Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 82:3 Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
Favorite Adoption Story: Working in international adoption you visit many countries, with some orphanage facilities being worse than others. Many years ago while visiting an orphanage in Africa, I met an older boy who was rail thin and with hollowed eyes who grabbed my arm and asked me to find him a family. You could see the desperation in his face. The attorney we worked with at the time told me every time she visited the orphanage, the boy asked her why she was only placing babies and toddlers with families and why families only wanted young children. He pleaded with her to find him a family too. This story broke my heart, we made it our mission to find this child a home and within a few months, we were able to find that family for this child. That was many years ago and today this child is thriving.
Education: MA
Responsibilities: Executive Director of the Indiana office. Oversees the programs in the Indiana office including the Bulgaria, Ukraine, Haiti, Samoa, Burkina Faso, Dominican Republic, Liberia, Portugal programs in addition to overseeing Anchored in Hope and Birth mother services in Indiana. Ensures compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. Provides guidance and assistance to the Advisory Board and fundraising activities.