December 5, 2007

God's Heart for the Orphan

Read about God's heart for orphans at Family Life's Hope for Orphans. Here's the last paragraph of the short article:

"Caring for the fatherless is not simply a compassionate and kind act, and adoption is not merely an additional means of growing our families to the desired size. Caring for the fatherless and adoption are at the very heart of God. Caring for orphans is about obedience … it is about knowing the God whom we serve."

0 comments on “God's Heart for the Orphan”

  1. I've never been opposed to adotpion, but the idea of it has definitely been warming in my heart lately Hmmm I don't know I would be able to love another child, not natually my own, equally as much as my natural son though. But if God has it for my life, then I know He will give me the love. I see so many kids out there with either horrible home lives or kids in foreign countries and I just want to take them ALL home with me!

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