Make Adoption a Wonderful Choice!

This article was written by Laura Godwin, Director of Carolina Hope, and originally published by The Greenville News on September 11th, 1997.  Since adoption law has not changed too much since then, we thought we would recirculate this thought-provoking article to encourage lawmakers to make state laws more pro-adoption. Make adoption wonderful choice, not humiliating […]

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Global Warming, Kyoto, and International Adoption

This morning, Bjorn Lomborg, author of Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming was interviewed on NPR's Morning Edition. Mr. Lomborg believes that global warming is a reality, and he believes that human activity is contributing to the problem. However, he rejects solutions like the Kyoto Protocol, because he believes these types of […]

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Al Jazeera, JCICS, and adoption (part 2)

Two days ago I posted about an adoption interview/debate on Al Jazeera's English network. This post is about the second half of that interview with Tom DiFilipo, President and CEO of the Joint Council on International Children's Services (JCICS), and Louise Melville, a Care and Protection Adviser for Save The Children. You can watch the […]

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Al Jazeera, JCICS, and adoption (part 1)

The English wing of the Arab news network Al Jazeera produced a piece last month about international adoption on their "Inside Story" program: "Guatemala Adoption Scandal" aired on 13 August 2007. The program featured two interviewees who went head-to-head on inter-country adoption: Tom DiFilipo, President and CEO of the Joint Council on International Children's Services […]

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State Adoption Laws: Illinois

Taken from The Complete Adoption Book by Laura Beauvais-Godwin (pp. 420-421). Can an attorney serve as an intermediary? Many attorneys do, but technically they should not. Is advertising permitted? Technically it is not permitted, but it is done extensively. Who must consent to the adoption? 1. The birth mother. 2. The birth father, if married […]

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State Adoption Laws: South Carolina

Taken from The Complete Adoption Book by Laura Beauvais-Godwin, Director of Carolina Hope (pp. 455-456). Can an attorney serve as an intermediary? Yes. A person who facilitates an adoption is not required to be licensed. Is advertising permitted? Yes. Who must consent to the adoption? 1. The birth mother. 2. The birth father, if he […]

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