What Are Your Home Study Options For An Embryo Adoption?

  The inclusion of a home study in the embryo adoption process aligns with adoption best practices. Whether or not government entities officially recognize or regulate embryo adoption, the ultimate outcome is the placement of a child with parents who are not genetically related. The home study comprises various elements, including assessment, education, and preparation, […]

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When You Are Ready to Adopt But Your Spouse Is Not

  Growing your family through adoption is a big decision that requires both parents who are fully committed and ready to adopt. It isn’t a decision to be taken lightly, or made on a whim, or without a lot of discussion as a couple. It is a mutual decision where   both parties have to […]

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Steps to Take if Your Agency Loses Accreditation

  Since January, 2018, on average, an international adoption agency has lost accreditation every two weeks.  In fact, there were 168 accredited adoption agencies beginning in 2018, and today there are only 112.  The main reason agencies are losing accreditation regards disputes with the accrediting entity about how to interpret regulations. If your agency loses […]

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How to Prepare Your Marriage for Your Adoption Journey

  You and your spouse have decided to adopt!  You are both probably feeling an array of emotions; excitement, anxiety, overwhelmed and even fear.  Deciding to begin the adoption process is a big decision, and one that you may have gone through many hurdles to get to.  Maybe you have gone through infertility or maybe […]

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Adopting Embryos Created with an Anonymous Donor

Embryo adoption, despite being in existence for over two decades, can pose some significant challenges for individuals navigating this unique form of adoption. However, when one considers the perspective that life begins at conception, embryo adoption emerges as a remarkably beautiful means of expanding one's family while rescuing embryos from a frozen state. In the […]

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National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness

    In 1988, President Reagan established October as National Observance of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month.  His intention was to offer Americans “the opportunity to increase (their) understanding of the great tragedy involved in the deaths of unborn and newborn babies” and to use this time to consider how we might support bereaved […]

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Waiting For The Lord

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalms 27:14 NIV   "That sounded like a long time." We started our adoption journey in June of 2018. On our first call with Nightlight, they told us that it would likely be somewhere around 6-18 months from the time that […]

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How to Support Your Family Member’s or Friend’s Adoption

Adoption can be a very emotional and financially challenging process where adoptive parents can experience high levels of stress and anxiety.  Whether a family is adopting domestically, internationally or through our Snowflakes program, prospective adoptive parents need the support of their family and friends rallying around them, as they go through the emotional roller coaster […]

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21 Ways to Honor a Birthmom's Love and Sacrifice

  When a birth mother makes an adoption plan, she is often sacrificing her own desires and feelings for the good of her child, whom she loves deeply. This deep love translates into inviting another family into her child’s story and entrusting that child into their care and protection. It can be difficult for some […]

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Racial Reconciliation and Adoption

  Reconciliation is at the center of the gospel. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 says, “All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message […]

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