KMOX News Radio

From the freezer to the womb; the option of embryo adoption. The Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program started in 1997 and was the first of its kind.

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ABC News: PrimeTime: Embryo Adoption

The Grays did not like any of the options for their remaining embryos. They believe life begins at conception, that each of the embryos is their genetic offspring, a human being and their responsibility. They wanted to know their offspring would be well taken care of, and they wanted to find parents who were college-educated […]

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World Magazine

A Chance at Life: Embryo adoptions are increasingly popular thanks in part to a government grant created by an unlikely senator.

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Refuge Radio - Interview with Dan & Nicole

An interview with Refuge Radio about Nightlight Christian Adoptions and the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program.

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The Christian Post

The complicated legal rights of embryos as infertility grows. Embryo adoption is emerging as a new frontier in the world of adoption. Adoptive mothers can carry and birth an embryo that’s not biologically their own, giving life to the embryos that are filling up fertility clinic freezers.

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WGGTV: Nite Line - Kimberly Tyson Interview

Kimberly Tyson was the follow-on guest for the Nite Line program on WGGS TV featuring Nate Birt.  Kimberly answers the host’s questions regarding the particulars of embryo donation and adoption and why the viewer may be interested in this unique form of adoption.

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WGGSTV: Nite Line - Nate Birt Interview

Recently Nate Birt, a Snowflakes dad, was a guest on the Nite Line cable TV program. Nate recently released his book called “Frozen, But Not Forgotten” about his own embryo adoption journey. Nate shares with the program host his special insights as an adopting dad. (The segment begins at 7:50.)

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Ozarks First

Family struggling with infertility prepares for embryo adoption. It’s been about 10 years since Nick and Amanda Polking first tried to start a family. After visiting the doctor, they spent a year trying to track down why it wasn’t working. They were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. The Polking’s were surprised to learn about another way […]

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Ministry in the Marketplace: A Living Sacrifice

An interview with Kimberly Tyson from Nightlight Christian Adoptions, the director of the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption program. She’ll share how the team at Nightlight is impacting families by guiding them through the adoption process of choosing life. The interview starts about 12 minutes into the podcast.

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WDJT: Embryo adoption helps Pewaukee couple become parents

Their journey to parenthood started with a gift from a couple a thousand miles away from their home in Pewaukee

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