Apprehension Turns into Appreciation

We truly feel blessed with our experience and at peace with our decision.

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A Symbol of Courage

There was no way that he and his lovely bride-to-be could have anticipated that the emblem of the Games – a simple Snowflake – would reappear in their lives in an unexpected way.

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Is Donating Your Embryos The Right Choice?

" It wasn't an instant choice, Cecile said. "I took us three years to make the choice. We wondered, 'Is it okay to give away your embryos because it isn't convenient?'"

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Finding Someone 'Just Like Us'

The circumstances and decision for each family are different. Given the challenges we have faced and our current ages, our decision was ultimately the right one for us but yet it was incredibly difficult to make.

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Embryo Donation Brings Peace of Mind

Kurt and I agreed we were done now having children, yet I didn't feel we were finished--what were we to do with our remaining embryos was nagging me.

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New Life is Born from Loss

When Justin and Amanda decided to pursue in vitro fertilization after the birth of their first child, they always knew they would end up donating their remaining embryos.

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Choosing Life for Our Embryos

Their lives were valuable to us. Therefore, we knew that taking their lives by thawing and disposing of them or using them for scientific research was not an option for us.

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Chris and Rebecca's Embryo Donation

The pregnancy was extremely challenging for Rebecca, and after the twins were born it was made clear they would not be able to use their remaining embryos.

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Embryos and Divorce

It took nearly six months to finalize our divorce and now I faced the reality of what to do with our four remaining frozen embryos.

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Why We Placed Our Embryos Up for Adoption

After an IVF cycle producing 19 embryos, two embryo transfers and the birth of 3 children, we knew we were done building our family and needed to decide what to do.

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