Adoption is about relationship

[Carolina Hope is a Christian adoption agency that serves families from all over the country.] One of the main connections, if not the primary one, between Uppercase Adoption (i.e. God adopting us as His children) and lowercase adoption (i.e. our adoption of a child) is that both are preeminently concerned with relationship. Adoption, whether Uppercase […]

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The Place of Adoption in the Christian Mind

One of my deepest desires is that the doctrine of adoption would be recovered within the Christian church, that it would be valued, treasured and articulated by pastors (and their people) and theologians even as the doctrine of justification is. Progress is being made, but there is much more needed—not only in its recovery but […]

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Interview: Thabiti on Transracial Adoption and the Gospel

I'm very pleased to announce that this is the first in a series of interviews about adoption. The purpose of these interviews is to address adoption-related issues from a theological, gospel-centered perspective. We will be interviewing theologians, authors, adoptive parents, and a few adult adoptees about a number of adoption issues. Carolina Hope is committed […]

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Adoption: The Highest Privilege of Christian Grace

"The Christian...enjoys communion with Christ in the privileges of grace. The highest of these is adoption. Christians are the sons of God: 'adoption is the authoritative translation of a believer, by Jesus Christ, from the family of the world and Satan into the family of God, with his investiture in all the privileges and advantages […]

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The Jesus Storybook Bible

I'm in the process of reviewing a book that was written specifically for adopted children and will post an interview with its author in a few weeks. We plan on recommending helpful books that address issues unique to adoptive families, but we'll also recommend books that are helpful for any family whether it's been touched […]

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Employers step up

Employers step up with benefits as adoption becomes more difficult September 2, 2007 BY SUE SCHELLENBARGER The Wall Street Journal Adopting a child from overseas has never been easy. But new restrictions on overseas adoptions have made the process much tougher, causing added stress and job disruptions for would-be parents. The changes are demanding more […]

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Paul's instruction for adoptive families

If you are an adoptive family (or are at least considering adoption), let me encourage you to read the book of Ephesians with your own adoptive family in mind. It is full of instruction that will strengthen and enrich relationships within adoptive families (or in any family for that matter). Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner, author of The […]

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Make Adoption a Wonderful Choice!

This article was written by Laura Godwin, Director of Carolina Hope, and originally published by The Greenville News on September 11th, 1997.  Since adoption law has not changed too much since then, we thought we would recirculate this thought-provoking article to encourage lawmakers to make state laws more pro-adoption. Make adoption wonderful choice, not humiliating […]

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Global Warming, Kyoto, and International Adoption

This morning, Bjorn Lomborg, author of Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming was interviewed on NPR's Morning Edition. Mr. Lomborg believes that global warming is a reality, and he believes that human activity is contributing to the problem. However, he rejects solutions like the Kyoto Protocol, because he believes these types of […]

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The Heidelberg Catechism on Adoption

The writers of the Heidelberg Catechism, one of the most influential confessional documents ever created, thought the doctrine of adoption was important enough to be included in this beautifully written question and answer document. I'm grateful they did. In it they briefly address the relationship between Christ's Sonship and ours. Question 33. Why is Christ […]

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