Recognizing Birth Mother's Day

  For families who have adopted and birth mothers who have made the selfless choice of adoption, Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate both families. This is why many celebrate Birth Mother’s Day every Saturday before Mother’s Day in May. No matter how families choose to do so, it is important to recognize the […]

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Celebration and Grief in Foster Care on Mother's Day

  It is National Foster Care Month! All month long our blog posts will be focused on foster care. Whether this is your first Mother’s Day or not, Mother’s Day as a foster parent can look and feel a little bit different. Different in that you are celebrating the ability to mother a child but […]

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Navigating Foster Care

A Must-Read for Prospective Foster Parents As a prospective foster parent in the United States, understanding the foster care system is crucial. This overview provides essential statistics and facts for you to learn more about this system designed to help you help children in need of love and stability. As of 2023, there are approximately […]

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Why Foster Care Matters

Why Foster Care Matters: A Crucial Role in Shaping Lives  Foster care plays a vital role in our society by providing a safe and nurturing environment for children who have experienced abuse, neglect, or other forms of trauma. While the need for foster care is unfortunate, it is essential to ensure that these children have […]

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How to Find the Perfect Foster Care Agency

Discover the Best Foster Care Agency for Your Family  Are you considering opening your heart and home to a child in foster care? One of the most crucial decisions you'll make on this journey is choosing the right foster care agency. Let’s start with three primary areas to consider before you begin:   Understanding Your Needs  […]

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Demystifying Foster Care: Everything You Need to Know

In the realm of social welfare, few institutions bear the weight of compassion and complexity quite like foster care. A system enshrined in the belief that every child deserves a safe and loving home, foster care borders the intersection of hope and heartache, resilience and reckoning. This is an exploration into the essence of foster […]

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How Can I Support my Friend/Family Member that is Fostering?

  Do you have friends who are fostering and you are wondering how you can support them? Or maybe your family member is a foster parent and you are not sure what would be helpful? Perhaps you would like to support children in foster care, but the timing is not right for you to become […]

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Nurturing your Marriage While Fostering

  When you and your spouse started talking about foster care, you probably had an idea of how your home would be affected - new children, increased volume, schedules being rearranged to accommodate visits and appointments. But did you consider how your marriage would be impacted?  The call to parent kids from hard places can […]

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Flexibility in Foster Care (& Life)

  "I’m not sure.” “Maybe?” “I hope so!” “Probably.” “As soon as possible.” These are just a few of the endless answers that push our foster (and adoptive) families to learn “the art of flexibility.” But is there such a thing?   When preparing foster families for the foster journey, we talk a lot about […]

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Importance of Self-Care for Parents

  Adopting a child is full of both joys and challenges, and the challenges can take a toll on the mental and physical health of adoptive parents. Self-care is essential for adoptive parents to maintain your well-being and provide the best care for your children.   Why Self-Care is Important to Adoptive Parents Self-care is […]

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