Performance Quality Improvement 2023 Q1

Nightlight Christian Adoptions continues to grow and improve. Each quarter, we prepare a quarterly Performance Quality Improvement report. If you would like to see our improvement, please click the link below to our PQI Quarterly report. PQI Quarterly Report Q1 2023

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Partnership Parenting in Foster Care

  The reality of foster care is that many professionals and families focus on the children and forget about the parents of these children. The Department of Family and Children Services (2009) describes partnership parenting in foster care as a family-centered approach that merges the dual roles of placement and rehabilitation into one path. It […]

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Who is Who in Foster Care

  With each child or youth placed in a home there comes a team of professionals all dedicated to working together to make sure that each child has their needs met, feelings heard, and long term goals driving their decisions. For many it can get confusing as to what role everyone is playing, and who […]

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Honoring and Connecting with Birth Mothers

  Have you ever loved someone so much that the thought of losing them terrifies you? Imagine getting to know someone for 9 months of your life, feeling their every movement, enduring sleepless nights, and many days of discomfort. These physical and emotional struggles cannot be ignored or avoided before having to say goodbye to […]

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Christian is our Middle Name

What does it mean for Nightlight to be a "Christian" agency?  How do we express our faith?  We share God's truth and love in the following ways:  Monday prayer time on Teams and Bible Study Monday morning prayer time in offices  Speaking to Our Clients Through Scripture printed booklets for all staff to use with […]

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International Adoption Spotlight: Nigeria

  Nightlight opened our international adoption program in Nigeria in 2016 when we began a partnership with Morgan Hill Children Foundation. Morgan Hill is currently the only organization licensed by the Ministry of Youth and Development to provide adoption services in Lagos, Nigeria. They are a non-profit organization that is dedicated to humanitarian and children advocacy […]

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National Infertility Awareness Week: Dangerous Infertility Myths

  If you're considering expanding your family through adoption, chances are you've faced or are currently grappling with infertility—a challenge experienced by about one in eight couples in the U.S. Upon receiving an infertility diagnosis, individuals often encounter a plethora of misinformation, ranging from misconceptions and half-truths to anecdotes and outright myths. This misinformation can […]

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What is the difference between Christian Agency and one that is not?

What makes an adoption or foster agency Christian?  This question can be answered in a variety of ways: 1. Motive.  Nightlight was founded in 1959 when a group of churches who belonged to the National Association of Evangelicals noticed that there was a need for more families to adopt babies from unplanned pregnancy.  This was […]

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Why do we encourage Facebook groups that include our staff?

Nightlight requires families to sign a social media policy where they agree not to post "information concerning the child or your particular adoption case in chat rooms, discussion boards, websites, and online journals/diaries" with the exception that "a family may create a by-invitation-only page for the purpose of updating family and friends about the adoption." […]

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Has God Called You to Adopt?

  “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 Have you ever felt God has called you to adopt a child in need? Any time someone brings up adoption do you sense a coaxing in your heart to support children who need safe homes? Have you already determined […]

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