Afraid of Attachment Disorder? One mom's thoughts.

As the mom to 6 adopted kids I try hard not to be afraid when I need to research Attachment Disorders and all of the psychologically disruptive things that this diagnosis can indicate. Rather than reacting out of fear, I have learned to process what I learn with a sober mind and a prayerful heart. […]

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Help for attachment issues in adoption

I was just alerted to this great website for adoptive families and prospective adoptive families that deals with a full range of adoption attachment issues, from "normal" bonding to severe attachment disorders: Pass this on to any families you know that are pursuing an adoption. Being educated about what's typical and what's possible is […]

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John Stossel on US intervention in the Guatemala adoption system

Over at the conservative website, John Stossel (formerly of 20/20) writes an eyebrow-raising piece called USA Makes Adoption Harder. I want to be very clear that some of Stossel's statements make me uncomfortable, and this is not an endorsement of Stossel's article. But much of what he says is a simple reality, however unpopular […]

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USCIS: Guatemala adoption law update

Yes, it's old news now (six-days old!), but I wanted to pass along this notice from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services about the current status of Guatemala adoptions and adoption law. This press release is available from the USCIS website as a PDF. USCIS Update January 25, 2008 USCIS ANNOUNCES NEW GUATEMALAN ADOPTION LEGISLATION Intercountry […]

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But what do I call them? Realizing even the simple things can be hard in transracial adoption.

Who would have thought that figuring out how to verbally identify our children’s racial identity would be another one of the hard things about adoption? It seemed simple at first, they are African American and we are Caucasian. Then it got tougher, two of our children are also Cherokee Indian and two have unidentified fathers […]

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Amber Mathenia: Religion that is pure and undefiled before God

On November 28, 2007, Dan Cruver interviewed Anthony Mathenia about trans-racial adoption and about Anthony and his wife Amber's own Ethiopian adoption journey. Three days ago, January 22, Amber's life was taken in a car accident. Our prayers are with Anthony and his children. We commend Amber's life to our readers as a model of […]

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Incorrect birthdates on Certificate of Citizenship: please share your story

I'm passing this request on from another adoption agency. If you have a friend who has faced this problem, please point them here. Personal adoption stories are an extremely effective force for policy change. Please help me collect stories of families who have had difficulties changing incorrect birthdates on Certificates of Citizenship. If your child […]

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My 'Friday' list on transracial parenting. A few of the smiles.

I couldn’t endure this parenting journey for very long if all I had were the Monday realities to look forward to. I thank God that for every Monday of transracial parenting there is an opposite and hope-filled Friday calling to me. Fridays are the promises fulfilled, the dreams unfolding and the needed rest from what […]

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The Louks: an interview about caring for Romanian orphans (part 2)

This is the second and concluding portion of my interview with Joshua Louk. The first part can be read here. Joshua and Laurel's personal ministry blog is You have a particular interest in ministry to orphans. What motivates that? The Lord used a CNN documentary called "Easy Prey" to plant a burden in my […]

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Readoption -vs- domestication: finalizing an international adoption in South Carolina

The following information is adapted from the post-adoption support files here at Carolina Hope. Note that this information is directly applicable only to SC residents who have adopted from overseas. The information provided here should not be construed as legal advice, for which you should see a qualified attorney. Once you are home with your […]

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