early favorites. Two months after starting at Nightlight, I was working with a couple who had decided to place their unborn baby because they could not imagine bringing another child into their home. They knew that the two children that they were parenting needed all of them and the baby they were carrying did not deserve to get less attention than she deserved. I showed the couple profiles of waiting families and the birth mom chose a family based on two things: the adoptive father had served in the military and the adoptive mom wore pink cowboy boots on her wedding day! Prior to the baby’s birth, I was at a doctor’s appointment with the couple and the birth mom asked me if I knew the name that the adoptive family had chosen. I told her that I did and asked if she wanted to know the name. After she thought a moment, she confirmed that she did and when I told her, she burst into tears. I had no idea what was wrong, and immediately turned to the birth father who gave me a sign to wait a moment. The birth mom then turned to me and told me that she knew she had chosen the right adoptive family because the name that they had chosen for her daughter, for their daughter, was her grandmother’s name. When the two families met for the first time, it was as if they had known each other for years. The relationship between a birth family and an adoptive family is so special and theirs is a bond like no other.
Education: Katie earned her Master of Social Work from Campbellsville University and her Bachelor of Social Work from Winthrop University. Katie is a licensed social worker and certified adoption investigator for the State of South Carolina.
Responsibilities: Katie is the Vice President Domestic Adoption Services for Nightlight. She has been with Nightlight since 2013 and has served as, Executive Director, Domestic Program Manager and Social Services Manager before serving in her current positions. Katie is responsible for the training, education, and policies for all of Nightlight’s domestic infant adoption, Anchored in Hope, and Renewed Hope programs. Katie provides ongoing support and consultation to the staff in all of Nightlight's domestic adoption programs. Katie believes adoption is a beautiful way to build a family and is thankful to be part of a team that provides hope and life-affirming options to those facing unplanned pregnancies.


Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate

Our Agency Expert:


Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate
Email Address: katy@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever.” Psalm 30:11-12
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story comes from my high school volleyball coach. She and her husband chose to adopt a 7 year old girl and her newborn baby brother from foster care. When they lived with their biological parents, this little girl saved her brother’s life. One day, her mother had not been present for a few days and there was clearly something wrong with her brother. She did what only she could think to do and walked him all the way to the closest hospital a few miles away. This little baby had a high fever and probably would not have survived much longer if it was not for her brave actions. Now they have grown into incredible young adults and have so much potential and hope for what their life has in store for them.
Education: Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Social Work from Colorado State University.
Responsibilities: Katy is responsible for counseling and supporting expectant parents who are making an adoption plan. She also trains, supports, and assists domestic adoptive families throughout Colorado and surrounding states during their adoption process.

Kayla S.

Home Study Coordinator | Inquiry Specialist

Our Agency Expert:

Kayla S.

Home Study Coordinator | Inquiry Specialist
Email Address: kayla@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 6:34 - Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Education: I have my Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences with a major in Human Development and Family Science from the University of Georgia. I will complete my Master’s degree in Social Work in August 2023 from Campbellsville University.
Responsibilities: I am responsible for the application proceedings for all programs, collection of all required documentation, and collaborating with necessary staff and clients throughout the home study approval process. I am also a part of the inquiry team that works with families who are deciding which program would be the best fit for them. I additionally work with families in the post adoption/placement phase to ensure they receive the support they need as they complete their adoption journey.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: kelsey@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse:  2 Corinthians 12:9-10 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so the Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story would have to be about my little boy, Isaiah, whom I adopted while living in South Sudan in 2009. Isaiah who was 13 months old at the time, was living on the street with his 9 year old sister Rose, and they had lost both parents to AIDS only a month after Isaiah was born. Isaiah was HIV positive from birth and as a result of it going untreated for so long, he passed away shortly after I adopted him. When I first met Isaiah he was extremely unhappy, malnourished, and had never experienced joy or laughter. Isaiah, though only 1 year old, showed obvious indicators of neglect, distrust, anger, and an absence of love. I was privileged to spend 4 months with Isaiah and in my short time of loving and caring for him I saw God’s love transform this child from being an angry, distrusting, and hurting little boy to a boy full of love, laughter, and joy. It taught me about the power of love and how important it is for every child to know they are loved, accepted, and worthy. Though this story had a tragic ending, it’s beautiful because Isaiah was able to know and experience love, self-worth, acceptance, and joy before he left this earth. It is now my objective, hope, and aspiration that every child will have a loving home and family and will know they are unconditionally loved because nothing is more transforming and powerful than LOVE.
Education: Masters of Social Work from the University of Louisville
Responsibilities: Kelsey is responsible for the training, supervision and support of Social Services Staff in the Colorado office, including the Domestic Program Coordinator, the Home Study Coordinator, Interns, and Home Study Writers. She also reviews all home studies completed in Colorado, and works with out of state agencies on completing and reviewing home studies for mutual International Adoption clients from their states.


