Post Placement Contact: How to Find the Right Fit

  When you read about adoption, you often see contact between birth parents and adoptive families grouped into three categories: Closed: no contact is shared between the birth parents and adoptive family Semi-Open: limited contact, exchange of first names and some photos, emails, calls and a few face to face meetings throughout the child’s life […]

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Summer Reading Book List

  Summer is here! Which means the beach… the barbecues… and for some of us, the reading! What used to be such a chore as a child is now a beloved summer past time for many adults. I always like to balance my ‘to-read’ list with books that provide entertainment and books that offer personal […]

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Developing Identity in Closed Adoptions

  According to Google, identity is defined as “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.” Identity is the core of each person’s being and our identity is often developed by our history, knowing where we come from, and our experiences as we grow and mature. Finding their own identity can […]

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Balancing Your Child's Privacy After Adoption

  Your adoption is complete and you have settled nicely into a routine. You are now ready to start adventuring out and bringing family and friends in. As you approach new communities and introduce your child to those you love, it can be hard not to share all the details about how your family became […]

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Trusting God in Adoption

  Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21 The Lord has given us the tools and guidance to overcome hardships, anguish, or pain. We feel the Lord at our side during these times but […]

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Talking about Birth Siblings

Adoption conversations with your child can be difficult. If your adopted child has a birth sibling being parented by one or both birth parents, it may be tempting to hide that information from them. You may feel as though you are protecting them from heartache, but as with all adoption conversations, the most important rule […]

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How to Talk to Your Snowflake about Their Origins

“You cannot start a relationship on a lie and expect a high level of openness in return.” ~ A Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Mother Curiosity about our origins is natural, and thanks to programs like Ancestry DNA and 23andMe, uncovering this information has never been easier. It's a fantastic tool for discovering relatives and exploring your […]

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The Journey of Adoption: An Adoptee's Perspective

  When talking about adoption I often hear it referred to as a journey. When I think about a journey I think about something that is ongoing with no definitive end. One of the definitions for the word journey is “passage or progress from one stage to another.” I think it is that definition of […]

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How to Talk with Children About Your Adoption Plan

Many birth mothers who place a child for adoption are either parenting other children while making an adoption plan or go on to parent other children in the future. Whether you are parenting before making an adoption plan or hope to parent a child in the future, wondering about how to have those conversations with […]

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Value of Openness in Adoption

While openness has become a more common practice in the adoption community, it can still be a relatively new reality for some to have an open relationship with their child’s birth parents. The term “open adoption” typically is used to refer to adoptions in which all parties are known to each other and have some […]

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