Are abortion and adoption incompatible?

When I started working for Carolina Hope a few years ago, I discovered something that surprised me: many adoption professionals are pro-abortion-rights (not at Carolina Hope, mind you). I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. There is, it seems, a certain logic to the pro-abortion, pro-adoption mindset. It starts with 2 premises: first, that birth […]

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Adoption Sermons wanted to make you aware of the new Gospel Coalition website. One of its great new features is links to audio sermons by TGC council members. I was pleased to discover that it devotes an entire page to council members' sermons on adoption. There are sermons on adoption by John Piper, Mark Dever, Ligon […]

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Transracial Adoption: Talking about our extended families' response.

When we began adopting transracially, our families were very alarmed, and they didn’t hesitate to tell us. They were concerned about us being naive and unrealistic. About our ‘perfect’ one-boy-one-girl family being rocked so hard that it would be destroyed. They pointed out that with college expenses rising we couldn’t educate more than two -- […]

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Interview with Connie Dugas: on international and older child adoption

John and Connie met each other at church during their college days at Oklahoma State University. What started out as a very casual and comfortable friendship steadily grew into much more as they spent more and more time together in church/ministry, and hanging out with friends--less than 14 months after they met, they were married! […]

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My 'Friday' list on transracial parenting. A few of the smiles.

I couldn’t endure this parenting journey for very long if all I had were the Monday realities to look forward to. I thank God that for every Monday of transracial parenting there is an opposite and hope-filled Friday calling to me. Fridays are the promises fulfilled, the dreams unfolding and the needed rest from what […]

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Interview with Dr. Timothy Trumper (Part 4)

As part of our blog’s adoption interview series, I’m interviewing several theologians about the doctrine of spiritual adoption and its implications for earthly adoption. I believe that the practice of earthly adoption will be significantly enriched as we grow in our understanding of what it means to be adopted by God. Because of the length and […]

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Interview with Dr. Timothy Trumper (Part 1)

As part of our blog’s adoption interview series, I’m interviewing several theologians about the doctrine of spiritual adoption and its implications for earthly adoption. I believe that the practice of earthly adoption will be significantly enriched as we grow in our understanding of what it means to be adopted by God. Our fourth theologian interview […]

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Interview with Sam Storms

As part of our blog’s adoption interview series, I’m interviewing several theologians about the doctrine of spiritual adoption and its implications for earthly adoption. I believe that the practice of earthly adoption will be significantly enriched as we grow in our understanding of what it means to be adopted by God. Our third interview with a […]

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Interview with Anthony Mathenia: Missionary to Ethiopia and Adoptive Father

As the result of one of our first adoption interviews, I had the opportunity to meet (via e-mail) a missionary who serves in Ethiopia. It did not take much interaction for me to sense a kindred-spirit. Anthony Mathenia is passionate about the gospel and loves the people of Ethiopia deeply. He and his wife, Amber, […]

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Interview with Sue Hill: Ethiopia Adoption

Ken and Sue Hill have 6 children, ages 11, 9, 7, 7, 2, and 11 months old. Their first five children are biological. Their youngest was adopted from Ethiopia this past February. Those of you who have already adopted or are currently pursuing adoption know the financial challenges involved in adoption. It might encourage you […]

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