Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month: Caleb the Healed One

  Every once in a while in this field, you meet a family who really touches your heart.  The Jones-Moreno family is one of those families.  When going through the adoption process, there are always delays and difficulties, especially in international adoption.  Alex and Shunna were always patient, gracious, and positive throughout it all.  Alex […]

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Spirit of Openness: How it Relates to Adoption

    As an adoption agency, Nightlight Christian Adoptions deeply believes in the value of open adoption and the positive impact it has on all members of the adoption triad. One of the main questions that Nightlight social workers typically receive from inquiring prospective adoptive parents is about openness and the relationship they will have […]

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How to Be An Adoption Advocate

  Have you ever thought “I want to advocate for adoption but how can I do that if I am not called to actually adopt?” or “Am I really helping advocate for adoption if I am not adopting?” It is completely valid, acceptable and feasible to help advocate for adoption without adopting yourself and yes […]

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Back to School for Adoptees With Childhood Trauma

Children who are adopted often come with an early history of trauma. Children with such a background can find the school setting difficult, which then affects their academic performance. Often this background of trauma can lead to such problems as sensory issues and being over or under stimulated; difficulty with controlling emotional responses (e.g., outbursts, […]

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How to Talk to Donor Conceived Children About Their Story

  Adoptive parents are often anxious about how to talk to their adopted child about his or her adoption story. And if your child was adopted through embryo adoption, the conversation can seem even trickier to navigate. Even if parents have been very intentional to always speak of adoption in a positive light, there’s always […]

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Back to School: Tips for Adoption Friendly Teachers

  With back to school dates on the horizon, it’s time to anticipate a new group of kids, and new challenges with helping little ones grow and learn. For parents who built their family through adoption, this also means deciding whether or not they will discuss an adoption story with their child’s teacher. While this […]

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Empty Nesters adopt 15 yr old from foster care

Mike and Ramona, who already raised 5 kids, adopted 15-year-old from foster care. See their inspiring story here:    

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50 Benefits of Snowflakes

  If you're considering embryo adoption for achieving a pregnancy and are unsure whether to choose an embryo adoption agency or a fertility clinic, here are 50 compelling reasons why the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program might be the right choice for you. Feel free to reach out to our knowledgeable staff for further clarification and […]

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Grieving the Loss of a Child After an Adoption Dissolution

      For the last 10 years, I have worked with families who sought to dissolve their adoptions. When I tell other people about the work, they are astonished adoptive parents would place their child for adoption. Often desperate parents think about such a decision but then wait months to years to actually put […]

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Older Child and Sibling Adoption: A Good Fit For Your Family?

    I have had the blessing along with my husband to have adopted 6 school aged children over the past 24 years. We knew we wanted children and as we had an active life style and both worked, we decided sibling, school-aged children made sense for our family. We enjoyed spending time with our […]

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