Making It Easy to Celebrate Orphan Sunday, November 7th

We at Nightlight are here to help you celebrate Orphan Sunday. If you live in CA, CO, or SC, one of our staff may be available to attend your church and assist you in having an orphan-related event. If you are in another state, one of our adoption advocates may be able to help you […]

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Embryo and Transracial Adoption

Even for families who more than eagerly would adopt across racial lines, the idea of delivering a baby outside of their race would cause too much concern of what the experience would be like and the reaction of others.

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Good news from Uganda!

The commissioner at the Ministry of Gender in Uganda has written our approval letter to operate Nightlight Christian Adoptions' baby home as a fully licensed baby's home in Uganda.

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The Virtue of Doing

Recently I was asked by a colleague my thoughts regarding an adoptive couple who wanted to stand outside an abortion clinic and tell each woman that they would adopt the unborn child if  she would choose adoption over abortion. After considering the family's plans  for a moment and all the negative press that they could receive, I said it was all […]

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NPR Adoption Survey

This National Pubic Radio article is based on a survey to determine how children who were adopted fare. There is not a separation under the term "domestic" adoptions  for those adopted as infants, as opposed to those who were adopted by relatives--and usually older. It is estimated that 40% of all domestic (non-foster care) adoptions are by step-parents and relatives. Although […]

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Haitian Orphans and the Voyage of the Damned

To do less for orphans is to be reminded of what happens when we turn our backs on those who need our help as shown in Voyage of Damned, a movie based on the 1939 real life story of a ship carrying 937 Jews from Germany to Havana, Cuba.

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Caring for the vulnerable: Down Syndrom, abortion, and adoption

The journal First Things has published a marvelous article entitled "Conscience, Courage, and Children With Down Syndrome" by the archbishop of Denver, Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M Cap. Here are some excerpts, with a couple comments from me at the end.

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Genetic Testing: What Can It Provide for Adoptees?

Professor of Genetics Robert Moss: The idea of an adoptee having access to a detailed medical history through a DNA profile is bogus, and the 'profiles' being offered to predict disease and traits are pretty useless.

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Recent changes around here

As you probably noticed from the banner above, Carolina Hope Christian Adoption Agency has been acquired by Nightlight Chrisitian Adoptions of Califorinia. Our office is now the South Carolina branch office of Nightlight. We will continue to offer the same services to children and families. We are slowly dismantlio our website as all the information […]

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Did you see this ad during the Super Bowl? (The answer is "no")

This pro-life ad was rejected by NBC for running during the Super Bowl today. But everyone's watching it anyway! HT: ABBA

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