Fundraising for your Snowflakes Adoption

  Embarking on the adoption journey through Snowflakes is an exciting and hopeful time! However, the financial aspects may be daunting for some families, with average costs ranging from $13,000 to $17,000 and clinic fees alone ranging from $4,000 to $10,000. At Nightlight, we believe that finances should not be a reason why families decide […]

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Embryo Adoption Grants & Scholarships

Starting the embryo adoption journey through the Snowflakes Program can be very exciting, but the financial component can take people by surprise. So, how can you pay for your embryo adoption? Adopting embryos does indeed have a cost, but the good news is that there are grants, scholarships, and loans out there that can help […]

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How to Support Your Family Member’s or Friend’s Adoption

Adoption can be a very emotional and financially challenging process where adoptive parents can experience high levels of stress and anxiety.  Whether a family is adopting domestically, internationally or through our Snowflakes program, prospective adoptive parents need the support of their family and friends rallying around them, as they go through the emotional roller coaster […]

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Overcoming a Millennial's Perceived Adoption Roadblocks

  Those born from the 1980s to the mid-1990s are what society calls millennials. It is not uncommon for individuals and couples born in this generation to delay traditional life milestones like marriage, home-buying, and parenting. With that said, there are a few perceived adoption roadblocks that are unique to this generation.   Finances   […]

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Adoption Fundraising during COVID19

You have embarked on the journey of a lifetime after much prayer, investigation, decision-making, and paperwork. You have committed to a huge financial commitment and are ready to begin fundraising, then the unthinkable happens – a pandemic. Large gatherings are out the window. Foundations have delayed application dates. What is an adoptive family to do? […]

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The Money Grab

      As an adoption professional working in private adoption, I am often confronted with what I call “The Money Grab” accusation.  Often, well-meaning people make grand sweeping statements about the cost of adoption, such as: “If you are a Christian organization, then why don’t you do this for free?” “Why does private adoption […]

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Understanding the Adoption Tax Credit

  Has anyone you’ve ever known (perhaps even you) had a deep and sincere desire to grow their family through adoption, but its price tag was so overwhelming and discouraging that they concluded there is no way I could EVER afford to adopt? And if that’s you, I truly understand.  Unfortunately, adoption is expensive and […]

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The Cost: An Analogy for Adoption Part 2

Nightlight’s most expensive international program is $28,000 in program fees.  Including all travel expenses and USCIS expenses, the adoption could cost as much as $49,000.  For a domestic program through Nightlight, you would pay only $24,000 in program fees. In order to receive this child into your home, here is what you will need to […]

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The Cost: An Analogy For Adoption Part1

Last weekend I visited the local Home and Garden Show and I was so inspired by the patio rooms displayed that I made an appointment for a salesman to visit my home. After talking with him about my desires for the room, he crunched the numbers. I had figured the room would cost around $25,000. […]

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Funding Your Adoption: It is Possible!

One of the first and most frequent questions I am asked when I speak with people about adoption is “How much does adoption cost?” While there are complexities in answering this question, I realize that many people ask this question in an attempt to determine if they can afford the adoption program fees. They have […]

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