Our Agency Team of Experts

Alison L

Executive Director
coloradoexecutive-directors, international, home-studies

Our Agency Expert:

Alison L

Executive Director
Email Address: alison.lamsma@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 46:10 "He says, be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth."
Education: Masters of Arts in Social Service Administration with Clinical Focus. Bachelor's of Social Work. Trained in Trust Based Relational Intervention
Responsibilities: I am currently the Colorado Executive and International Program Coordinator for India Program. My responsibilities include international program supervision in Colorado office, India program management from matching to travel, and supervision of home study providers.

Amanda A

Social Services Manager

Our Agency Expert:

Amanda A

Social Services Manager
Email Address: Amanda@nightlight.org
Favorite Adoption Story: I don’t have just one favorite adoption story! Each adoption that I have been involved in becomes my favorite and leaves an impression on my heart. My most impactful adoption story is my grandmothers. She was adopted domestically as an infant into a wonderfully loving and supportive family. Even though her adoption was closed and she never learned who her birthparents parents were, her parents always spoke positively and respectfully of her birthparent’s decision. Through my grandmother’s story, I grew a passion for adoption and pursued a career in the adoption field.
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Biola University; Master of Social Work, California State University, Long Beach
Responsibilities: As a social services manager, I review home studies and post adoption reports, conduct international referral reviews, support families in post adoption, and supervise local social services employees

Angela K.

Executive Director
floridadomestic, executive-directors

Our Agency Expert:

Angela K.

Executive Director
Email Address: angela.knapp@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
Favorite Adoption Story: There are so many. In addition to my own story of becoming a mom twice through international adoption, some adoption stories that stand out come from a group of pre-teen boys that I met while working in a welfare center overseas for several years. Several of these boys were adopted just weeks or even days before aging out, two were adopted by the same family, and one more became their cousin. It was amazing to see God work through volunteers and advocates to help bring these children and families together.
Education: Angela holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs from Florida State University and a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of Florida and has been working with families and children in the field of adoption and child welfare since 2007.
Responsibilities: As Executive Director, Angela oversees the programs of the Florida office, supervises its employees, and runs the day to day functioning of the Florida office.

Beth B

Executive Director
kentuckyexecutive-directors, snowflakes

Our Agency Expert:

Beth B

Executive Director
Email Address: bethb@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Mark 10:13-16
Favorite Adoption Story: My family has been touched by adoption in many ways, but my new favorite story is the adoption of our son, Bryan, who we adopted from Colombia in 2018. We had no intention of becoming adoptive parents, so it was definitely something God put on our hearts and in the hearts of our other children. It became clear after hosting Bryan during one of Nightlight’s hosting opportunities that he was meant to be part of our family. There have been plenty of struggles and ups and downs, but also much joy and love. We are so grateful to have him as part of our family.
Education: Bachelor of Science in Family Science, Brigham Young University
Responsibilities: Executive Director of the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: dana@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:6-9
Favorite Adoption Story: I now have two! I began working at A Helping Hand Adoption Agency (which later became Nightlight Christian Adoptions) the first week of May, 2007. That very same week, in Guatemala, a precious little boy was born. Four months later, our Guatemalan caseworker walked through the office holding two files in the air, one in each hand, praying “Dear God, we lift the files of these two boys up to you. We know that you know where their families are and we pray, dear Lord, that You will send them our way. Do not keep them waiting!” I asked to see the files and immediately fell in love with the most beautiful baby boy I had ever seen. One month later, we began the process of adoption. One year later, this little boy became my son! In November, 2020, my cousin was hospitalized due to Covid-19. She had custody of a child through the state foster care system she was planning to adopt. She was looking for someone to keep her while she recovered. I asked my husband if we could step in as “fictive kin” and he said “Sure! We can take care of a baby for 3 or 4 weeks!” My cousin went on a ventilator the following day and took months to recover from the virus. In the meantime, my husband and I had fallen head over heels in love with the happiest, most joyful little girl and were praying individually for what we later learned was the same thing. Neither of us wanted to ask my cousin, we wanted her to ask us to adopt her! She called a few days later after learning from her doctors that she would never recover to the ability to chase after a toddler and care for a child on her own and asked if we would like to make her our little girl. Our 3 to 4 weeks turned into forever in August, 2021!
Education: Dana holds an Associate of Arts in Paralegal Studies and a Bachelor of Science in Child & Family Studies from Eastern Kentucky University. Her Master’s Degree in Child & Family Studies was earned from Western Kentucky University. Dana is a member of the National Council on Family Relations and is certified as a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE).
Responsibilities: As Executive Director, Dana oversees the programs of the Kentucky office, supervises its employees and runs the day to day functioning of the office.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: lara.kelso@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”-Psalm 30:5
Favorite Adoption Story: I have been involved with a number of domestic adoptions, however I will admit that the adoptions of my son and daughter stand out as two of my favorite. I feel like I am able to assist adoptive families by drawing from our personal adoption experiences, relationships with our children’s birth parents, and my own process of coming to accept my infertility. I understand that the adoption process can leave one feeling extremely vulnerable. I understand that there are many questions and concerns. It’s scary. But I have witnessed many, many successful and joyful outcomes. Every adoption is a blessing to me.
Education: Lara holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Lindenwood University and a Master of Arts in Counseling from Missouri Baptist University. In addition she maintains a Licensed Professional Counselor status through the State of Missouri.
Responsibilities: As Executive Director, Lara oversees the programs of the Missouri office including domestic and international adoptions, supervises its employees, and runs the day to day functioning of the office. Lara brings over 15 years of vocational experience in adoption to her work at Nightlight, but she also provides the personal insight of being an adoptive mother twice. Lara holds a Bachelor of Science in Business as well as a Master of Arts in Counseling from Missouri Baptist University and is a Licensed Professional Counselor.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: marissa@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” Psalm 27:13-14
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is that of a family in my hometown. After having 5 biological children, they completed an international adoption of a child with special needs… and then another one… and then another one! Yes- they have 8 children total. Their adoption story reminds me of the Lord’s infinite love for us- He continually pours out his love and makes a way when it seems there is none.
Education: Marissa holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Sciences from the University of Georgia, as well as a Master of Science in Nonprofit Administration from Louisiana State University, Shreveport.
Responsibilities: As Executive Director, Marissa oversees the day to day operations of the Georgia office and the adoption programs managed there, as well as coordinating an advisory board and fundraising efforts.

