Addressing the Misconceptions of Open Embryo Adoption

Numerous misconceptions surround embryo adoption or embryo donation, and at Snowflakes, we often encounter misunderstandings, particularly concerning open adoption. Whether you are considering donating your remaining embryos or receiving embryos to expand your family, you may come across various misconceptions surrounding these opportunities. Families donating their embryos may grapple with their own misconceptions: "I don't […]

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What to Expect from the Home Study Process

  What is a home study and why do I need one? A home study is a written assessment that verifies whether a potential family is qualified to adopt or foster. It typically includes education/trainings, home visits with a home study provider, and gathering a variety of supporting documents (i.e., birth certificates, physicals, marriage certificate, […]

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Honoring and Connecting with Birth Mothers

  Have you ever loved someone so much that the thought of losing them terrifies you? Imagine getting to know someone for 9 months of your life, feeling their every movement, enduring sleepless nights, and many days of discomfort. These physical and emotional struggles cannot be ignored or avoided before having to say goodbye to […]

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The Masks Adoptees Hide Behind

  In October we celebrate a holiday where we wear masks and pretend to be someone we are not. Halloween is not the only time people wear masks; figuratively speaking people often wear masks in daily interactions. This is especially true in the age of social media where pictures and videos are commonly posted only […]

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Resources for Birth Mothers

  Choosing adoption for a child is a decision that cannot accurately be described in words. The amount of thought and emotion encompassed in the process of contemplating and choosing an adoption plan can be extremely overwhelming and can bring about many difficult conversations with oneself, partners, friends, and family. Many birth parents turn to […]

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Setting Expectations in International Adoption

  Families approach adoption with their own hopes, desires, and expectations, whether they know a little or a lot about the process. It is always good to recognize your initial expectations and consider how realistic those are. Below we have outlined common expectations that families carry into international adoption and provide some perspective that should […]

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Ambiguous Loss and Adopted Children

Ambiguous loss is a term that defines the heartache and grief that comes with losing a person or relationship that is surrounded by confusion or uncertainty about that person or relationship.  Finding closure is difficult with normal losses, such as death, but it is impossible with ambiguous loss when the loss is not officially recognized […]

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Beyond Contact in Open Adoption

The word “open adoption” comes with a lot of misconceptions.  When we hear this term, we may imagine an adoptive family and child sending pictures and letters to the child’s birth family, or perhaps we imagine visits between both parties, or phone calls.  Contact between parties is generally one of the most focused and feared […]

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A Purposeful Life

Orphans have a purpose, even though they are born into a life with few opportunities. I was an orphan in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and my adoption story is no exception. My life was forever changed when I was adopted. I was chosen to fly twenty-four hours to the United States to become a […]

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How to Manage Sibling Rivalry at Placement

Sibling rivalry is a common and typical occurrence among siblings. There is an innate desire for siblings to compete, challenge, and squabble. Children who grow up in the same home together, whether by birth, adoption or foster care learn how to manage their future relationships through these early interactions with siblings. A healthy and supportive […]

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