Post Adoption Reporting

Welcome to Nightlight Christian Adoptions’ information page for international post placement and post adoption reporting. This page is set up for families and post placement/adoption provider agencies to find all the information you need to complete and submit a post placement or post adoption report. It is the adoptive family’s responsibility to ensure all reporting requirements are followed and communicated to their post placement/adoption provider, obtain any required authentication, and submit all required photographs. Please contact the family’s Post Adoption Coordinator or Heather Sloan, Director of the Post Adoption Connection Center, at with any questions.


1-month Contact Form

Nightlight requires a 1-month contact check-in for every international adoptive family. This is not a full post report, but intended to be a time for the family to connect with the post adoption provider and talk over their initial adjustment home with their child. This should be completed in person, either in the family home, agency office, or neutral location. Below is a PDF template you can use to complete the report and submit to the family’s Post Adoption Coordinator.

1-month Contact Form Instructions and Visit Questionnaire

1-month Contact Form

Note: Nigeria, Hong Kong, and Jamaica (Adoption License) require a formal, full report instead of an informal check-in. For these countries, please follow the country specific instructions linked on this page for your program and conduct a regular post placement or post adoption report.



Notarization Form For Self-Reports

Notarization Form for Self-Reports 

Note: Only needed for Nigeria, Taiwan, Malawi, and Haiti (Dossier approved before 10/02/2016).

Post Placement/Post Adoption Report Instructions

Instructions for each country are below and are meant as a guide for the family and agency. Please contact the family’s Post Adoption Coordinator with any questions. We have also provided a questionnaire to assist in gathering information for you visit and templates for completing the report.

Please keep reports 3-4 pages maximum, unless it is a combined sibling report or the family has significant circumstances to report. These reports are translated by page and this helps save on costs.

Please DO NOT include agency, Hague, or social worker licenses with the report, unless noted in the country instructions. These are generally not required for post adoption reports. 

Post Adoption Questionnaire - This is not required but can be used as a tool for the post adoption report provider in interviewing the family and completing the report.

General template - for all countries except China and Colombia

China template

Colombia template


Country Instruction Packets


Bulgaria - Child arrived home before 2024

Bulgaria - Child arrived in/after 2024

Burkina Faso


Colombia - Court finalization before 1/19/2021

Colombia - Court finalization after 1/19/2021

Dominican Republic



Haiti - Dossier approved before 10/1/2016

Haiti - Dossier approved after 10/1/2016


Hong Kong


Individualized Country Programs

Iran - Child arrived home before 1/1/2022

Iran - Child arrived home after 1/1/2022

Jamaica - Adoption Order

Jamaica - Adoption License











Taiwan - Adopted before April 2018

Taiwan - Adopted after April 2018



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