October 3, 2023

Addressing the Misconceptions of Open Embryo Adoption

Numerous misconceptions surround embryo adoption or embryo donation, and at Snowflakes, we often encounter misunderstandings, particularly concerning open adoption.

Whether you are considering donating your remaining embryos or receiving embryos to expand your family, you may come across various misconceptions surrounding these opportunities.

Families donating their embryos may grapple with their own misconceptions:

  • "I don't want to be contacted ALL the time."
  • "I also want to know if the children are okay and living life well..."
  • "I just don't know what to do; the whole thing makes me a little nervous."

Similarly, adopting families may have a parallel internal dialogue:

  • "What if they show up at my door, uninvited? Or want to manage how I raise my kids."
  • "I do not want to feel like I am constantly looking over my shoulder, worrying about what the genetic parents may think of me."

If concerns and reservations are holding you back from pursuing an open embryo adoption or donation due to information from friends, family, or social media, we encourage you to research the benefits and realities of open adoption.

So, what are some truths about an open embryo adoption?

"I am going to be constantly bombarded with emails, texts, calls, and the like from the other family."

False: Both parties agree on a communication plan during the contract drafting, tailored to their preferences.

"If we have an open relationship, the adoptive children will be confused by who their parents are."

False: Adopted children may appreciate their genetic relatives, but they consider and refer to the family who raised them as their parents—mom and dad.

"I will be obligated to support the children in the future in some way."

False: Once the embryos are transferred to the adoptive family, they become part of their family, and their parents will make provisions for their future.

Be encouraged; the benefits of open adoption far outweigh any concerns. Don't take our word for it; investigate for yourself. In the end, you'll be glad you did!

To learn more about open embryo adoption and donation, visit Snowflakes.org.

By Jen Grams


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