Barack Obama: "A New Birth of Freedom" this morning

So in an ironic twist, the symbolic hope of Obama's election could easily turn into more exploitation of the poor and less freedom for everyone -- especially the most vulnerable.

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Open to openness in adoption

Open to openness means that the adoptive parents should be willing to meet with the birth mother before the baby is born, be with her at the hospital, and provide her with pictures and letters after the child is placed with them.

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Outsiders' views of our family . . .

My husband and I have been adopting transracially for 9 years and have almost forgotten that our large multi-racial family is still an anomaly in the United States. On Christmas Day, our local paper ran an interview about who we are and how we are living. I was amazed at the outpouring of support that […]

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Should Christmas be canceled when you are pursuing adoption?

Tree, gifts, spiral ham and sparkling cider - we are not talking about gross excess here, but the simple things that are a traditional part of our culture. It’s the question of spending money that does not absolutely have to be spent while we are facing the inevitable reality of significant bills related to adoption.

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Year-end letter from the director

Laura Godwin, Carolina Hope's Director, has written the following letter for friends and supporters of Carolina Hope: December, 2008 Dear Carolina Hope Friends and Supporters, Although you are all familiar with the ministry of Carolina Hope and the world of adoptions, you may not be familiar with the upheavals the adoption community has experienced this […]

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Are abortion and adoption incompatible?

When I started working for Carolina Hope a few years ago, I discovered something that surprised me: many adoption professionals are pro-abortion-rights (not at Carolina Hope, mind you). I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised. There is, it seems, a certain logic to the pro-abortion, pro-adoption mindset. It starts with 2 premises: first, that birth […]

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Together for Adoption Conference Audio

Together for Adoption has posted the audio from their Nov. 1 conference. Check it out at their 2008 Conference Audio page. The audio titles are: Jason Kovacs and Maridel Sandberg - "Conference Welcome and the Christian Alliance for Orphans' Vision for Orphan Ministry" Dan Cruver - "Adoption in God’s Story of Redemption" Rick Phillips - […]

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Adoption love is not unconditional love (it's better!)

To deny that God's love for us (i.e., adoption love) is "unconditional love" is a strange and provocative thing to say. But I'm convinced it's true. In his book Seeing with New Eyes, David Powlison writes: I'd like to propose that God's love is much different and better than unconditional. Unconditional love, as most of […]

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Ukraine opens up spots for adoption

We just made the following announcement on our Ukraine Adoption page: On October 14, 2008 the Ministry for Family, Youth and Sports published official Order #3899 approving revised procedures for submission of new adoption dossiers from foreign citizens in the fourth quarter of 2008. The annual adoption dossiers quota for 2008 had previously been set […]

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Adoption language: "parent" vs. "adoptive parent"

Over at the Adoption Guide's Advice page, I came across a document labeled "Accurate Adoption Language," which links to a PDF entitled "Positive Adoption Language." The fact sheet (reprinted from OURS Magazine, May/June 1992), has a fairly complete listing of preferred language (which it calls "positive") and dispreferred language (called "negative") for talking about adoption. […]

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