The Virtue of Doing

Recently I was asked by a colleague my thoughts regarding an adoptive couple who wanted to stand outside an abortion clinic and tell each woman that they would adopt the unborn child if  she would choose adoption over abortion. After considering the family's plans  for a moment and all the negative press that they could receive, I said it was all […]

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Adopted child returned to Russia

A response from Nightlight's Executive Director, Ron Stoddart: When a child is legally adopted in the United States, that child bears the same relationship to their adoptive parent(s) as a biological child would to their parents.  The adopting parents accept all of the rights and obligations of the parent-child relationship.  When a child is legally […]

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NPR Adoption Survey

This National Pubic Radio article is based on a survey to determine how children who were adopted fare. There is not a separation under the term "domestic" adoptions  for those adopted as infants, as opposed to those who were adopted by relatives--and usually older. It is estimated that 40% of all domestic (non-foster care) adoptions are by step-parents and relatives. Although […]

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Open to openness in adoption

Open to openness means that the adoptive parents should be willing to meet with the birth mother before the baby is born, be with her at the hospital, and provide her with pictures and letters after the child is placed with them.

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Should Christmas be canceled when you are pursuing adoption?

Tree, gifts, spiral ham and sparkling cider - we are not talking about gross excess here, but the simple things that are a traditional part of our culture. It’s the question of spending money that does not absolutely have to be spent while we are facing the inevitable reality of significant bills related to adoption.

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Adoption language: "parent" vs. "adoptive parent"

Over at the Adoption Guide's Advice page, I came across a document labeled "Accurate Adoption Language," which links to a PDF entitled "Positive Adoption Language." The fact sheet (reprinted from OURS Magazine, May/June 1992), has a fairly complete listing of preferred language (which it calls "positive") and dispreferred language (called "negative") for talking about adoption. […]

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JCICS issues position statement on I-600A renewals

Joint Council and others in our field have great concern regarding the one-time renewal of I-600A approvals and the impact on Potential Adoptive Parents (PAPs). It is very clear that the authors of the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 intended to ‘grandfather’ all I-600A petitions filed prior to the date on which the Hague Convention went into force in the United States (April 1, 2007). At the time the legislation was drafted, the authors did not foresee the lengthy processing time now associated with adoptions from countries such as China and Haiti.

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Vietnam Adoption Memorandum of Agreement expires today

Today, September 1, 2008, the current Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the United States and Vietnam expires.

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The Safest Place for Adoptive Families

Michael Monroe, leader of Irving Bible Church's adoption ministry Tapestry, believes that the church should be "the safest place on earth for adoptive and foster families." Unfortunately, it often is not. Read Michael's two-part series on this important topic: The Safest Place on Earth - Part 1 and Part 2. Check out Tapestry's many other […]

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Helping Your Adopted Child

Helping Your Adopted Child: Understanding Your Child's Unique Identity by Paul David Tripp Publisher's Description: Long before you decided to adopt, long before your child was born, God planned to put your adopted child into your home. Your child is an amazing gift from God, but nurturing an adopted child also brings unique challenges. Understanding […]

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