Home Study/SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study/SFE Provider
Email Address: kerry@nightlight.org
Favorite Adoption Story: I have so many great adoption stories, but I believe one of my favorites is a recent connection made between a birth parent, her 8-year-old son, and the adoptive parents. During her labor, she did not have anyone to watch her son, so the adoptive parents volunteered and spent the day with him. They learned a lot about him and loved spending time with him and forming a unique bond as they all awaited the birth. After the baby was born, they all spent time together. Because the families live within an hour of each other, they get together every few months. The birth mother shares accomplishments with the adoptive parents, such as getting a job! She has also provided them with pictures of where she is from in Mexico and shared wonderful memories of growing up there and her traditions and culture. I love watching relationships blossom and families coming together for the child.
Education: I graduated with my bachelor's degree in social work, with a minor in psychology, from San Jose State University. I then went on to graduate with my master's degree in social work, from San Jose State University as well.
Responsibilities: Conducting home visits to produce home studies and post adoption reports for international and domestic adoptive families.

Kevin O'Neill

Board Member

Our Agency Expert:

Kevin O'Neill

Board Member
Favorite Adoption Story: Kevin was one of the first Americans to adopt from Belarus. His daughter, Jilliana, now works for Nightlight!

Kevin is a real estate broker in southern California.

Kim L

Renewed Hope Program Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:

Kim L

Renewed Hope Program Coordinator
Email Address: kim.letteer@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is our family’s adoption story. All three of our children are adopted (Current ages: 25, 22, and 14). Our older two children I adopted through a step-parent adoption when the boys were 6 and 8 years old. Our youngest, came home to us when she was 2 days old through a private domestic adoption. Having navigated the road of adoption personally, I find it one of my greatest privileges to help other families grow their family through adoption.
Education: Kim holds a Bachelor of Science in Social Work from University of North Carolina at Greensboro and a Master of Social Work from East Carolina University. Kim is also a Certified Adoption Investigator for the state of South Carolina.
Responsibilities: As the Renewed Hope Program Coordinator, Kim is responsible for providing services to families looking to dissolve their adoption as well as potential Renewed Hope adoptive parents for Nightlight Christian Adoptions. As a Certified Adoption Investigator, Kim is responsible for completing preplacement assessments for prospective adoptive families and post placement/adoption reports for families that have received their children for adoption.

Kim R

Home Study Provider

Our Agency Expert:

Kim R

Home Study Provider
Email Address: kimr@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 30:21- Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Favorite Adoption Story: Prior to working with Nightlight, and my first opportunity to work in adoptions, I was an adoption specialist with the South Carolina Department of Social Services. I saw countless children, including many older children, find their forever homes and families. I am still connected with many of the parents through social media and to see these kids developing into happy adults is such a blessing.
Education: Bachelors in Psychology and Masters in Social Work from The University of South Carolina
Responsibilities: Kim provides home studies and post placement/adoption services to our families.
Friendly photo of embryo adoption program leader.


Consultant | Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program

Our Agency Expert:

Friendly photo of embryo adoption program leader.


Consultant | Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program
Email Address: kimberly.tyson@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 5:6-8 “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Favorite Adoption Story: Every Snowflakes Family story is unique and so very interesting to read. Thank you Snowflakes families (both placing and adopting) for your willingness to share your story. Story helps people make a positive step into embryo donation and adoption!
Education: Kimberly Tyson has more than 40 years of marketing and leadership experience developing and deploying leading edge technology products and services for top-tier companies. An accomplished corporate marketer, her vision and expertise in business performance have brought goal-oriented success in the medical, education and general business sectors. She received her BA from Colorado State University in Business Administration-Marketing with a minor in Political Science.
Responsibilities: Consultant for the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program


Foster Care Advocate

Our Agency Expert:


Foster Care Advocate
Email Address: kirsten@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 11:29, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Education: Master of Human Services; Bachelor of Science and Psychology: Human Services, both from Liberty University
Responsibilities: Providing services to foster parents and children in foster care, maintaining foster care placements, and assisting with recruiting/certifying foster care families


Snowflakes Client Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


Snowflakes Client Coordinator
Email Address: krista.jones@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Genesis 50:20
Education: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications Studies from Azusa Pacific University
Responsibilities: As the Snowflakes Adoptive Parent Coordinator, I work with adopting families through the application and matching process.


