An International Embryo Adoption

I found myself overwhelmed with emotion as I observed the tiny pinpricks of light on the monitor in the doctor's office. They were a sheer miracle, etched into my memory forever. However, for Emily, the urgency to use the bathroom occupied her thoughts entirely. Yet, this journey through embryo adoption has been a blend of […]

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Needs of Children Adopted Internationally

  In International adoption, the term “special needs” encapsulates a wide variety of characteristics and diagnoses. Special needs not only includes those in wheelchairs, with missing limbs, etc.; it also includes those with learning difficulties or emotional and behavioral difficulties. Most children who join their family through adoption have some sort of special need, or […]

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Lessons Learned as an Adoptive Mom

  When my husband and I prayerfully decided we would like to adopt, I was one of those people who read all the blogs, and did my best to “master” this journey in advance. We ultimately narrowed things down to foster adoption as the best fit for our family. Fast forward through a home study, […]

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Helpful Tips for Language Adaption

  You may have heard the terms “ESL” and “ELL”.  ESL stands for English as a Second Language.  ELL means English Language Learners.  Most children adopted internationally enter into a family whose spoken and written language is English.  This means your adopted child is an English Language Learner.  If the child is learning English; however, […]

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Down Time & Special Activities for the Summer

  Your child also needs some “down time” to become more regulated and calm.  Just as with movement activities, these quieter times include structure, engagement nurture, and challenge. So what are some downtime activities that promote connectivity with your child? Eating and drinking together can be a bonding experience. You can look at each other […]

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Summer Activities That Promote Attachment

    Summertime can mean more time for your child to say, “I’m bored,” and for you to feel frustrated with the lack of structure. Or summer can be a time for you to have greater opportunities to enjoy each other’s company. If one parent is home during the summer, there may be ample time […]

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Top Three Reasons to Become a Dad Using Embryo Adoption

  In certain circles of American culture, there persists a misguided notion that fatherhood is somehow incompatible with masculinity. Activities like changing diapers or using a Baby Bjorn are deemed beneath men, sometimes even considered emasculating. Unfortunately, adopting a baby often falls into the category of unacceptable activities for men, and I, too, held such […]

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How to Manage and Complete Adoption Paperwork

  When my wife and I meet new people, I love explaining what I do for work and the joy I get from helping guide families throughout their adoption process. I love sharing the adoption stories and testimonies of the families we work with, and how each have a personal and unique journey through adoption. […]

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Can Military Families Adopt?

    On any given day in America, there are over 443,000 children in the Foster care system.   In 2017, 123,000 of these children were waiting to be adopted, 69,000 parents relinquished their rights and 59,400 children were adopted.1  I believe one of the most untapped resources available to make a difference in these statistics […]

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Birth Mothers & Mother's Day

    Mother’s Day has recently passed and it has had me thinking of all the unique paths that lead to motherhood. Working in the adoption world has taught me so much about all the ways a woman can become a mother—whether that be through embryo adoption, domestic adoption, international adoption, or placing a child […]

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