What to Expect with the Legal System in Foster Care

  Adopting a child through the foster care system is a noble and life-changing decision and it is important to know what to expect with the legal system. Navigating this part of the process can be frustrating or confusing. Understanding the general principles behind foster adoption laws can help prospective parents prepare for the journey […]

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Happy Father’s Day

  Father’s Day is a universal holiday that dates back to the Middle Ages in Catholic Europe when Fathers were celebrated on Feast Day of Saint Joseph in 1510. However, we can go back as far as the ancient Romans who honored deceased fathers every February. In the United States Father’s Day is celebrated on […]

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Trauma-Informed Activities for Summer

  Summer time brings a lot of free time, which can feel like freedom from the rigidity of school schedules. It can also be very difficult for parents to fill the open days. Below are some trauma-informed activities to keep your foster or adopted kids busy this summer.   Create a huge, colorful calendar for […]

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Partnership Parenting in Foster Care

  The reality of foster care is that many professionals and families focus on the children and forget about the parents of these children. The Department of Family and Children Services (2009) describes partnership parenting in foster care as a family-centered approach that merges the dual roles of placement and rehabilitation into one path. It […]

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Who is Who in Foster Care

  With each child or youth placed in a home there comes a team of professionals all dedicated to working together to make sure that each child has their needs met, feelings heard, and long term goals driving their decisions. For many it can get confusing as to what role everyone is playing, and who […]

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Ways Your Family Can Help Vulnerable Children

  Most will agree that all children deserve to grow up in a loving and protective family. All children deserve to be fed, to receive an education, clean clothing, shoes and to sleep in a warm and safe bed at night, all basic necessities provided by a family. All children deserve the warmth, love, protection […]

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Navigating the Holidays with your Foster Child

  Most of us tend to think of the holidays as a time of joy and celebration. However, for kids in foster care, this time of year often triggers big emotions. We are smack dab in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. The changes in routine, school programs, gift exchanges, […]

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Thankfulness Practices for the Family

  November is a natural time of the year where our minds gravitate toward thankfulness. Cultivating that practice in your children can be fun and built organically into your family structure, not just in this season but throughout the year. Below are some ideas on how to incorporate expressing gratitude in your family with your […]

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Anchored in Hope: Adoption from Foster Care

  Families are able to adopt children directly from foster care. There will be time of bonding before placement officially happens that allows you to get to know one another and how you all fit together. After placement there is also a period of time (varies by state) before the family can finalize the adoption. […]

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What to do While You Wait

  After what may have felt like a long and tedious paperwork process you have made it to matching! Have you ever heard the phrase “hurry up and wait”? Now that you have hurried through paperwork and completed everything on your end it’s time for your Foster Care Advocate to work on your behalf. For […]

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