In previous blog posts, we described “positive adoption language,” which refers to the careful use of language when speaking about adoption.
We recommend careful consideration to the terms used when speaking about embryo adoption. Embryos are human beings, and they deserve to be spoken of with reverence.
Below we list several terms and a suggested alternate:
Recommended | Not recommended |
Placing parents | Donor parents or genetic parents |
Embryos or frozen embryos or remaining embryos | Leftover or spare embryos |
Babies are born from embryos of all qualities | Bad embryos |
Embryo adoption | Embryo donation |
Giving embryos an opportunity at life outside of the freezer | Chance at life, saving embryos, rescue embryos |
Here are further examples for positive language in the world of adoption.
Positive Language | Negative Language |
Birthparent | Real parent |
Biological parent | Natural parent |
Birth child | Own child |
My child | Adopted child |
Terminate parental rights | Give up |
Make an adoption plan | Give away |
To parent | To keep |
Was adopted | Is adopted |
Below are two other blog posts on this subject: