Honoring Memorial Day With Your Family

  I’m an “Army Brat.” If that term is unfamiliar to you, it’s a common description of a child who has a parent in the U.S. Army. “Army Brats” are often born in another country, or a small town in the middle of nowhere, U.S.A.  We move around a lot, make fast friends, say goodbye […]

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Funding Your Adoption: It is Possible!

One of the first and most frequent questions I am asked when I speak with people about adoption is “How much does adoption cost?” While there are complexities in answering this question, I realize that many people ask this question in an attempt to determine if they can afford the adoption program fees. They have […]

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Nightlight's Hosting Program: An Adoption Story

Did you know that Nightlight was the very first adoption agency to do hosting?  In the early 90’s Nightlight brought over a tour group of older children from Russia. Today’s Feel Good Friday story is brought to you by hosting. Over Christmas 2009, I was working in the South Carolina office and we were assisting […]

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Foster Parent Appreciation Month: Testimony from Katie & Brad

  Brad and I found out a couple years ago it would most likely not happen that we would have children. Was it sad? Yes. Was it the end? NO! God chose this path for our lives and we could not imagine it any other way now! We always talked about adoption even before we […]

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Honoring Your Child's Birth Mom on Mother's Day

      Mother’s Day can be an emotional time for women.  Some women have lost their mothers while some have lost children, others are struggling with infertility, and some women have blessed others by way of adoption.  I was a woman who, for many years, struggled on Mother’s Day due to the pain and […]

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Combining Kids By Birth & Adoption

Choosing to grow your family through adoption is not an easy or quick decision for parents. Mountains of thought, discussion, research and prayer are involved when embarking on this life changing journey. Now, think about all of these very adult concepts through the eyes of a child. Your biological children hold a very special place […]

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Home Safe Every Night

  Today we have a guest blog post from Billy Cuchens, an adoptive father of children from Domestic Infant Adoption and Foster Care. He shares on an important issue to consider as a transracial adoptive family. (Heather McAnear, Post Adoption Center Coordinator) We live a couple blocks from a Baptist church which holds bible study […]

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Searching : A Personal Journey of Searching For Birth Parents

  I grew up knowing that my mom was placed for adoption when she was an infant in the late 1950s.  My grandparents were unable to have children and worked with a private attorney to adopt my mom.  We had little to no information about her birthmother, and what little we may have had, was […]

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Easter: Where Our Hope Rests

    It was Good Friday two years ago that we landed on U.S. soil completing the adoption of our first child.  We had endured a long and grueling wait to bring him home, and we were met with a joyous celebration that Easter weekend as friends and family welcomed us home.  Since then, we […]

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Help Ian Save Adoptions

The Hinton Family wants to make sure that you are aware of the petition to the White House to save adoptions. If you haven’t already, please take time to sign it! Here’s how you can help! Go to adoption.com or saveadoptions.org and you will see a link to sign the petition. This only takes a minute or so. REMEMBER, […]

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