Nichole C

Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:

Nichole C

Executive Director
Email Address: Nichole.chase@nightlight.org
Favorite Adoption Story: It is hard to pinpoint a favorite adoption story, as I believe all adoption stories are incredible and unique. I have had the privilege of being a part of many. I look forward to being a continued support for both expectant parents and adoptive families through this journey of love, selflessness, and vulnerability.
Education: Masters of Social work from University of Southern California. Licensed Master Social Worker in South Carolina.
Responsibilities: Nichole leads the team in our SC office and provides oversight of adoption programs managed there.


Executive Director
texasexecutive-directors, home-studies

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: rebekah@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29: 11-13: “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.’”
Favorite Adoption Story: There are so many but the one that stands out the most is one from a number of years ago around a baby boy who was born and after two days of testing we came to find out that he had been born with only a brain stem. As we were looking for his forever family, a young couple who was in the home study process contacted me (they had adamantly stated that they were not open to special needs) and said that this was their son. A few weeks later baby JoJo was placed for adoption. I was there for his first birthday (a milestone many thought would never happen). This little boy had a smile that would light up the room and a belly laugh like no other. At just over two years old he went to be with Jesus but it was incredible to see the impact that his life had on so many, mine included.
Education: BSW from Gordon College, MSW from Baylor University; TBRI certified
Responsibilities: As Executive Director, Rebekah oversees the programs of the Texas office, supervises its employees and runs the day-to-day functioning of the office.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: rozdi@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Mark 9:23 all things are possible to him who believes
Favorite Adoption Story: I believe adoption is such a great option for someone who is wanting to expand their family as well as do God’s work. I have several friends that have been adopted and it has been such a good experience for them.
Education: I have a BA in Psychology and MHR (Masters in Human Relations) from the University of Oklahoma. I also have my LPC.
Responsibilities: Ensures compliance with state laws and regulations, and overseas the home study program, domestic adoption program, and foster care program in the Oklahoma office


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: sonja@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 82:3 Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
Favorite Adoption Story: Working in international adoption you visit many countries, with some orphanage facilities being worse than others. Many years ago while visiting an orphanage in Africa, I met an older boy who was rail thin and with hollowed eyes who grabbed my arm and asked me to find him a family. You could see the desperation in his face. The attorney we worked with at the time told me every time she visited the orphanage, the boy asked her why she was only placing babies and toddlers with families and why families only wanted young children. He pleaded with her to find him a family too. This story broke my heart, we made it our mission to find this child a home and within a few months, we were able to find that family for this child. That was many years ago and today this child is thriving.
Education: MA
Responsibilities: Executive Director of the Indiana office. Oversees the programs in the Indiana office including the Bulgaria, Ukraine, Haiti, Samoa, Burkina Faso, Dominican Republic, Liberia, Portugal programs in addition to overseeing Anchored in Hope and Birth mother services in Indiana. Ensures compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. Provides guidance and assistance to the Advisory Board and fundraising activities.
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