What Is a Putative Birth Father Registry?

    If you have researched domestic infant adoption, you may have heard the terms putative father, putative father registry or birth father registry.  A putative father is a man who is believed to be the biological father of a child when he is not married to the mother at the time of birth.  Unfortunately […]

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Why Do We Support Open Adoption?

    I’ve been working in adoptions long enough to see the significant trend toward open adoptions over the past forty years. I recall sitting in meetings in the 70’ and 80’s with an Adoption Committee in the first agency where I worked doing the matching of birth parents and adoptive parents. Actually it was […]

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Supporting BirthParents Through Adoption

    Working with birthparents and seeing the emotions they go through in making the decision to place their child for adoption is not an easy task.  But it is necessary to support them through their adoption.  One way to prepare yourself to support a birth parent is by educating yourself.  There is a book […]

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Honoring Your Child's Birth Mom on Mother's Day

      Mother’s Day can be an emotional time for women.  Some women have lost their mothers while some have lost children, others are struggling with infertility, and some women have blessed others by way of adoption.  I was a woman who, for many years, struggled on Mother’s Day due to the pain and […]

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Searching : A Personal Journey of Searching For Birth Parents

  I grew up knowing that my mom was placed for adoption when she was an infant in the late 1950s.  My grandparents were unable to have children and worked with a private attorney to adopt my mom.  We had little to no information about her birthmother, and what little we may have had, was […]

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Life is a Gift

Most people rarely consider our very life as a work of God. In fact, we rarely think about life at all (we’re born, grow up and die). Many folks sadly believe an unborn baby isn’t a human life. Atheist Richard Dawkins tweeted back in 2013 that an unborn baby is less human than a pig! […]

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Domestic Adoption Support Group, Nov 29th

Domestic Adoption Support Group
Adult Adoptee to Present
Monday, Nov. 29th
Vine Community Church
4373 Wade Hampton Blvd.
Taylors, SC
7:00 p.m.

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"Adopt: The Option" - New Adoption Education DVD for youth groups

We are very pleased to announce that a new youth group curriculum, "Adopt: The Option," promoting adoption within teen peer groups is now available for Youth Directors nationwide.

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The Life of an Orphan: Video from Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family president Jim Daly talks about his experience as an orphan and why the church should be engaged in orphan care.

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Adoptive family Christmas testimony

My husband and I are the proud parents of five children: one birth son and four who we adopted. Would I adopt children that were born drug addicted, mentally challenged, children with ADHD and Fetal Alcohol Disorder? And, knowing what I know now, I say yes.

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