SFE Assistant
south-carolinaadministrative, snowflakes

Our Agency Expert:


SFE Assistant
Email Address: Kristens@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12: 1b-2
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is that of Shabana Sparks who was adopted from India in the 1980s through our MO office. I came across her story a few years ago and have been inspired by her adoption story ever since. Her passion for adoption and her humble attitude towards God’s careful working of every detail in her story is so moving to me. I was thrilled to have recently had the opportunity of meeting her! Seeing her now, as an adult adoptee, I’ve been inspired to adopt internationally someday. What an awesome opportunity to share your love with a child, and in turn give them an opportunity to know Christ’s love! How exciting it will be to see them using their gifts and talents to further Christ’s kingdom because you were able to give them opportunities that they might have never had.
Education: Bachelors in Early Childhood Education, Bob Jones University
Responsibilities: Kristen has been with Nightlight since 2014 and works out of the SC office on the Snowflakes Team. She assists adoptive couples with Snowflakes Family Evaluations, helping them gather and complete all the required paperwork to be approved and prepared for adopting their embryos and growing their family.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: lara.kelso@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”-Psalm 30:5
Favorite Adoption Story: I have been involved with a number of domestic adoptions, however I will admit that the adoptions of my son and daughter stand out as two of my favorite. I feel like I am able to assist adoptive families by drawing from our personal adoption experiences, relationships with our children’s birth parents, and my own process of coming to accept my infertility. I understand that the adoption process can leave one feeling extremely vulnerable. I understand that there are many questions and concerns. It’s scary. But I have witnessed many, many successful and joyful outcomes. Every adoption is a blessing to me.
Education: Lara holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Lindenwood University and a Master of Arts in Counseling from Missouri Baptist University. In addition she maintains a Licensed Professional Counselor status through the State of Missouri.
Responsibilities: As Executive Director, Lara oversees the programs of the Missouri office including domestic and international adoptions, supervises its employees, and runs the day to day functioning of the office. Lara brings over 15 years of vocational experience in adoption to her work at Nightlight, but she also provides the personal insight of being an adoptive mother twice. Lara holds a Bachelor of Science in Business as well as a Master of Arts in Counseling from Missouri Baptist University and is a Licensed Professional Counselor.

Leslie K

Home Study/SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:

Leslie K

Home Study/SFE Provider
Email Address: leslie.klamm@nightlight.org


International Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


International Coordinator
Email Address: Liana@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Favorite Adoption Story: I have a couple of favorite adoption stories. The first one would be my own. I was adopted from St. Petersburg, Russia at age 11. I feel truly blessed to have a family, a very wonderful loving family. In the orphanage I prayed to find my biological family and for them to take me back home but another family found me instead, my true family. My second favorite adoption story is the adoption of my first son. I ended up pregnant at age 18 and could not provide for a child. My best friend’s parents asked if I would consider them to be my baby’s parents. I decided that that would be the best option for my son and he would be well taken care of. Since I have known this family since I came to the U.S. we have maintained a great relationship and have a wonderful open adoption. I am so grateful that I still get to be a part of his life and he knows that I am his “birth mama” and that I love him.
Education: Business Administration student at Grand Canyon University
Responsibilities: Assist families in the international adoption process

Lindsay B

Social Services Manager

Our Agency Expert:

Lindsay B

Social Services Manager
Email Address: lindsay.belus@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 27:8, "You have said, 'Seek my face.' My heart says to You, 'Your face, Lord, do I seek.'"
Favorite Adoption Story: I used to work as a children's pastor, and there was a 3rd grade boy in my ministry who was adopted by some family members. A few weeks after arriving home, he shared a testimony about his adoption with the other children at church. He told everyone about his family coming to bring him home, and before they boarded their flight, he got everyone's attention at their gate and excitedly said, "Everyone! This is my Mom and Dad! They have adopted me!" It was so sweet to hear how he saw the character of God through his own adoption.
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Social Work (2016) from Baylor University and a Master’s degree in Social Work (2018) from Baylor University.
Responsibilities: Review, edit and approve home studies; pre-match consultations with adoptive parents; international referral reviews; supervision of social services employees

Lisa W

International Program Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:

