Preparing Your Biological Children for Adoption

Bringing and adopted child into your home will be a huge transition for your children. There are some practical ways that you can make this easier for your children and at least help them to better understand adoption and the changes it may bring to your family. Explain the process You want to be honest […]

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Embracing Autism

  Autism can seem mysterious to people that have not experienced someone with the diagnosis in their family or know people that have the diagnosis. It can leave one feeling uncertain about how to respond to someone who does not make eye contact or respond with enthusiasm.  One might ask “how do I communicate with […]

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Basics for Surviving at Home With Trauma-Impacted Kids

  The COVID-19 pandemic has brought stress, anxiety, and fear into our lives in unprecedented ways. As an agency, our hearts are burdened heavily for our adoptive families, knowing that many of you already live in a household full of stress, anxiety, and fear due to struggles and trauma in your adopted children’s lives. School […]

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The Quality of Embryos Does Not Equal Pregnancy Success

  On a chilly Friday night, as snowflakes softly fell from the dark sky, I found myself behind the wheel, heading to a local fundraiser to meet my husband. My husband and I had faced the heartache of unsuccessful attempts to start a family for over three years, leaving us with unanswered questions after initial […]

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Working from Home With Kids

  With COVID 19 being the main focus of the world right now, schools have closed in an effort to slow the spread. This will give medical professionals a fighting chance to treat the growing number of patients coming in for testing and treatment. While this is a beautiful picture of our nation’s ability to […]

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Meeting the Needs of Birth Moms Facing Crisis

  A crisis is defined as a time of intense difficulty or trouble, or a time when a difficult or important decision must be made. With expectant parents facing a difficult or important decision, we can see that many, if not all of our birthmoms can experience a time of crisis. A large portion of […]

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The Honor of Being a Social Worker

I have had the privilege and the honor of serving as an adoption social worker for nine years, seven with Nightlight. I have been able to walk with some families through their most joyous of seasons and have climbed with some families over their highest of hurdles. As a social worker, I often joke with […]

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It's 2020: Why Are We Still Afraid of Adoption Telling?

  This blog was originally published on How do I tell my child he’s adopted? And when? Rant: I’m frustrated that these questions still come up (and surprised because my readers are adoption-savvy, so I start thinking everyone is). Who is preparing adoptive parents for adoption telling? And who should be preparing them? What can […]

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Anonymous Embryo Donation Doesn't Work

In the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program, anonymous or closed placements are not available, and the reason is simple—it's no longer feasible. The prevalence of at-home DNA testing kits and the accessibility of information on the internet make it easy for individuals to discover if they are donor-conceived and even identify their donor. The Donor Sibling […]

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Keeping Your Marriage a Priority During Your Adoption Journey

  Embarking on the adoption journey can be challenging, particularly for a marriage. The extensive paperwork, the anticipation of a match, and the anxiety surrounding potential obstacles can strain your relationship at a time when mutual support is crucial. However, taking proactive steps and being transparent with each other allows you to navigate the adoption […]

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