Recent changes around here

As you probably noticed from the banner above, Carolina Hope Christian Adoption Agency has been acquired by Nightlight Chrisitian Adoptions of Califorinia. Our office is now the South Carolina branch office of Nightlight. We will continue to offer the same services to children and families. We are slowly dismantlio our website as all the information […]

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Open Adoption story in USA Today

Yesterday, USA Today (online) ran an emotionally-stirring piece about a single mother of three teenagers who became pregnant and chose adoption for the child: "Struggling families look at adoption." Openness in adoption is a major theme in the article. The interplay between the financial crisis and an uptick in domestic adoptions (and abortions) is also […]

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Good news for our Guatemala families

At the end of last week we had the very great joy of sending out the following message from Assistant Director Lisa Prather: I am writing to let everyone know that our last Carolina Hope baby came home from Guatemala this week.  I'm so happy to be able to say that every child is home […]

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Adoption, ethnicity, racism

A few days ago the L.A. Times published an article entitled Thanking her for opening my eyes. The author, Corina Knoll, is ethnically Korean and was adopted as a child by a white family in the U.S. In the article Knoll reflects on racism in America and how an Iowa school teacher made racism come […]

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Hepatitis A vaccinations: new recommendations related to international adoption

Reported by AP on February 25, 2009. (I can't find the actual recommendation online -- if you do, please let me know, and I'll post it.) ATLANTA (AP) - A federal advisory panel is recommending hepatitis A vaccinations for everyone who has close contact with children adopted from countries where hepatitis A is common. That […]

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Did you see this ad during the Super Bowl? (The answer is "no")

This pro-life ad was rejected by NBC for running during the Super Bowl today. But everyone's watching it anyway! HT: ABBA

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Adoption and other secrets kept from American teenagers

For the teenage girl who has sex and gets pregnant, she has three choices: abortion, adoption, and parenting. If adoption were promoted as a positive option, unborn lives could be saved and women and children would not be entering into poverty at such alarming rates. For the sake of women and children we need to promote adoption.

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Are international adoption agencies part of an "Orphan Manufacturing Chain"?

Laura Godwin responds to "The Orphan Manufacturing Chain", by E.J. Graff. Graff's article makes untrue claims in an attempt to undermine International Adoption.

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Press release from Bob Inglis: Letter to Obama about FOCA

U.S. Rep. Bob Inglis signed on to a letter from House Republican Leader John Boehner to President Barack Obama on Wednesday, asking the President to reconsider his support of the Freedom of Choice Act. The text of the letter is reproduced here.

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"Ingratitude" and an adoptee's search for her birthmother

Over at Focus on the Family's Boundless Webzine, Kimberly Eddy has written an article called "Looking for My Birthmother". Here's an excerpt: Many people are under the erroneous assumption that an adoptee's desire to search for their biological family is rooted in some sort of ingratitude towards the sacrifices their adoptive parents have made for […]

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