Is 2021 Your Year to Donate?

As a new year unfolds, the prevailing themes of renewal, fresh beginnings, decision-making, and goal achievement come to the forefront. If you've reached the conclusion of your IVF journey, you may have grappled with the decision regarding the fate of your remaining embryos in the past year. This decision, perhaps unforeseen and undesirable, may appear […]

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Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day

What childhood memories come to mind during this time of year? For me, it's the cherished moments of family gatherings, the joy of giving and sharing gifts, the spirit of blessing those less fortunate, and the simple pleasure of watching snow gently fall. The landscape transformed into a breathtaking scene as each snowflake contributed its […]

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What Are Your Home Study Options For An Embryo Adoption?

  The inclusion of a home study in the embryo adoption process aligns with adoption best practices. Whether or not government entities officially recognize or regulate embryo adoption, the ultimate outcome is the placement of a child with parents who are not genetically related. The home study comprises various elements, including assessment, education, and preparation, […]

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Adopting Embryos Created with an Anonymous Donor

Embryo adoption, despite being in existence for over two decades, can pose some significant challenges for individuals navigating this unique form of adoption. However, when one considers the perspective that life begins at conception, embryo adoption emerges as a remarkably beautiful means of expanding one's family while rescuing embryos from a frozen state. In the […]

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Racial Reconciliation and Adoption

  Reconciliation is at the center of the gospel. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 says, “All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message […]

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Talking with Kids About Racism

2020 will likely be remembered for many things. We have faced challenges in the forms of a pandemic, national calls to quarantine, businesses and schools shutting down, and lives being lost. We have also experienced protests erupting across our great nation due to an outcry for justice and an end to racism. The topic of […]

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Preparing for a Frozen Embryo Transfer

  You have decided you want to pursue embryo adoption and have completed all the necessary steps. You have chosen an agency, filled out an application, completed the home study, have been matched with embryos, finalized the contract, and had the embryos shipped to the clinic! Here is my experience: Now you are super excited […]

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The Quality of Embryos Does Not Equal Pregnancy Success

  On a chilly Friday night, as snowflakes softly fell from the dark sky, I found myself behind the wheel, heading to a local fundraiser to meet my husband. My husband and I had faced the heartache of unsuccessful attempts to start a family for over three years, leaving us with unanswered questions after initial […]

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Anonymous Embryo Donation Doesn't Work

In the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program, anonymous or closed placements are not available, and the reason is simple—it's no longer feasible. The prevalence of at-home DNA testing kits and the accessibility of information on the internet make it easy for individuals to discover if they are donor-conceived and even identify their donor. The Donor Sibling […]

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How to Spread the Word About Embryo Adoption

  For the past twelve years, I have been working for Nightlight Christian Adoptions. All of my focus has been on raising awareness and participation in embryo donation and adoption. The most discouraging words I hear on any given day are, “I’ve never heard about this before. You need to be doing more to help […]

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