International Adoption: Is the adoption of healthy infants selfish?

A common complaint of international adoption critics is that most of the world's orphans are older children, whereas most families pursuing international adoption desire -- and ultimately adopt -- an infant or young toddler. Therefore, the reasoning goes, . . . International adoption fails to address the real orphan crisis, because the most needy children […]

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Nightlight Adoptee in the News!

Oleg Parent, a Nightlight adoptee from Russia, made the sports section of the Orange County Register.  An 18 year old junior kicker at Trabuco Hills High School, he ranks among the nation's top 15 kicking prospects in the Class of 2011. Oleg's story is bittersweet, but ultimately uplifting—a timely reminder of the blessings of adoption.

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Ethiopia Adoption: An Adoptive Father Reflects

Rocky and his wife, Suzanne, adopted from Ethiopia through the SC office of Nightlight Christian Adoptions. In this testimony, Rocky reflects on the adoption.

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Adoption, ethnicity, racism

A few days ago the L.A. Times published an article entitled Thanking her for opening my eyes. The author, Corina Knoll, is ethnically Korean and was adopted as a child by a white family in the U.S. In the article Knoll reflects on racism in America and how an Iowa school teacher made racism come […]

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Hepatitis A vaccinations: new recommendations related to international adoption

Reported by AP on February 25, 2009. (I can't find the actual recommendation online -- if you do, please let me know, and I'll post it.) ATLANTA (AP) - A federal advisory panel is recommending hepatitis A vaccinations for everyone who has close contact with children adopted from countries where hepatitis A is common. That […]

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Are international adoption agencies part of an "Orphan Manufacturing Chain"?

Laura Godwin responds to "The Orphan Manufacturing Chain", by E.J. Graff. Graff's article makes untrue claims in an attempt to undermine International Adoption.

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JCICS issues position statement on I-600A renewals

Joint Council and others in our field have great concern regarding the one-time renewal of I-600A approvals and the impact on Potential Adoptive Parents (PAPs). It is very clear that the authors of the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 intended to ‘grandfather’ all I-600A petitions filed prior to the date on which the Hague Convention went into force in the United States (April 1, 2007). At the time the legislation was drafted, the authors did not foresee the lengthy processing time now associated with adoptions from countries such as China and Haiti.

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Vietnam offers negotiations for inter-country adoption

From JCICS: The Government of Vietnam has issued a formal diplomatic note to the United States Government naming a high ranking Vietnamese official as Vietnam’s lead negotiator and also requesting that both governments begin negotiations towards a new Memorandum of Agreement regarding intercountry adoption.

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But are they REALLY brothers?

When we started our adoption, I found myself answering questions that really irritated me deeply. And what I recognized were my own prior assumptions about adoptions.

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Vietnam Adoption Memorandum of Agreement expires today

Today, September 1, 2008, the current Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the United States and Vietnam expires.

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