Lisa W

International Program Coordinator
Email Address: LisaW@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Joshua 3:5 “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.”
Favorite Adoption Story: I have been honored to witness and be a part of many adoption stories and they are all my favorite. The one I will share with you is a time when a birthmother gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and the adoptive couple was there at the hospital. But this young woman wanted to spend time with her baby. This was a difficult time for the adoptive couple because they were afraid that she would change her mind and decide to parent her son. I stayed with this birthmother during her stay at the hospital. We talked as she dressed her son and took so many pictures of him. She had to say hello and that she loved him. The adoptive couple gave her the space to do that. On the day she left the hospital, the birthmother said, “Lisa, I want to give him to you and leave.” When it was time for her to leave, she hugged and kissed her son and placed him in my arms, with tears running down her cheeks. Then she turned and sat in the wheelchair as the nurse wheeled her down the hallway. Her cries filled the maternity floor as she made the most difficult choice of her life. I was left standing in her hospital room holding this precious baby boy. As I held him, I prayed for him and the plans God had for him. I then took him to his adoptive parents. They stood holding one another, having heard the birthmother’s cries. I wiped the tears from my eyes and encouraged them to hold their son. Today this little boy is 8 years old. I continue to get pictures of birthdays and holidays when his adoptive family and his birth family spend time together. Moments now filled with smiles and laughter.
Education: Lisa is a graduate of Morehead State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. Prior to joining Nightlight in 2012, Lisa worked with the Cabinet for Families and Children completing abuse/neglect investigations and working with foster children. She has worked with A Helping Hand Adoption Agency completing home studies for couples adopting from China. Upon joining the Nightlight team in 2012, Lisa worked as Domestic Program Coordinator/Birthparent Counselor/Home Study Provider. Lisa now works in the International Programs. She coordinates the countries of Albania, Honduras, Malawi, Uganda, and some Nigeria cases.
Responsibilities: Lisa helps coordinate the Albania, Uganda, Honduras, Malawi, and Nigeria adoption programs and assists families throughout their international adoption process.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: liz@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 30: 18 Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!
Favorite Adoption Story: One of my favorite adoption stories is about a beautiful relationship between a birth and adoptive family. I once worked with a young birth mother post-delivery, who was unsure on how to handle the future of her baby’s life because she knew she couldn’t provide, but didn’t think she could live without knowing if her baby was happy and in good hands. When I told her about open adoption, she was so happy because she never thought it would be possible to see her baby after making an adoption plan. As soon as the adoptive family met the birth mother, they immediately welcomed her into their family. They have spent most holidays and birthdays together and she is getting to watch her child grow up in a loving household. A year after the adoption, the birth mother graduated from college and the adoptive parents attended her ceremony with the child. I have no doubt that the child is beyond loved by both their biological and adoptive family and it has been so amazing to watch the relationship between both families grow and develop.
Education: Lizzy received her Bachelor of Social Work degree from the University of Mississippi and her Master of Social Work degree from the University of South Florida.
Responsibilities: Lizzy serves as the Executive Director and Domestic Program Coordinator in the Florida office. Lizzy assists adoptive families throughout their adoption journey and works with expectant parents who are making an adoption plan by offering counseling, connecting them to resources, and by providing ongoing support during and after their pregnancy. In addition, Lizzy does marketing outreach throughout Florida to different pregnancy resource centers, hospitals, and medical facilities.


Home Study Coordinator | Inquiry Specialist | Social Services Assistant

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Coordinator | Inquiry Specialist | Social Services Assistant
Email Address: loretta@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Matt. 5:13 – “Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be the salt-seasoning that brings out the God flavors of this earth”
Favorite Adoption Story: I love how God shows up for these girls and the families each and every time! I’m amazed at the opportunities to see beauty from ashes. It’s often not about how smart or educated we are but how willing we are to let God work through our lives. It’s exciting to see how each situation is both unique & difficult, however adoption always creates opportunities to see Gods Redemptive love at work.


Home Study Coordinator | Inquiry Specialist

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Coordinator | Inquiry Specialist
Email Address: lynn@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 12:3-21
Favorite Adoption Story: I do not have one yet, but look forward to having one soon!
Education: MSW from Washington University in St. Louis
Responsibilities: Application intake of all MO programs, collection of documents, coordination with social workers and clients. Answer client inquiry questions and guide families toward appropriate programs and waiting children.


Snowflakes Placing Parent Coordinator | Fertility Clinic Liaison

Our Agency Expert:


Snowflakes Placing Parent Coordinator | Fertility Clinic Liaison
Email Address: mackenzie@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Favorite Adoption Story: One of my best friends from childhood was adopted, as well as his three older siblings.
Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Wisconsin
Responsibilities: Assisting placing parents through the Snowflakes embryo donation process, as well as serving as the clinic liaison and communicating with fertility clinics where our adopting parents and placing parents are/were patients.


Foster Care Advocate

Our Agency Expert:


Foster Care Advocate
Email Address: mandi@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Education: Bachelor’s in Science Family & Human Services, with a minor in Spanish from John Brown University; Master’s in Social Work from the University of Oklahoma
Responsibilities: Coordinating and supporting foster families through the certification process and foster care placements. In addition to supporting current foster families, my responsibility will be recruiting and coordinating future foster families.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: marissa@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” Psalm 27:13-14
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is that of a family in my hometown. After having 5 biological children, they completed an international adoption of a child with special needs… and then another one… and then another one! Yes- they have 8 children total. Their adoption story reminds me of the Lord’s infinite love for us- He continually pours out his love and makes a way when it seems there is none.
Education: Marissa holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Sciences from the University of Georgia, as well as a Master of Science in Nonprofit Administration from Louisiana State University, Shreveport.
Responsibilities: As Executive Director, Marissa oversees the day to day operations of the Georgia office and the adoption programs managed there, as well as coordinating an advisory board and fundraising efforts.


Home Study Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Provider
Email Address: mnally@nightlight.org

Megan W

Director of Development
floridadevelopment, executive

Our Agency Expert:

Megan W

Director of Development
Email Address: megan.white@nightlight.org
Education: Megan obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Louisiana State University (1991) and a Masters of Social Work from Florida State University (1993). She has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Florida from 1995 to present and is a Qualified Supervisor for Florida Licensure. Megan has worked in the adoption field in Florida since 1993 and has been working with Nightlight Christian Adoptions since 2016.
Responsibilities: Megan is the person primarily responsible for agency fund raising, securing of large gifts, and securing of grants.

