Interview: The Greenups on their Ethiopia Adoption

As many of you know, Carolina Hope has recently announced our new Ethiopia adoption program. With a population of approximately 80 million people, it is estimated that Ethiopia has between 4 and 5 million orphans. The situation is quickly becoming worse. It is believed that nearly half of Ethiopia's children will become orphans over the […]

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Book recommendation: Handbook of International Adoption Medicine

Published in 2005 by the Oxford University Press, Laurie C. Miller's Handbook of International Adoption Medicine: A Guide for Physicians, Parents, and Providers is both wide-ranging and thorough. Although I haven't personally had the opportunity to hold it in my hands, this adoption resource comes highly recommended. Handbook of International Adoption Medicine is written with […]

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USCIS press release: new rule governing Hague adoptions

In a press release yesterday USCIS announced an interim rule that will govern adoptions under the Hague. The announcement, which is reproduced below, essentially states that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has formalized the procedures that will govern international adoptions from countries that are party to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children. The interim […]

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Global Warming, Kyoto, and International Adoption

This morning, Bjorn Lomborg, author of Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming was interviewed on NPR's Morning Edition. Mr. Lomborg believes that global warming is a reality, and he believes that human activity is contributing to the problem. However, he rejects solutions like the Kyoto Protocol, because he believes these types of […]

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