Chatting with Kids About Adoption

Here's a very helpful article about talking with your children about adoption: Chatting with Kids About Adoption.

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Al Jazeera, JCICS, and adoption (part 1)

The English wing of the Arab news network Al Jazeera produced a piece last month about international adoption on their "Inside Story" program: "Guatemala Adoption Scandal" aired on 13 August 2007. The program featured two interviewees who went head-to-head on inter-country adoption: Tom DiFilipo, President and CEO of the Joint Council on International Children's Services […]

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into the household of God

The following quotation is from Jonathan Edwards' sermon entitled "The Excellency of Christ." It is powerfully beautiful.

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Book Recommendation: Adopted by God

From time to time we will recommend a book that we think will help Christians grow in their understanding of uppercase Adoption (i.e. God's adoption of us). Adopted by God: From Wayward Sinners to Cherished Children by Robert A. Peterson is such a book. Here's what others have said about it: "A splendid book on […]

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State Adoption Laws: Illinois

Taken from The Complete Adoption Book by Laura Beauvais-Godwin (pp. 420-421). Can an attorney serve as an intermediary? Many attorneys do, but technically they should not. Is advertising permitted? Technically it is not permitted, but it is done extensively. Who must consent to the adoption? 1. The birth mother. 2. The birth father, if married […]

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an overlooked blogger

Last Wednesday I failed to mention a blogger who wrote an excellent post about our adoption agency. So, due to my mistake, he gets his own post today. Thanks, Phil, for the great recommendation. Phil Gons of Please give it a visit. If you are aware of anyone else I failed to mention, please […]

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State Adoption Laws: South Carolina

Taken from The Complete Adoption Book by Laura Beauvais-Godwin, Director of Carolina Hope (pp. 455-456). Can an attorney serve as an intermediary? Yes. A person who facilitates an adoption is not required to be licensed. Is advertising permitted? Yes. Who must consent to the adoption? 1. The birth mother. 2. The birth father, if he […]

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Bloggers and Carolina Hope

We'd like to thank all the bloggers who have written about Carolina Hope over the past several weeks. They were all very kind to do so. Please give each of them a visit as a way of saying thank you for us. Justin Taylor Sally Lloyd-Jones Buzzard Blog Transforming Sermons Steve McCoy of Reformissionary Chris […]

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Financing Adoption: The Adoption Tax Credit

Taken from The Complete Adoption Book by Laura Beauvais-Godwin. "The adoption tax credit is perhaps the greatest financial incentive for adoptive families. You can now earn up to $10,160 in tax credit on your federal taxes for each child who you adopt. A tax credit is not the same as a tax deduction; a credit […]

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Orphans, adoption, and China: a fresh look at James 1:27

Adapted from my journal - July 8, 2005, Fuling, China "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit their affliction" (James 1:27). I spent the early morning thinking about James 1:27 (couldn't sleep!), specifically about what "visiting orphans in their affliction" means. I probably should have given this […]

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