Family Prayers for Orphans

One of the ways our family seeks to serve orphans is by praying for them at supper time. I've had the opportunity to travel to orphanages in China and Ethiopia. So I printed out pictures of orphans I've had the privilege of meeting on those trips and put them on our refrigerator. Each time we […]

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Living through the waiting seasons in adoption

Our homestudy is done, we have a referral with photos and medicals safe in our file and we are simply waiting for the God-ordained time between today and the moment we either hold baby J as our own precious child or release him into a destiny outside of us. He is currently in a legal […]

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"God, please help her to love her baby"

The following story came to me as a forwarded email, and it sounded just a little too perfect to be true -- except that it IS true: it's an account written by one of my dad's cousins who volunteers for StandUpGirl, a pro-life organization. Her specific job is to correspond with women who need counsel about […]

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JCICS issues position statement on I-600A renewals

Joint Council and others in our field have great concern regarding the one-time renewal of I-600A approvals and the impact on Potential Adoptive Parents (PAPs). It is very clear that the authors of the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 intended to ‘grandfather’ all I-600A petitions filed prior to the date on which the Hague Convention went into force in the United States (April 1, 2007). At the time the legislation was drafted, the authors did not foresee the lengthy processing time now associated with adoptions from countries such as China and Haiti.

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Vietnam offers negotiations for inter-country adoption

From JCICS: The Government of Vietnam has issued a formal diplomatic note to the United States Government naming a high ranking Vietnamese official as Vietnam’s lead negotiator and also requesting that both governments begin negotiations towards a new Memorandum of Agreement regarding intercountry adoption.

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Confession time again – six adoptions doesn’t necessarily make the seventh easier.

After six adoptions, I have a stronger empathy with the pain that birth families experience than I have ever had before. With the pleasure of a new child I now have a larger reserve to experience the suffering their placement brings. I pray for the families more and I cry over their realities. I see that but for grace, it could be me releasing a child into a future without me -- and my heart crumbles.

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But are they REALLY brothers?

When we started our adoption, I found myself answering questions that really irritated me deeply. And what I recognized were my own prior assumptions about adoptions.

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Russell Moore on Adoption

Russell Moore: When did you first begin thinking theologically about adoption? Russell Moore is the Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and one of the speakers at Together for Adoption Conference 2008. Carolina Hope is one of the conference exhibitors.

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Vietnam Adoption Memorandum of Agreement expires today

Today, September 1, 2008, the current Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the United States and Vietnam expires.

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The Safest Place for Adoptive Families

Michael Monroe, leader of Irving Bible Church's adoption ministry Tapestry, believes that the church should be "the safest place on earth for adoptive and foster families." Unfortunately, it often is not. Read Michael's two-part series on this important topic: The Safest Place on Earth - Part 1 and Part 2. Check out Tapestry's many other […]

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