February 14, 2024

Introducing Adoptions from the Philippines


This year marks a significant milestone for Nightlight Christian Adoptions as we have acquired licensing to include the Philippines into our International Adoption Programs as of January 2024. This expansion opens up new opportunities for families seeking to grow their families through adoption. The Philippines is an appealing choice for prospective adoptive parents because of its diverse cultural experience, adherence to Hague convention standards, and comprehensive support services.

Currently the program is only open to prospective families that practice Christianity or Catholicism. We are also accepting single applicants who would like to apply for older children in the program. Prospective adoptive parents must be at least 27 years older to apply; minimum age difference should not be less than 16 years, and max age gap can be no more than 45 years.

Key Features of the Philippines Adoption Program:

Diverse Cultural Experience: One of the standout features of the Philippines adoption program is the opportunity for families to engage in a diverse cultural experience. The Philippines, is located in Southeast Asia it comprises of 7,641 islands! It is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and rich cultural diversity. Philippines is home to approximately 115.56 million inhabitants, spread across 17 regions. Manila, the capital city, serves as the heart of this nation, offering a glimpse into the country's historical and diverse culture. Another fun fact is that karaoke is a very important part of culture in the Philippines, and you will find an abundance of karaoke stations throughout the country and inside nearly every home. Making it a fun and inexpensive past time activity for all ages.

Children Available: The program offers a wide range of adoptable children, each with their unique backgrounds, traditions, and stories. Generally, the average range of children in the program typically falls between 2-15 years old. Many of these children often have minor special needs and there is often a great need for prospective adoptive families to adopt sibling groups of two or more. These children come from difficult upbringings, and are in need of families that will help them thrive in a loving, compassionate, and stable home. Currently, the country has a temporary moratorium on prospective adoptive applicants seeking to adopt children under 6 years old. They are accepting applications for families open to adopting children 6 years and older with wide acceptance of the medical, developmental, and parental background of the children.

Hague Accredited Program: The Philippines adoption program operates under the framework of the Hague Convention in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. Being Hague Accredited signifies a commitment to international standards that facilitate cooperation between countries in matters of adoption. It also ensures the protection of children's rights throughout the adoption process, promoting ethical and transparent practices. The central agency that our program will be working with is NACC (National Authority for Child Care) it regulates the adoption process specifically in Philippines. The protection of the children is always priority number one.

Support Services: Nightlight understands that the adoption journey can be both exciting and challenging. We are here to assist families through every step of the process from the initial inquiry stage to the post-placement of the child. The Philippines adoption program comes with strong support services that include clear guidelines, communication, compassion, and comprehensive educational training to ensure that adopting families are well prepared for the responsibilities and joys of international adoption.

The addition of the Philippines to Nightlight Christian Adoption's International Adoption Programs opens up a world of possibilities for families seeking to grow their families through adoption. Nightlight encourages interested individuals to reach out for further information and inquiries. Whether you are at the beginning of your adoption journey or have specific questions about the Philippines program, the Nightlight team is here to provide you with support and guidance.

If you have any inquiries or require further information regarding the Philippines adoption program, please reach out to Victoriia@nightlight.org.

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