Michael Powers

Board Member

Our Agency Expert:

Michael Powers

Board Member

Michael was adopted, himself, and has one adopted daughter and one adopted son, so he understands different aspects of adoption. He and his wife Beverly have a commercial furniture company.

Michele Jackson

Board Member

Our Agency Expert:

Michele Jackson

Board Member

Michele and her husband Wayne have adopted several children domestically and internationally.  Michele is the founder of MLJ Adoptions, in Indiana. The agency had a strong program in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as many other international programs.  Michele is an attorney specializing in adoption and artificial reproductive technology.  Michele founded the Global Orphan Foundation to help children living as orphans, including a village in the DRC.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: michelle@nightlight.org
Education: Master of Counselling from Lindenwood University
Responsibilities: Counselling expectant parents and overseeing our domestic and foster adoption program.


Foster Care Program Manager

Our Agency Expert:


Foster Care Program Manager
Email Address: morgan.pauley@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 25:40 “And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.”
Favorite Adoption Story: I am constantly amazed by Foster Families and their willingness to minister to kids and families as they go through difficult times. My personal favorite is my aunt, who has fostered dozens of children and adopted 4 boys from the Kansas City Foster Care system. The way that they have overcome adversity and embraced our family as their own is something that I will always be inspired by!
Education: BSW from Colorado State University and Masters in Intercultural Studies from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Responsibilities: I work with families in our Foster Care Program! I walk alongside the families starting with the Home Study process all the way through adoption finalizations and act as a bridge between the county and our families and advocate for them throughout the Foster process.


Home Study/SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study/SFE Provider
Email Address: moshae@nightlight.org


Home Study/SFE Provider PPR/PAR Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study/SFE Provider PPR/PAR Provider
Email Address: natalie.z@nightlight.org
Education: MSW, Indiana University
Responsibilities: Conducting home visits to prepare home studies for adoptive families or couples in the Snowflakes program, and post adoption reports for those who have brought their children home.

Nichole C

Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:

Nichole C

Executive Director
Email Address: Nichole.chase@nightlight.org
Favorite Adoption Story: It is hard to pinpoint a favorite adoption story, as I believe all adoption stories are incredible and unique. I have had the privilege of being a part of many. I look forward to being a continued support for both expectant parents and adoptive families through this journey of love, selflessness, and vulnerability.
Education: Masters of Social work from University of Southern California. Licensed Master Social Worker in South Carolina.
Responsibilities: Nichole leads the team in our SC office and provides oversight of adoption programs managed there.

Nichole D

Social Services Manager

Our Agency Expert:

Nichole D

Social Services Manager
Email Address: Nichole.deal@nightlight.org


Vice President International Adoption Services
missouriexecutive, international

Our Agency Expert:


Vice President International Adoption Services
Email Address: Nicky@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:16 Do not be anxious about anything
Favorite Adoption Story: As an adoptive mother I have to say my favorite adoption story is my own. After working with families for over 15 years I became an adoptive mother as well. Going through the adoption journey helps me to understand all the emotions and difficulties adoptive families go through.
Education: Nicky holds a B.A in Psychology from the University of Missouri- Columbia. She also has an MSW from St. Louis University. She has worked in the International adoption field for over 20 years.
Responsibilities: Nicky is the Vice President of all international programs at Nightlight.

Nikki E

Home Study Provider

Our Agency Expert:

Nikki E

Home Study Provider
Email Address: nikki.eigler@nightlight.org
Favorite Adoption Story: My very first Domestic adoption was a birth mother who was a last minute situation where the baby was already born. She named the baby Hannah and was deciding between three families. When she made the decision I called the family to inform them and they told me they had also named the baby Hannah. It was a perfect match and the families are still in touch today (13 years later).
Education: I have a Master's in Social Work and am an LCSW. All of my professional experience has been with child welfare, including work with Child Protective Services, Foster Family Agencies, Domestic Adoption, and International Adoption.
Responsibilities: Working with families and writing Home Studies and Post Placement Visits

Paige B

Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate

Our Agency Expert:

Paige B

Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate
Email Address: paige.burch@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence of what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”
Favorite Adoption Story: When I was in college, I was friends with an amazing woman who loved the Lord and participated regularly in Fellowship of Christian Athletes. After college, she became pregnant and knew that adoption was her best option, despite the opinions of friends and family. I was so in awe of her courage and that really inspired me to learn more about the adoption process. She now has an open adoption and will occasionally visit the family and her son. She now writes blog posts for other women who are considering adoption.
Education: Paige is a graduate from Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Minor in Biology. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Youth Development Leadership online through Clemson University. Prior to working with Nightlight, Paige was a Child Support Specialist through Clemson University for the South Carolina Department of Social Services.
Responsibilities: Paige will assist families through the initial foster care certification process and then provide continued support once a child has been placed in a foster home. She will also work to recruit new foster families.

