Anchored in Hope - Adoption From Foster Care Program

Are you open to adopting one of the 100,000 kids in foster care who are available for adoption?
Anchored in Hope is a program that allows children in the foster care system who will not return to their biological family an opportunity for a forever family. In all foster care cases, reunification is the initial goal. However, in some cases, parents cannot make the changes needed to allow them to parent their children again safely. When the courts terminate parental rights, the children remain in foster care, not knowing what their future holds. An adoptive family can provide security, stability, and new hope to a child for their future.
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”
Hebrews 6:19

What makes Adoption from Foster Care different?

Provide safety, structure, and a loving home for children and youth entering foster care. Work with a team of professionals pursuing the best outcome for each individual child, whether that be through the goal of reunification or adoption.
Foster Care
Children in the foster care system may need to move into a licensed foster home willing to pursue adoption before the child is legally free for adoption. Foster parents are considered for adoption if reunification with the biological family is not possible.
Foster To Adopt
Be the forever family for youth in foster care who cannot return to their biological family. This unique program considers legally free youth in foster care throughout the United States.

Prospective adoptive parents are typically not required to be licensed foster parents to adopt a child from the foster care system.
Adoption from Foster Care

We are your advocate in navigating the child welfare system

Anchored in Hope staff will act as a liaison between you and the child welfare workers when searching for a child who will be a good match for your family
We will provide guidance during the matching phase to assist you in knowing what questions to ask and concerns to address before moving forward
We will support your entire family throughout placement and finalization to help with adjustment issues, child behaviors, and anything else you may face along the journey
Anchored In Hope Program OverviewAnchored in Hope Adoption Eligibility Requirements & FAQsSample Anchored in Hope Agreement for Adoption Services

How do I adopt from foster care?

Becoming an adoptive parent may not be as complicated as you expect. Our team will guide you step-by-step through the process. Some of the steps are:

  • Connect with our staff. We’re here to help answer your questions! Contact us through email or phone so we can help you explore whether adoption from foster care is a good fit for your family. 
  • Fill out an application. The adoption from foster care process begins with your application and orientation to Nightlight’s Anchored in Hope Program. You will participate in orientation with your home office either in person or via Skype/Zoom, depending on your home office’s requirements.
  • Complete a Home Study. The home study includes in-depth interviews with you and your family, along with an assessment of your house with an experienced staff member. The home study process also includes completing adoption education. Nightlight provides training that focuses on trauma-informed caregiving and Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) techniques. Additional training is required and will vary by state. We want to ensure that you are adequately prepared for bringing a new child into your home.
  • Match/Identification of Child – Once your home study is complete and you have been approved to adopt, you may begin searching for a child by looking at different websites (Adopt US Kids, Heart Gallery of America, Raise the Future, Americas Kids Belong, etc.). Your Nightlight adoption advocate will also search available sites for a potential match. We will review child profiles to ensure the child meets your stated preferences, prepare you for any concerns identified, offer suggestions of additional questions to ask, and participate in the match call. We will then follow up with the child’s case worker regarding the match call. If all parties desire to move forward, your Nightlight adoption advocate will advise you of the next steps.
  • Preparing for Placement – Once you are matched with a child, we will work with you to arrange the first visit. We are here to provide support as you navigate the initial visits, which may take place of several days. 
  • Placement & Finalization – Once the child is transitioned into your family, we will make monthly visits to your home to ensure the placement is going well. We will also provide written reports to the child’s case worker and advocate for a quick finalization. Finalization should occur between six months and one year depending on applicable state laws.
We were nervous and excited about the adoption process. We have faced many challenges trying to bring children into our family, and honestly learned to expect that things would go wrong. However, the professional, consistent communication from Nightlight has been a breath of fresh air.
Susan and Michael

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