Helping families with the transitions of International Adoption

About one-third of families who adopt internationally have smooth transitions; another third or so have some difficulties, but manage to work through these issues; and another third have serious and more pervasive problems. In these more difficult circumstances, even the best parents are often not prepared. Those families who are struggling need support, like every […]

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Parents’ Attachment Style and the Adopted Child

Because of the profound impact that the parents’ attachment style has on a child’s emotional well-being, we as adoptive parents need to understand our own attachment style if we are to help our children, especially those with difficult histories.

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Neurochemistry and the Adopted Child

Fortunately, as a child’s environment changes and the neurotransmitter levels become normal, the child’s behavior changes, further changing the brain chemistry. This then affects the brain structure and operation, helping the brain, which is malleable, to then return to a more normal state.

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Be Our Guest: Luncheon for Pastors and Laypersons, March 31st

If you are in the Greenville, SC area, and your church has or is interested in starting an orphan ministry, then you will want to attend this lunch sponsored by the Carolina Christian Alliance for Orphans.

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Nutrition and the Internationally Adopted Child

This is the first in a series on nutrition and the adopted child. There has been a growing interest in the nutritional needs of adopted children. There is a webinar  recorded through Adoption Learning Partners and the Spoon Foundation presented by Dr. Dana Johnson called “Food for Thought.”  You can listen to this webinar for […]

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Bones Anthony: From orphan to evangelist

Testimony of Bones Anthony, a Ugandan Christian orphaned as an infant. When my twin brother and I were 3 months old, our mother came home very drunk and wanting to commit suicide. She took the pair of us, her youngest kids, and headed for the river. Fortunately, other people followed her and rescued us.

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Interview with Matt Thien: 10 Songs 10 Days Africa

Matt Thien's most recent CD project 10 Songs 10 Days Africa was established to benefit the Tumaini Mission Center in Nakuru, Kenya, home to over 100 orphans. Matt spoke with us regarding the inspiration for his project and how the gospel has influenced his view of humanitarian aid and orphan care.

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"Our Embryo Adoption Story"

The Grindles tell the story of how they recently gave birth to a daughter who came to them through embryo adoption.

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Press release from Bob Inglis: Letter to Obama about FOCA

U.S. Rep. Bob Inglis signed on to a letter from House Republican Leader John Boehner to President Barack Obama on Wednesday, asking the President to reconsider his support of the Freedom of Choice Act. The text of the letter is reproduced here.

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Open to openness in adoption

Open to openness means that the adoptive parents should be willing to meet with the birth mother before the baby is born, be with her at the hospital, and provide her with pictures and letters after the child is placed with them.

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