Paige Z

Snowflakes Program Coordinator | Social Media Manager

Our Agency Expert:

Paige Z

Snowflakes Program Coordinator | Social Media Manager
Email Address: paige@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 41:10
Favorite Adoption Story: I am a foster parent to a teenager and her one year old son! While adoption is not on the table for them, being able to support them and provide a safe place for them to grow and thrive is just as rewarding!
Education: Bachelor of Science in Health Science from Grace College and Theological Seminary
Responsibilities: As the Snowflakes Program Coordinator, I manage a lot of behind the scenes work that make your embryo adoption or donation possible, including embryo transport and record collecting. I also manage our social media outreach.


Home Study Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study Coordinator
Email Address: rebecca.laurento@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.”-Proverbs 17:17
Education: PhD in Psychology, with a specialization in forensic psychology
Responsibilities: Primary person responsible for application intake of all programs, collection of documents, coordination with social workers and clients.


Executive Director
texasexecutive-directors, home-studies

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: rebekah@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29: 11-13: “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.’”
Favorite Adoption Story: There are so many but the one that stands out the most is one from a number of years ago around a baby boy who was born and after two days of testing we came to find out that he had been born with only a brain stem. As we were looking for his forever family, a young couple who was in the home study process contacted me (they had adamantly stated that they were not open to special needs) and said that this was their son. A few weeks later baby JoJo was placed for adoption. I was there for his first birthday (a milestone many thought would never happen). This little boy had a smile that would light up the room and a belly laugh like no other. At just over two years old he went to be with Jesus but it was incredible to see the impact that his life had on so many, mine included.
Education: BSW from Gordon College, MSW from Baylor University; TBRI certified
Responsibilities: As Executive Director, Rebekah oversees the programs of the Texas office, supervises its employees and runs the day-to-day functioning of the office.


Pregnancy Counselor | Home Study Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Pregnancy Counselor | Home Study Provider
Email Address: regina@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse:  “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” Matthew 7:7 and “I can do everything through him who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13.
Favorite Adoption Story: I have had the privilege of being a part of many adoption stories, professionally and personally. Each story is unique and beautiful. The most beautiful story is how our Heavenly Father, Creator of the universe, adopted all of us as his sons and daughters.
Education: Regina holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Social Work from Missouri State University, and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
Responsibilities: Regina is a birthparent counselor and home study provider in Southwest Missouri. She serves both birth parents and adoptive families throughout each stage of the adoption process. Regina currently resides in Springfield, Missouri with her husband and two children. Regina enjoys spending time with her family, being outdoors, attending sporting events, and church functions.


Snowflake Family Evaluation Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Snowflake Family Evaluation Provider
Email Address: Renae@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. –Colossians 3:23
Favorite Adoption Story: My husband and I adopted an 8 year old girl from Colombia in 2008. That same year we gave birth to a baby girl. In 2012 we adopted an 8 year old girl from LA County Foster Care. We gave birth to another girl that same year! Having “twins” nine years apart twice has been an incredible journey of blessings!
Education: MA in Communication with an emphasis in Interaction Studies and Organizational Behavior. Currently completing an MS in Human Sciences
Responsibilities: Colombia Program Coordinator


International Program Director

Our Agency Expert:


International Program Director
Email Address: rhonda@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world. Yerushalmi Talmud 4:9
Favorite Adoption Story: More of my family members are adopted then born into our family. I first became aware of adoption, when my brother came home on my 5th birthday, a month after his birth. Adoption was the way my husband and I chose to build our family through the adoption of five school aged children from Russia and one from Kyrgyzstan. Adoption is a way of life for me and I feel very blessed to help other families throughout their adoption journey.
Education: Rhonda Jarema earned her B.A. In psychology from University of Michigan and her M.A. from Pepperdine University.
Responsibilities: Manage the California office with specific responsibility for Kinship and UAA Adoption programs, Education Programs, Intercountry Home Study services, Home Study Abroad, and Hague Accreditation.


Pregnancy Counselor

Our Agency Expert:


Pregnancy Counselor
Email Address: robyn.ratzlaff@nightlight.org

Ron Stoddart

President Emeritus

Our Agency Expert:

Ron Stoddart

President Emeritus
Email Address: ron@stoddartlaw.com
Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:6, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths.”
Favorite Adoption Story: In 2003 the world of intercountry adoption was much different. The government had not yet started to restrict adoption practices and the focus was on getting more kids adopted. Russia was our most active program and I traveled to St. Petersburg 3 or 4 times a year. On each trip, I would visit orphanages and meet children who were eligible for adoption, take photos and videos and try to get a feel for their personalities. I would then keep a notebook with the information on the children in my office to share with families who were ready to select a child to adopt. On local family had finished their home study and came to my office on a Friday afternoon to look at “the book”. They had no other children and wanted to adopt a little girl under the age of 2. While looking through the book, I pointed out twin boys who were about 5 years old. Although they really wanted a girl, they kept coming back to the photo of the boys. They left the office that day unsure of what they wanted to do. But by Monday morning, they called and said they couldn’t get the twin boys out of their minds. Yes, they adopted those boys and never looked back. The boys are both now in college, active in sports and great examples of how God directs our paths.
Education: Juris Doctor

