December 8, 2021

11 Things My Church Can do to Support Adoption and Foster Care

For PDF of this info for your church, please download this flyer

The partnership between adoption agencies and churches is vital.  What can your church do to join us in the gospel mandate to care for the orphan?  Several things:

Financial support

  • Viewing us as an extension of your pro-life ministry, make a monthly or annual commitment from your mission or evangelism budget to fund our birth mother fund or adoption grant fund.


  • Volunteer for events (picnic, gala)
  • Provide respite for families to have a break (weekend, or even date night)


  • Refer women in crisis pregnancy
  • Refer families to our foster and adoption programs


  • Creation of an adoptive/foster family support group


  • Observance of Orphan Sunday (eg, first Sunday in Nov) where we have a table, show a video, have a family speak about their experience, preach about the biblical mandate for adoption
  • Host an adoption conference with all the local agencies to present and exhibit
  • Orphan host summer tour: get a group of families to host a child for a month, or have kids attend church and recognize their attendance to draw attention to the program)
  • Annual plea to congregation to get their embryos out of storage and donate them to Snowflakes, give them life!


  • Join us on a mission trip to an orphanage

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