Summer Reading Book List

  Summer is here! Which means the beach… the barbecues… and for some of us, the reading! What used to be such a chore as a child is now a beloved summer past time for many adults. I always like to balance my ‘to-read’ list with books that provide entertainment and books that offer personal […]

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Embryo Donation: Forgiving Yourself

  Completing your IVF journey is a significant milestone filled with mixed emotions—joy, relief, and perhaps a bit of uncertainty about the future. If you have remaining embryos, you might find yourself asking, "What should I do with them?" As you consider your options, you may find that neither discarding them, donating them to science, […]

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Requirements and Qualifications to Become a Foster Parent

  Did you know? There are over 400,000 children in the foster care system in the United States.  There are fewer than 200,000 foster homes in America.  The need for foster parents is real.  Being a foster parent is so rewarding and is a wonderful opportunity to love like Jesus.  Healing Homes is committed to […]

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7 Myths About Foster Care: Dispelling Misconceptions

  Foster care often carries a shroud of misconceptions that can deter families from considering it. Let's explore some of the most common myths about foster care and shed light on the realities.  Myth 1: Foster Care is Only for Young Children  Reality: Foster care is not limited to young children; it encompasses children and […]

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International Spotlight: Colombia

  Program Highlights Nightlight’s Colombia Adoption Program stands out as one of the largest and most successful international adoption programs. This program is notably the fastest option for families open to adopting older children, offering a streamlined process and a wide range of support services. Country and Culture Colombia is a vibrant South American country […]

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Birth Fathers in the Adoption Process

  It can be easy to get caught up on all of the ‘what if’s’ along your adoption journey. Especially on a day such as today, Father’s Day, you might think on the possible ‘what if’s’ surrounding your future child’s birth father in the adoption process. “What if he doesn’t want to sign his own […]

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Push for Permanency in Foster Care

  If you have been around foster care for a while you might have noticed a recent push and focus in the foster care system for child permanency. Recent studies have shown the emotional, social and psychological impacts that permanency has on a child in foster care. Permanency relates to the child’s final destination on […]

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Adoption Impacts: Lisa Prather

  I was adopted by my step-father at the age of 4 years old. I am the oldest of 4 children (my younger 3 siblings the biological children of my mother and adoptive father). Even though my dad was imperfect, I was so blessed to grow up in a two parent home where I was […]

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What You Should Expect from your First Foster Placement

  You finally made it through the home study process for your and now, what should you expect? You put in hours of work on trainings, paperwork, and visits. You received your first call asking your willingness to say yes to the unknown…The doorbell rings and you welcome a stranger into your home…what happens now? […]

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Foster Care Support

In recent years, the spotlight on foster care and adoption has intensified, shining a much-needed light on the thousands of children awaiting loving homes. With adoption now at the forefront of many conversations, more individuals and families are considering becoming carers or adoptive parents than ever before. For those new to the realm of foster […]

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