Ron received a B.S. in Business Administration and a Juris Doctor from Southwestern University.  He coordinated police recruitment for the Los Angeles Police Department and was a management consultant for KPMG before starting Omnimedical, a service and manufacturing company in the medical technology field.  He built Omnimedical into a $40 million publicly held company before changing careers to practice law.  His passion for pro-life ministry and adoption led him to focus on domestic and intercountry adoption law.   Ron subsequently became the President of Nightlight Christian Adoptions where he developed the first embryo adoption program – Snowflakes.  Although inactive, Ron remains a partner in Schmiesing Blied Stoddart & Mackey in Orange County, California.  He now practices law in Colorado, primarily in the field of Estate Planning, and consults on all forms of adoption policy and law.  He is also the founder and President of Save Adoptions, an intercountry adoption advocacy organization, and serves on the Board of Directors of Nightlight Christian Adoptions and Every Child Has A Name.


Ron was married to Linda for 52 years before losing her to cancer in 2016.  He married Kay Brown, a fellow widow from his church, in 2019.  Ron has 4 children and 8 grandchildren, including two children through adoption.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: rozdi@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Mark 9:23 all things are possible to him who believes
Favorite Adoption Story: I believe adoption is such a great option for someone who is wanting to expand their family as well as do God’s work. I have several friends that have been adopted and it has been such a good experience for them.
Education: I have a BA in Psychology and MHR (Masters in Human Relations) from the University of Oklahoma. I also have my LPC.
Responsibilities: Ensures compliance with state laws and regulations, and overseas the home study program, domestic adoption program, and foster care program in the Oklahoma office

Sarah Sowell

Board Member

Our Agency Expert:

Sarah Sowell

Board Member
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 23:4, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

Sarah and her husband adopted their daughter from Russia through Nightlight.  Sarah is in private practice as a psychologist.


Foster Care Advocate
indianadomestic, foster-care

Our Agency Expert:


Foster Care Advocate
Email Address: savana@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 16:11 and Jeremiah 33:3
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is the story that brought my little cousin to our family from Samoa.
Education: BSW, IUPUI
Responsibilities: Assisting in the development of the Indiana foster care program; Recruitment of foster parents; case management and service coordination for children in foster/foster adoptive homes.

Shannon H

Home Study/Post Adoption Report Provider

Our Agency Expert:

Shannon H

Home Study/Post Adoption Report Provider
Email Address: shannon.howard-lascari@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Favorite Adoption Story: I don’t know if I have a favorite story, per say. Any adoption that I have helped in creating a family sits in a special place in my heart. Creating families is beautiful and I am blessed to maintain contact with so many families and birth moms that I have worked with.
Education: Bachelors degree in Psychology from University of South Florida
Responsibilities: Conducting home visits in order to prepare home studies and post adoption reports


Social Services Manager

Our Agency Expert:


Social Services Manager
Email Address: shara@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “Not that I speak from need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with little, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” ~Philippians 4:11-13
Favorite Adoption Story: I have had the experience of watching several friends and church families over the years be blessed by adoption. My favorite story involves the sweetest girl from Kazakhstan. She was born with multiple medical issues her country of origin was not equipped to treat, and as a result was viewed by families in her home country as a disgrace. This sweet little girl lived in the orphanage from the time she was 7 weeks old until she was adopted at 4.5 years old. Her adoptive family knew God had great plans in store for her. Even though she did not speak when she and her adoptive family met, her adoptive mother told her interpreter “But my God says she will!” and she was right! The family had multiple barriers they still had to overcome to bring her home, but with their great faith and trust in God, they brought her home. She has continued to thrive and go on to overcome the odds that were placed on her. She is now entering in to high school and continue to succeed at whatever is put in front of her.
Education: In 2005 I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from University of Kentucky. In 2011 I earned my Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling, also from the University of Kentucky, which allowed me to become a Licensed Professional Counselor. Prior to joining Nightlight, I worked with children and adolescence in a behavioral health service program.
Responsibilities: Supervise agency social services employees, review home studies, provide pre-match consultations and international referral reviews.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: sonja@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 82:3 Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
Favorite Adoption Story: Working in international adoption you visit many countries, with some orphanage facilities being worse than others. Many years ago while visiting an orphanage in Africa, I met an older boy who was rail thin and with hollowed eyes who grabbed my arm and asked me to find him a family. You could see the desperation in his face. The attorney we worked with at the time told me every time she visited the orphanage, the boy asked her why she was only placing babies and toddlers with families and why families only wanted young children. He pleaded with her to find him a family too. This story broke my heart, we made it our mission to find this child a home and within a few months, we were able to find that family for this child. That was many years ago and today this child is thriving.
Education: MA
Responsibilities: Executive Director of the Indiana office. Oversees the programs in the Indiana office including the Bulgaria, Ukraine, Haiti, Samoa, Burkina Faso, Dominican Republic, Liberia, Portugal programs in addition to overseeing Anchored in Hope and Birth mother services in Indiana. Ensures compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. Provides guidance and assistance to the Advisory Board and fundraising activities.


