'Do Black kids sunburn?' and other crazy questions I had no one to ask in my adoption journey

Yesterday I had the opportunity of participating in the webinar that Carolina Hope's director Laura Beauvais-Godwin did for families who are considering transracial/transcultural adoption. It was a good experience for me, and I hope that those who participated gained a little insight into the world of parenting children who don’t look like us. Personally, I wish […]

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Book recommendation: Heirs with Christ: The Puritans on Adoption

Heirs with Christ: The Puritans on Adoption by Dr. Joel Beeke is a new book about the Christian theology of adoption. The book's forward is by Carolina Hope blogger Dan Cruver. (more...)

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Transracial Adoption: Talking about our extended families' response.

When we began adopting transracially, our families were very alarmed, and they didn’t hesitate to tell us. They were concerned about us being naive and unrealistic. About our ‘perfect’ one-boy-one-girl family being rocked so hard that it would be destroyed. They pointed out that with college expenses rising we couldn’t educate more than two -- […]

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Book recommendation: The Connected Child

The following is an informal book review by Claudia-Jacqueline Semar, M.Ed. She has granted us permission to reprint it here. Ms. Semar is the Executive Director of International Child Foundation. She has worked in adoptions for more than 15 years, and as an adoptive mother, she has first-hand experience in the things she writes about. […]

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Transracial Adoption: Windows and doors.

There are many countries and adoption programs that are closed to our family due to our income, age, family size and ethnicity. It is probably good that they are closed, as I have been accused of a tendency toward ‘adoption addiction’ -- and it just makes it easier to find the specific paths that God […]

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The Importance of Adoption within the Story of Redemption (Part 6)

Part Six: The Trinity and Adam's Sonship (read the other parts here) We concluded Part Five by asking this question: In what sense was Adam a son of God? Have you ever considered why it is that God is three persons and not just one? (This question is relevant to our discussion of Adam's sonship. […]

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The Importance of Adoption within the Story of Redemption (Part 5)

Part 5: The Question (read the other parts here) As I have tried to demonstrate in parts 3 and 4 in this series, it really is not difficult to recognize the importance of adoption in Paul's thought. It clearly plays a central role in the outworking of the history of redemption. Adoption precedes human history […]

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The Importance of Adoption within the Story of Redemption (Part 4)

Part 4: Quick Survey of Adoption's Marking Function (read the other parts here) As I noted in part 3, God’s work of adoption has a “marking” function in the grand story of redemption. It plays a leading role from before the beginning of the unfolding story of redemption (before God created the world) all the […]

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The Importance of Adoption within the Story of Redemption (Part 3)

Part 3: Adoption’s Importance and Recovery (read the other parts here) So how important is the doctrine of adoption and why should it be recovered? Its importance should not be evaluated by considering the number of times the term adoption is actually used in Scripture. One of the other reasons adoption has been neglected in […]

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Transracial Adoptive Parenting: Even 'The Talk' is affected

It’s been a long week, with more than the usual adoption issues to deal with and more than the expected number of stares and comments from strangers. I sat down on Tuesday to have the ‘Where Babies Come From,’ discussion with my three oldest kids and realized that even there I have to think through […]

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