Philippines Adoption Program

The Philippines is party to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Hague Adoption Convention). Therefore, all intercountry adoptions between The Philippines and the United States must meet the requirements of the Convention and U.S. law implementing the Convention. Philippines adoptions are conducted through a collaborative effort of a Hague accredited adoption agency in the U.S. and by the National Authority for Child Case (NACC). PHILIPPINES VISUAL PROGRAM GUIDE

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To learn more about our Philippines Adoption Program, you may contact us, call Viktoriia at our office at (970) 663-6799, or email her at

  • Prospective adoptive parents must be Christian.
  • Prospective adoptive parents must be at least 27 years old.  The minimum age difference should not be less than 16 years (at the time of application), and maximum age gap difference no more than 45 years (at the time of matching).
  • Single applicant may apply.
  • A couple has to be married for at least 3 years.
  1. Make application to Nightlight Christian
  2. Begin your adoption home study and submit form I-800A to
  3. Begin to assemble your dossier. We will give you detailed
  4. Once USCIS has approved your adoption home study, you will receive your I-797C pre-approval notice.
  5. Once your USCIS approval has been received your dossier is complete, you will be registered to adopt in the Philippines.
  6. The National Authority for Child Case will add you to a list of waiting families and you can begin looking at the waiting children listed by NACC.
  7. Upon referral acceptance, you will complete your official referral review with Nightlight then file your I-800 with US Immigration.
  8. You will then travel to the Philippines an average of 5-7 days to receive your child and complete the visa medical and appointment.
  9. The children reside in orphanages while awaiting
  10. Philippines adoptions can take on average from 2-4 years in total depending on the age and special needs you are open to .

Only 1 trip is required for adoption from the Philippines. Once you are in country, you will meet your child and he/she will be with you for the duration of your stay. Required time in country is 5-7 days in length.  Some states in the Philippines will require you to be present for court thus lengthening your in country stay by several weeks.  You will pick up the child and their documents from the orphanage and then travel to the US Embassy in Manila where you will have your child evaluated at the medical clinic there and obtain their immigrant visa.

Nightlight Christian Adoptions is committed to preparing families for the adoption of a child with special needs. We provide pre- and post-adoption education and information regarding medical resources.

Philippines Adoption Program Details:

  • Single children above the age of seven are available, as well as sibling groups and children with special needs of all ages.
  • Prospective parents must be 27 years of age and married for 3 years. Singles may apply.
  • Referral time is typically 1-3 years after completion of your home study depending on the family’s openness to age, gender, and special needs.
  • The Philippines is an excellent program for families open to adopting older children. Learn more about adopting an older child HERE.

More Information on Philippine Adoptions

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