Navigating the Heartbreak: Grieving the Loss of Embryo

  The journey of embryo adoption is one filled with hope, anticipation, and dreams of parenthood. However, the path is not always straightforward, and sometimes, despite our best efforts and unwavering hope, we face the heartbreak of embryos not surviving the thaw or failed frozen embryo transfers (FETs). Today, I want to share our experience […]

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Fundraising for your Snowflakes Adoption

  Embarking on the adoption journey through Snowflakes is an exciting and hopeful time! However, the financial aspects may be daunting for some families, with average costs ranging from $13,000 to $17,000 and clinic fees alone ranging from $4,000 to $10,000. At Nightlight, we believe that finances should not be a reason why families decide […]

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Embryo Donation: Forgiving Yourself

  Completing your IVF journey is a significant milestone filled with mixed emotions—joy, relief, and perhaps a bit of uncertainty about the future. If you have remaining embryos, you might find yourself asking, "What should I do with them?" As you consider your options, you may find that neither discarding them, donating them to science, […]

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What Makes Snowflakes Different From Other Embryo Donation and Adoption Agencies?

  Here at Snowflakes Embryo Adoption, we have developed a unique donation and adoption program for families that have remaining embryos. We are committed to these precious lives and making sure that each one is adopted intoloving families. With over 50 years of experience in building families, we have developed several resources available for donors […]

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National Infertility Awareness Week: The Trauma

  This week marks National Infertility Awareness Week, a time to shed light on the complexities of infertility beyond the simple notion of struggling to conceive. While infertility is often perceived as an emotional challenge, it can manifest as a profound crisis or trauma, affecting various aspects of life that are frequently overlooked or understated.  […]

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Three Common Questions You May Get if You're Pursuing Adoption Through Snowflakes

  You have recently embarked on a unique journey to expand your family through the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program! This path not only assists embryo donor families by offering a solution for their remaining embryos, but also grants you the opportunity to nurture and welcome an adopted child into your family. Experiencing the joys (and […]

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What Can I Learn About an Embryo Before I Adopt?

  Are you considering embryo adoption?   If so, you might have a lot of questions about the embryos that you could adopt through Nightlight Christian Adoptions. First of all, what is embryo donation?   Embryo donation is a decision that is made by couples or individuals who underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment in […]

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Matching in Snowflakes Embryo Adoption

  You’ve applied, you’ve completed your Snowflakes Family Evaluation, and now you’re ready to be matched with embryos. You’ve waited, and then… BING! The long-awaited email arrives—"You Have Been Matched!” Maybe you open that message quickly; maybe you take it slow. You open the attachment. At this point you may feel immediate excitement, ambiguity, or […]

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Starting a Family Through Embryo Donation

    Beginning a family through embryo donation offers a unique pathway for individuals and couples to realize their dreams of parenthood. This process involves one party donating their unused embryos to another party seeking to conceive. As we look at the topic through the lens of adopting parents and donors, it's essential to explore […]

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Preparing for Parenthood with Donated Embryos

  Parenthood is a unique and deeply personal experience. For some, the path is straightforward, but for others, it can be filled with challenges and unexpected turns. Among the less discussed but increasingly popular routes to parenthood is the use of donated embryos. This approach not only offers hope to those struggling with fertility issues […]

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