Snowflakes is a guest on Prolife Primetime News

Leslie and Theresa chat with Kimberly Tyson, VP of Snowflakes Embryo Adoption, on a Prolife Primetime News segment. March 17, 2023 The segment begins at 23:17.

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“Embryo Adoption? I’ve never heard of that before!”

Most people haven’t heard of embryo adoption before – even people who are struggling to find a solution to their infertility diagnosis. Embryo adoption is a fantastic option available to families who cannot conceive naturally, but strongly desire to become pregnant and give birth. Embryo adoption allows you to give birth to your adopted child! Embryo […]

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1,000 babies born through Colorado agency offering “adoption” of frozen embryos

Colorado is home to one of the most prolific embryo adoption agencies in the country, which has led to the birth of more than 1,000 babies.

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Legal Reader: Won’t Somebody Think of the Children?

Frozen embryos exist in a strange place, between property and personhood, bridging the future and the laws of the past.

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Yes!FM Radio: Interview with Rodney & Mary Leah

Rodney & Mary Leah speak with Yes!FM Radio in Toledo Ohio about their experience through the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program, and their babies Dalton and Mary Elizabeth, Snowflakes Babies #1,000 & #1,001!

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The Adoption Connection: The World’s First Embryo Adoptee Comes Full Circle

Hannah Strege is the first adopted frozen embryo in the world, adopted through the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption program at Nightlight Christian adoptions. She shares the importance of adoptees knowing their origin story, how she navigates her open adoption, and how adoption impacts her identity.

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Embryo Adoption Agency Celebrates 1,000th Birth

NCA Snowflakes® Embryo Adoption, the only accredited embryo adoption program in the world, has announced the 1,000th birth of a child resulting from the agency’s efforts to match donated frozen embryos with adopting families.

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The Federalist: There’s Only One Way For The 1 Million Embryos Stuck In Frozen Orphanages To Make It Out Alive: Adoption

‘We believe that life begins at conception, and so we believe that each of those little frozen lives is a human being that deserves an opportunity to be born.’

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Lives in Limbo: A Case for Embryo Adoption

Scripture and tradition tell us something astonishing about our embryonic brothers and sisters currently being kept in frozen storage: they are a vulnerable population that perhaps demands our attention the most. Indeed, embryo adoption appears to be smack-dab in the center of the demands of the Gospel.

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BreakPoint: A Young Family Chooses the ‘Gospel-Centered, Imago Dei-Affirming Way’

We are grateful, not just in spite of these infertility, adoption, miscarriage, and heart defect struggles, but for them. He has used all of this to draw us closer to Him.

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