How I was Impacted by Adoption

My name is Romy, I’m 20 years old, I was born in Colombia and I was adopted on 2018. Since I got adopted my life has changed a lot. Adoption has give me the opportunity to grow, to learn, and to experience what is like to have a family.   I had grown not only physically […]

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What Adoption Has Taught Me

I Love Who I Was, Who I Am, and Who I Am Becoming As I enter the waiting room of my therapist’s office, I realize how much lighter my chest feels, how much more confident I have become, and how thankful I am for all the events and opportunities this life has brought me thus […]

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Introducing: International Adoption from the Dominican Republic

Nightlight Christian Adoptions is happy to announce we were licensed to work in the Dominican Republic on May 6th, 2021 and are currently accepting applications for families looking to adopt internationally. Children available for adoption range from young toddlers to children in their teens and are of mostly Hispanic or bi-racial decent, some children may […]

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How to Protect Yourself from an Adoption Scam

When I first began working as a member o the adoption community, I imagined that many twists, turns, ups and downs could be part of the adoption process. However, adoption scams were not something that I anticipated coming into contact with. Adoption scams can affect adoption professionals and hopeful adopting parents alike, and can be […]

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Parents Education Beyond Required Training Hours

Fourteen hours… That is the number of training hours that the state required of my husband and me before adopting our first child from foster care. In fourteen hours we learned why children come into care and how that experience may manifest in the behavior of the child. We learned that there is loss, grief, […]

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Celebrating the Holidays with Foster Children

For many people, Christmas is a fun and joyous time, full of eager anticipation for the presents under the tree and the traditions we are so used to.  For children in foster care, however, this time of year can be anxiety-inducing, full of negative memories, and a time of change as you move between homes.  […]

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11 Things My Church Can do to Support Adoption and Foster Care

For PDF of this info for your church, please download this flyer The partnership between adoption agencies and churches is vital.  What can your church do to join us in the gospel mandate to care for the orphan?  Several things: Financial support Viewing us as an extension of your pro-life ministry, make a monthly or […]

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Why Do Foster Families Quit in the First Year?

With more than 430,000 kids in out of home care each year in the United States, we often hear about the need for more foster homes. You might be surprised to learn that the biggest challenge facing the government-run system is not recruitment, but retention of qualified families. Research shows that one- half to two-thirds […]

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Gratitude in the Face of Struggle

November heralds our Thanksgiving celebrations and festivities! I know many people who love this celebration because they describe Thanksgiving as the least commercialized holiday. Just as many people approach this time with a bit of dread…because the “thanksgiving” and “gratitude” in people’s lives seems all too manufactured, inauthentic and painted on. I see both sides. […]

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Value of Openness in Adoption

While openness has become a more common practice in the adoption community, it can still be a relatively new reality for some to have an open relationship with their child’s birth parents. The term “open adoption” typically is used to refer to adoptions in which all parties are known to each other and have some […]

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