Supporting BirthParents Through Adoption

    Working with birthparents and seeing the emotions they go through in making the decision to place their child for adoption is not an easy task.  But it is necessary to support them through their adoption.  One way to prepare yourself to support a birth parent is by educating yourself.  There is a book […]

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Summer Camp Resources for Adoptive Families

      Summer is upon us and the season for summer camp has come. Maybe this is your first summer with your kids and you have no idea where to start for camp and summer activities.   The first place to start would be your church. Often times churches have summer camp for older […]

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Our Adoption Journey: Nightlight Family Testimony

  This is the story of how we adopted our precious daughter. My wife and I had 10 years of unexplained infertility. We felt in our hearts that we needed to partner with a Christian adoption agency. Galatians 6:10 instructs us, " … let us do good to all people, and especially to those who […]

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Searching : A Personal Journey of Searching For Birth Parents

  I grew up knowing that my mom was placed for adoption when she was an infant in the late 1950s.  My grandparents were unable to have children and worked with a private attorney to adopt my mom.  We had little to no information about her birthmother, and what little we may have had, was […]

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Adoptee Identity Search for birthparents

Answering Questions for Adult Adoptees Rhonda Jarema Nightlight Christian Adoptions Today I received yet another call from an adult adoptee, questioning whether as the agency of her adoption almost 20 years ago, could we provide her with her original adoption documents. She wanted to find her family. Whether adopted domestically or internationally, the interest in […]

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Subsidiarity, and the notion that indigenous solutions should be preferred

It is difficult to believe that the adoption of orphan children anywhere in the world could be controversial. But there are some, including UNICEF, who believe that moving a child from one culture to another, even for the best of reasons, is to be avoided at all costs. In the last two decades this has […]

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A Faith Story from the Hong Kong Program

Whenever I think about David and Goliath, I am reminded that one of the reasons David had so much faith in God and was confident God would deliver Goliath into his hands was because of the many times God had done this before. In order for us to build our faith in the midst of […]

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Nightlight’s Position on “Re-Homing”

Recently the media has raised public awareness about children whose adoptions have been dissolved and the methods used to find news homes for these children.   The media has dubbed this practice as “rehoming.”    Sometimes these adoptions are called “disrupted adoptions,” but the technical term is dissolved if the adoptive family has already legally adopted […]

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Stephen and Jami

Hello, We are Stephen and Jami, and we are so honored that you are taking the time to read this. It is our hope that you will be encouraged as you consider this gracious and compassionate step of adoption. Our story begins in Pennsylvania where we met. We worked together and had fun together leading […]

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Faith through the ups and downs of Embryo Adoption

The following is written by a Snowflakes family. We are Ben and Steph, and we’ve had an amazing experience with embryo adoption. After dealing with infertility, we looked into EA. We liked the pro-life aspect – rescuing little lives that are frozen in time, waiting just to be given a chance at life. Being pregnant […]

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