Nov. 7: Orphan Sunday 2010

This November 7, churches across America will be heralding God's love for the fatherless and calling Christians to "defend the cause of the fatherless." Go to to find resources for church, Sunday school, small groups, and kids' classes. Start preparing now so that your church can participate.

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Aug. 29: Celebrate Adoption 2010

Celebrate Adoption, an independent Christian adoption awareness event, is being held this year on Sunday, August 29. There are two events that day: 11 am: Seminar (free) Word of Life Ministires 1027 West Georgia Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 5:00 pm: Seminar & Barbecue Dinner (free) Events at Sapphire Creek 401 North Main Street Simpsonville, SC […]

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International Adoption: Is the adoption of healthy infants selfish?

A common complaint of international adoption critics is that most of the world's orphans are older children, whereas most families pursuing international adoption desire -- and ultimately adopt -- an infant or young toddler. Therefore, the reasoning goes, . . . International adoption fails to address the real orphan crisis, because the most needy children […]

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July 24: Greenville Yard Sale for Uganda Mission Trip

We are happy to announce that Tender Hearts Baby's Home has been licensed, and our team will be traveling there to help continue the setup and provide care for children. Our trip will be from approximately October 22 to October 31. To help raise funds for the trip, we will be hosting a garage sale […]

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Embryo Donation, Embryo Adoption: Do they contribute to the problem?

Nightlight Christian Adoptions has been a pioneer in the field of embryo donation and adoption through its Snowflakes Embryo Adoption program. Through this program, couples who have undergone IVF and have remaining embryos can chose embryo donation, whereby the frozen embryos are made available for adoption by other couples. Clearly, this program relies on the […]

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2010 Together for Adoption Conference: We'll be there, will you?

This October 1-2, the annual Together for Adoption Conference will be held at the Austin Stone Community Church in Austin, TX. The theme is "The Gospel, the Church, and the Global Orphan Crisis." Nightlight Christian Adoptions is one of the exhibitors at the conference, and Laura Beauvais-Godwin, director of our SC office, is one of […]

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Good news from Uganda!

The commissioner at the Ministry of Gender in Uganda has written our approval letter to operate Nightlight Christian Adoptions' baby home as a fully licensed baby's home in Uganda.

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Adjustment, Bonding and Attachment

I don't claim to know a ton about attachment and bonding, but we have read a fair amount on the subject and tried to prepare ourselves for anything. If you are waiting for your adoption to be completed right now, spend some time reading about attachment.

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Nightlight Adoptee in the News!

Oleg Parent, a Nightlight adoptee from Russia, made the sports section of the Orange County Register.  An 18 year old junior kicker at Trabuco Hills High School, he ranks among the nation's top 15 kicking prospects in the Class of 2011. Oleg's story is bittersweet, but ultimately uplifting—a timely reminder of the blessings of adoption.

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The Virtue of Doing

Recently I was asked by a colleague my thoughts regarding an adoptive couple who wanted to stand outside an abortion clinic and tell each woman that they would adopt the unborn child if  she would choose adoption over abortion. After considering the family's plans  for a moment and all the negative press that they could receive, I said it was all […]

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