The Daily Times

Brian and Angela Cartledge always wanted to be parents, but after struggling with infertility for years, the couple started to doubt that it would ever happen. The couple discovered Nightlight's Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program, and now they have three toddlers!

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Life News

Inga Wismer has had quite the journey to building her family. She's got a son from her first marriage, as well as two children with her second husband. After two miscarriages and an adoption disruption, the couple decided to try something new – embryo adoption.

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Yahoo! Health

Each year, thousands of babies are born from IVF embryos. However, the process of in vitro fertilization often create more embryos than any couple can use to build their family.

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CW 33 Dallas

Mike and Christy Trabun have always had a heart for adoption, and when the couple had trouble conceiving a genetically-related child, they started to explore their options. They discovered embryo adoption, and now have four children.

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Arizona Daily Star

Everything changed for the Erikssons when they discovered embryo adoption and finally got to see a positive pregnancy test.

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New York Times

When it comes to infertility, many couples turn to in vitro fertilization to have children. After completing their family, many couples have remaining embryos. So, they have to make a difficult decision.

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Embryo donation and adoption is relatively new, and somewhat complicated, but it gives couples a chance at building a family and embryos a chance at life.

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NPR: The New Frontier of Embryo 'Adoption'

NPR host, Arun Rath, interviews Daniela Hernandez about a recent story she wrote for Fusion.

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Sometimes, embryo adoption leads to a new kind of extended family – one made up of the family that donates their remaining embryos for adoption, and the family that has children from those adopted embryos.

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Dothan Eagle

Kevin and Anna Long had five children – four biological children of their own and an adopted daughter. They thought their family was complete. After a big move from New York to Dothan, Alabama, the couple decided to add to their family, so they started researching options and discovered embryo adoption. That's how their youngest […]

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