New Home Study and Post-placement Requirements for China Adoptions

The  China Centre for Children’s Welfare and Adoption released some new home study and post-placements requirements. These new guidelines and regulations for the home study go into effect as of October 1, 2011; and those regarding post placement visits and reports apply to families who receive Notice of Coming to China for Adoption after August […]

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China changes course: singles are now able to adopt

This week we received two breaking news items from China. The first is that the CCAA, as of February 15, 2011, is now referred to as the China Centre for Children’s Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA). The greater news, however, is that single women are now permitted to adopt from China.  Years ago, when single women […]

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Clubfoot: Pre-Adoption Assessment of a Child Referral--Part III

When you are referred a child, you will want to have the child's condition evaluated. Nightlight provides an extensive list of health care providers who can evaluate your child and those who provide services once your child is home. If your child has clubfoot, you may want a specialist in this area to evaluate a child's file so that you can be very well-prepared for the types of treatment the child may need.

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Clubfoot: Treatments - Part II

The treatment of a child with clubfoot is usually very standard, but it takes diligence. Also care does not have to be expensive. Through the Shriners Hospital your child can receive excellent care at no cost to you.

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Part III: What Parents Can Do If a Child Has an SPD

Sensory processing disorders can require a lot of work and understanding from parents. In helping and nurturing our children through the issues and conditions they will face, our ultimate goal is to bring glory to God.

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Part II Why Children Develop Sensory Processing Disorders

Why children develop sensory processing disorders is not completely understood. It appears to be related to genetic, prenatal, and early environment.

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Sensory Processing Disorders and Your Child: Part I--Description

Sensory processing disorders often affect children who have spent their early years in an orphanage setting. These disorders can impact a child's socialization and learning skills.

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Nutrition and the Child from China: Part II

Overall, children from China do very well. In one study in looking at children adopted into Canada from China,in which the children on average were 13 months old when they arrived home, they were doing as well as other children in Canada at three years old.(Incidentally, these children arrived home about 10/11 years ago, when […]

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Nutrition and the Child from China

Your child's nutritional status while in an orphanage can affect your child's overall growth and development. Learn how the lack of certain nutrients can affect your child and what you can do.

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Passage of International Adoption Simplification Act by Congress November 15th

On November 15, 2010, Congress joined together across party lines to pass S.1376, the International Adoption Simplification Act, which will allow parents to internationally adopt older children (ages 16 and 17) when adopting a younger sibling.

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