Lisa W

Job Title: International Program Coordinator
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Favorite Bible Verse: Joshua 3:5 “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.”
Favorite Adoption Story: I have been honored to witness and be a part of many adoption stories and they are all my favorite. The one I will share with you is a time when a birthmother gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and the adoptive couple was there at the hospital. But this young woman wanted to spend time with her baby. This was a difficult time for the adoptive couple because they were afraid that she would change her mind and decide to parent her son. I stayed with this birthmother during her stay at the hospital. We talked as she dressed her son and took so many pictures of him. She had to say hello and that she loved him. The adoptive couple gave her the space to do that. On the day she left the hospital, the birthmother said, “Lisa, I want to give him to you and leave.” When it was time for her to leave, she hugged and kissed her son and placed him in my arms, with tears running down her cheeks. Then she turned and sat in the wheelchair as the nurse wheeled her down the hallway. Her cries filled the maternity floor as she made the most difficult choice of her life. I was left standing in her hospital room holding this precious baby boy. As I held him, I prayed for him and the plans God had for him. I then took him to his adoptive parents. They stood holding one another, having heard the birthmother’s cries. I wiped the tears from my eyes and encouraged them to hold their son. Today this little boy is 8 years old. I continue to get pictures of birthdays and holidays when his adoptive family and his birth family spend time together. Moments now filled with smiles and laughter.
Education: Lisa is a graduate of Morehead State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. Prior to joining Nightlight in 2012, Lisa worked with the Cabinet for Families and Children completing abuse/neglect investigations and working with foster children. She has worked with A Helping Hand Adoption Agency completing home studies for couples adopting from China. Upon joining the Nightlight team in 2012, Lisa worked as Domestic Program Coordinator/Birthparent Counselor/Home Study Provider. Lisa now works in the International Programs. She coordinates the countries of Albania, Honduras, Malawi, Uganda, and some Nigeria cases.
Responsibilities: Lisa helps coordinate the Albania, Uganda, Honduras, Malawi, and Nigeria adoption programs and assists families throughout their international adoption process.
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