Open Your Heart to Foster Adoption

Learn more about Nightlight's Foster Adoption program on

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Nightlight’s Position on “Re-Homing”

Recently the media has raised public awareness about children whose adoptions have been dissolved and the methods used to find news homes for these children.   The media has dubbed this practice as “rehoming.”    Sometimes these adoptions are called “disrupted adoptions,” but the technical term is dissolved if the adoptive family has already legally adopted […]

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Congratulations to the Timm Family

Nightlight Christian Adoptions and the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption would like to congratulate the Timm family on the birth of their triplet Snowflake Babies on December 17th. God Bless your new family.  

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Merry Christmas! The Miracle of Human Growth and Development

Excerpts from a speech made by L. Ralph Rohr, M.D., January 24, 1988 Two microscopic cells, egg and sperm, each smaller than a speck of dust, whose survival is short and their usual destiny is death, but for a unique encounter, in a unique time and place. Two separate incomplete ones, part of a man […]

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It's A Girl!

On the September 30 episode of The Katie Show, Kelli and Dan Gassman announced they are pregnant with their embryo adopted son Trevors genetic sibling. They said they would know the gender of the baby until November 8. Well, that date has passed and & drum roll please.... the Gassmans are welcoming a daughter into […]

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Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program Reaches 1,000 Donor Family

“I just want to know the couple who adopts my baby is going to be great parents.” That’s what Sarah said to me on the phone a couple days ago. You would expect that is a typical request from anyone considering an adoption plan. Less typical, however, was her next statement, “My baby has been […]

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Our Ethical Obligation to Embryos

eth•i•cal [eth-i-kuh l] adjective 1. pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct. 2. being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession. What is our moral obligation toward embryos? Nightlight developed the Snowflakes program […]

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Dr. Rachel Explains Embryo Adoption

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Did You Miss It? We Have You Covered

Katie Couric recently dedicated the opening segment of her nationally syndicated talk show to embryo donation and adoption. The segment, titled "Snowflake Babies" focused on the story of embryo adoptive parents Kelly and Dan Gassman and their 9-month-old son Trevor. Dr. Robin Poe Zeigler, a Reproductive Endocrinologist from New Hope Fertility Center, and our very […]

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Adopt A New Attitude

LETS ADOPT from GP on Vimeo.

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