Home Study/SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study/SFE Provider
Email Address: taylor@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: ”But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.“ ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is my own! My husband and I are in the process of adopting a 1 year old boy from Taiwan! This has been a dream of mine for 15 years so for it to be coming to life is a gift from the Lord!
Education: I am a licensed social worker (LBSW), have my TBRI Practitioner certification, and am also a Motivational Interviewing Practitioner.
Responsibilities: Conducting home studies, post adoption reports, and other pre/post adoption reports in the Greater Houston, Texas area


Social Services Manager

Our Agency Expert:


Social Services Manager
Email Address: tessa@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Education: BA in Psychology and MA in Human Relations both from the University of Oklahoma
Responsibilities: Tessa’s responsibilities include the supervision of staff, the review and approval of home studies and post adoption reports, conducting referral reviews with adoptive families, and overseeing the Anchored in Hope Program.


International Program Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


International Program Coordinator
Email Address: tiffany@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 13:12, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.”
Education: BSW and Pastoral Development License
Responsibilities: Managing day-to-day operations of our Honduras and Jamaica programs, maintaining working relationships with our in-country providers, and walking adoptive families through the process


Pregnancy Counselor

Our Agency Expert:


Pregnancy Counselor
Email Address: toni@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Timothy 1:6, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
Education: BA in Biblical Studies; former Director with Mosaic Health & Pregnancy Care Center
Responsibilities: Provide support and education to expectant parents who are considering adoption; support birth parents and adoptive family during the match period; conduct home visits and prepare home studies for adoptive families.

Torrey Harmon

Board Member

Our Agency Expert:

Torrey Harmon

Board Member

Torrey and his wife Susan adopted from Russia through Nightlight.  Torrey is retired from a career in computer science and engineering.


Home Study/SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study/SFE Provider
Email Address: trisha@nightlight.org


International Program Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


International Program Coordinator
Email Address: viktoriia@nightlight.org
Education: Viktoriia is originally from Ukraine, where she obtained her Specialist in Law degree in 2007 and PhD degree in 2010. In the USA she received her Master of Laws degree from Indiana University McKinney School of Law in 2016.
Responsibilities: Viktoriia is working with prospective adoptive parents hoping to adopt from the countries of Ukraine, and Samoa. She is assisting families throughout their international adoption process.


Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate

Our Agency Expert:


Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate
Email Address: winter@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 "But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies."
Favorite Adoption Story: It would be hard to choose just one of the beautiful stories I've heard as my favorite. I am continually blessed and inspired by the courage, love, and bravery that birth mothers have as they make one of the most difficult decisions of their lives, and am moved by the love, kindness, and perseverance of our adopting families as they go through the adoption process. I love how these acts represent the unconditional love that God has for us, as he has adopted us as orphans and brought us into his family.
Education: Bachelor's Degree in Interpersonal Communication and Psychology, Biola University
Responsibilities: Winter is responsible for counseling and supporting expectant parents who are in the process of making an adoption plan. She also supports, trains, and assists adopting families by walking with them through the process of Domestic Adoption. She does outreach in California to different hospitals, pregnancy resource centers, and medical facilities.


Snowflakes Adopting Parent Inquiry Specialist | Education Coordinator

Our Agency Expert:


Snowflakes Adopting Parent Inquiry Specialist | Education Coordinator
Email Address: wisline@nightlight.org


International Program Assistant

Our Agency Expert:


International Program Assistant
Email Address: yesenia@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 5:8: God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Education: B.A. in Psychology and Minor in Spanish
Responsibilities: Conducting inquiry calls with families interested in country programs; answering questions to help guide families to programs that best fit their needs; assisting the International Program Coordinators with dossier preparation.


Social Services Manager

Our Agency Expert:


Social Services Manager
Email Address: zuly@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths".
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is actually my close friend’s story when her family adopted. The Brown family was in the process of adopting Anna for 7.5 years, longest case in the State of South Carolina. The adoption was rescheduled at least 15 times throughout the years due to hospitalizations, attorney deaths, reunification, and 3 years of appeals. The Brown’s adopted sweet Anna during COVID around their dining room table this past year. It took them lots of patience and faith but it was finally realized during the rough quarantining time in this nation.
Education: Florida State University- BSW and Florida International University- MSW
Responsibilities: I am responsible for the supervision of foster care and home study services provided by the South Carolina office, in addition to presenting referral information to approved and waiting families who have received a referral on a child(ren).
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